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The sound of bones and flesh being chewed, accompanied by bursts of sinister sneers came from the depths of the temple, making all the creatures who heard it tremble, and the deepest fear in their hearts was hooked up.

Including the leader, all the pig-headed people knelt down on both sides of the temple devoutly. They put their foreheads close to the ground, expressing their humble submission and awe in the dust!

boom boom boom...

Seven giant dead creatures walked towards the temple with unrecognizable steps. They were already covered with pig-headed blood, and the life crystals in their bodies were enough to repair their bodies six or seven times and fight continuously for two hours. above.

Faced with the approaching of these monsters, the leader of the pig-headed man suppressed his fear and let out another roar into the depths of the temple.

"The tribe is facing a disaster of extinction, please protect us from the ancestor gods and leave a continuation of the fire for the tribe!"

With this roar, the sound of chewing flesh and bones in the temple disappeared. It seemed that the goat had been completely swallowed. The sound of the iron chain dragging the ground was getting closer and closer to the gate of the temple. The leader who ate the goat said The [Ancestral God] has slowly come out!

Under the strong sunlight, a figure only two meters high appeared inside the gate of the temple.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes.

Facing the sun, he couldn't see the real appearance of the thing clearly for a while, he could only see a vague outline.

It looks like a slender figure, covered in pitch black, with unnaturally long arms, almost close to the ground, very similar in shape to the [Slender Ghost] in Western ghost stories!


Kadylov took out a pair of sunglasses from somewhere, broke them off, and handed half of them to Lu Yan. The two held a piece of black lens to block the sunlight, and looked at the [slender ghost] again.

"Fuck, this is...a ghost monkey?" Lu Yan felt his scalp tingle when he saw the real appearance of that thing, and couldn't help but curse.

Putting on the sunglasses, Lu Yan finally saw clearly what the [ancestor god] looked like when he came out of the pig-headed ancestral temple. It was a thin gibbon like a skeleton, with lush black hair growing all over his body. It was covered with a mixture of grease and blood, and after the precipitation of time, it had already been covered with a layer of armor-like things.

Its claws look like daggers, narrow and sharp, with a length of thirty centimeters. Lu Yan has no doubts about its lethality. One claw of this thing can definitely disembowel a rhinoceros!

What shocked Lu Yan the most was that this gibbon actually had a big **** mouth in its abdomen, which stretched across its entire waist and was 50 cm long. And ballast!

There is a rusty iron chain wrapped around its neck, which looks very old. The chain has already penetrated deep into its flesh and blood, and through the gap of the chain, you can see the scars that have already turned black and rotted inside.

After it appeared, the evil and filthy aura before became intense instantly. Even though they were separated by hundreds of meters, Lu Yan could still feel a layer of goosebumps appearing on his skin.

This monster-like gibbon gave him a worse feeling than the mummy general before, making people want to escape!

Kadilov stared at the other party for a long time, suddenly slapped his thigh, and said in a deep voice, "I know what it is!"


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