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Under the pure blue moonlight, a strange and frightening scene emerged on the wild land.

I don't know if it's because of the moonlight or the heavy snow. Many lifeless "dead things" came to life like living things. They started to wander in the heavy snow, attacking all living things that they could come into contact with.

Beasts, birds, players, and intelligent creatures are all the targets of these strange existences.

The tragic howling echoed in the wilderness.

Looking down at the earth from the sky, you can see that in the pure white snow, sporadic blood-colored plum blossoms are already blooming at this time. They are the blood of creatures killed by strange creatures!

A bison ran wildly in the snow, and a stone bear was chasing after it. At the corner, the bison fought back with the help of the terrain, and pushed the stone bear off the cliff heavily. A ferocious tree vine that broke through the ground pierced the bison's chest, threw it into the air, and fell heavily!

A peacock fluttered its wings and flew high into the sky, but before its wings could fully spread, it was instantly thrown down by a black shadow, followed by the sound of flesh being torn and bones snapped...

The peacock fell down in the snow, and what was biting it... turned out to be a monkey corpse that had become a skeleton!

An antelope wanted to cross the mountain stream, but it was tightly wrapped by the mud gushing from the swamp below, and it was dragged straight down. The swamp was like a wriggling snot monster, and the antelope was completely swallowed by a few surges.

Horrible killings were staged in the wilderness.

And it's definitely not just beasts that are affected, many players' safe houses have also been invaded by strange creatures.

"Damn it? Am I insane? Why did I just see a tree outside the safe house grow legs and start running wildly in the snow?"

"Help! I'm going crazy! Two stone monsters are crashing into my door. They were originally used to press down the safety house's fixed ropes. I don't know how they came alive... They are about to come in!"

"It's so exciting, can you imagine that I was attacked by a drying rack I made just now! Where is this wilderness in the doomsday wasteland? This is simply the night of ghosts in the spirit world!"

"Following this trend, maybe we can even see vampires and zombies...By the way, speaking of vampires and zombies, I have a question. If a person is bitten by them at the same time, what will happen?"

"I know this problem, it will turn into a vampire! Because the zombies belong to the Qing Dynasty and have unequal treaties with the West!"

"Hahaha I'm stupid, **** joke... Wait, something's wrong! This is a national humiliation!"

In the world channel, the world view of the players who witnessed the strange events almost collapsed. It is hard for everyone to imagine that the dangers on this land include poor resources and intelligent creatures of beast players. There is also a third type of weirdness. strength!

If the players still have the means to deal with the threat of resources and other creatures, then almost everyone fell into a state of anxiety and bewilderment about the strange recovery event that happened tonight.

Most players don't know how to deal with this power to revive "dead things".

With knives and guns? use fire?

"Who has a way to deal with this kind of ghost thing? A dryad is running towards my safe house! Can anyone provide a way to deal with it, I am willing to use all resources!"

"God, please save your people..."

"The great Brahma..."

Many players prayed and chanted to the gods in despair. For a while, various spells such as Buddhist scriptures, Bibles, Taoist mantras, and exorcism spells frantically swiped the screen on the world channel, but soon, as the first safe house was breached, players Only then did they realize that these weird creatures didn't respond to the spell at all!

The gods believed by the players did not bestow divine power in this desperate moment!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of knocking on the door still resounded outside Lu Yan's safe house. Unlike before, the sound became more frequent and intense at this time, as if the two snowmen outside the door had begun to go hysterical.

Lu Yan frowned. He also saw the speeches of the players in the world channel, and knew that this situation was not an exception. In this heavy snow, many strange creatures had recovered and wandered in the wilderness.

To be honest, Lu Yan was also a little apprehensive at this moment.

In terms of the firepower and equipment he currently is not afraid of the invasion of any creature, nor is he afraid of going to war with any force head-on, but facing this strange creature at this time, he does not know that his gun Will the gun work.

The unknown is the source of fear.

"According to the current situation, these two snowmen can't break through my door at all. Although they are weird, they don't have the ability to pass through the wall at will like ghosts..." Lu Yan observed the movement outside the door through the monitoring screen. The upgraded stone gate is extremely heavy, no matter how the two snowmen collide and tear, they can't shake it at all: "However, no one can guarantee that there will be bigger and stronger monsters finding my place in the future. If something like The giant dryad mentioned in the World Channel appears, and my gate may not be able to stop it!"

After thinking for a while, Lu Yan felt that he had to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and he couldn't hide in the safe house like an ostrich, otherwise, once the gate was breached, he would be helpless!

The two snowmen in front of me look relatively weak. If you want to find a way to kill this monster, it is most appropriate to start with these two guys!

He should not passively defend, he must actively attack!

Lu Yan picked up the shotgun and walked towards the gate, but after hesitating for a while, he still carried it on his shoulder, and picked up a spear and a flintlock gun again.

Although he also wants to use high firepower to solve everything, the problem is that he has less than fifteen bullets left. Once used up, the shotgun, a big killer, will be useless, so we must save now!

Lu Yan put on fish scale armor, put on a steel helmet, and came to the gate fully armed, adjusted his breathing, took a deep breath, and suddenly opened the gate!

The biting cold wind mixed with snowflakes is coming!


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