Lu Yan's speech quickly aroused heated discussions among many players.

After closing the world chat channel, Lu Yan felt a little emotional. From the speeches of many players just now, he can see that many people lack basic knowledge of survival in the wild, and they don't even know the function of plant ash.

Under the modern civilized social system, people enjoy the benefits brought about by the rapid advancement of science and technology, but at the same time lose some of their ability to live independently.

It's no wonder that the casualty rate of the players is so horrific. In just two days, the death toll is close to half of the total number!

Lu Yan glanced at the number of survivors and got up from the hammock.

Had a good night's sleep last night and he feels refreshed now.

"Yesterday, it was late at night, so I didn't dare to patrol farther places rashly. Today, I must rely on the talent of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages to find more and more precious resources!" Lu Yan opened his personal information interface, and the use behind the talent The count has been refreshed.

Lu Yan opened the manufacturing interface.

In order to store the daily groundwater produced in the extractor, he decided to build a water storage.

Stainless steel pots need to be cooked and cannot be used as water storage containers for a long time, so it is necessary to build a bucket.

[Do you choose to make the basic tool: wooden barrel? 】

[Need to consume 1 unit of wood! 】

【Manufacturing success】

【The current survival point is 111】

[Basic tool manufacturing proficiency +2 (8/30)]

Following several reminders, a brand new wooden barrel of ordinary quality appeared at the foot of Lu Yan.

Its capacity is about fifteen liters. After evacuating today's extraction share, the height of the water only covers the bottom of a bucket.

"Save slowly, one day, I can realize the freedom of water!" Lu Yan was in a good mood, took out 200g of almond biscuits mixed with mineral water and drank it.

After doing all this, he skillfully put on the old leather armor, carried the longbow and quiver on his back, and was ready to go out with a steel ax in hand.

After the incident of the mutated lynx yesterday, Lu Yan became much more cautious, and he would be fully armed whenever he went out.

In the dangerous wilderness, it never hurts to be cautious.

Pushing open the door of the shelter, the morning breeze mixed with warm sunshine came oncoming.

But Lu Yan was not in the mood to pay attention to these things at this time, his pupils suddenly constricted, and they gathered at a certain place directly in front of him!

"This is...the door!"

Right in front of the Luyan safe house, the dry bush where the mutant lynx was lurking yesterday was shrouded in a smoky thing, and at the very front of the smog, a rusty bronze gate stood quietly. There!

Secret Ruins!

At the first moment when he saw this bronze door, these four words immediately flashed in Lu Yan's brain!

The gate looked extremely old, covered with brown rust and stains.

And the smoke behind the gate squirmed and drifted gently, and the specific situation inside could not be seen clearly, but an extremely long-lasting and extremely mysterious aura was coming.

"I didn't expect that I just learned about the ruins of the secret realm yesterday, and I came across one today!" Lu Yan looked at the entrance of the ruins less than 300 meters away from the gate of his safe house, his eyes were shining brightly, and he held his hands tightly. His steel ax and longbow: "Since I have encountered it, there is no reason to miss it..."

Exploring the ruins is imperative.

As he said before, in any kind of thing, it is the pioneers who take all the benefits.

And according to Yuan Wenya's information yesterday, there is no restriction on exiting the ruins. This entrance is so close to your own safe house. Once there is any situation that you can't deal with, you can immediately withdraw to the safe house. There is no chance of injury. After exiting the ruins The situation of being ambushed to pick up the corpse!

But if it refreshes to a farther place next time, the difficulty will increase a lot!

"However, my current defense seems to be a little weaker, which always makes people feel a little uneasy..." Lu Yan looked down at his equipment. In front of the sophisticated steel ax and longbow, this old leather armor looked a bit out of place .

There are many dangers in the ruins, you must upgrade your equipment!

Open the [Upgrade] system.

Aiming at the leather armor on his body, two prompts popped up soon.

[Upgrade Direction 1: Upgrade to Light Fish Scale Armor, moderately increase defense, need 15 Survival Points]

[Upgrade Direction 2: Upgrade to plate armor, which will greatly increase the defense power and greatly weaken the power of the function, requiring 30 survival points]

Seeing these two upgrade directions, Lu Yan decisively chose upgrade direction one.

Although plate armor has higher defense, it is too heavy! Wearing it, I am afraid that I will be exhausted if I can't walk two steps. In ancient times, plate armor was only equipped by European heavy cavalry. Without the assistance of horses, this thing is a lump of iron!

As for the light fish scale armor, this is a kind of military armor that is closer to the ancient Yanhuang. It is made of leather and cloth inside, and the outside is sewn with thin iron sheets. Although the defense is weaker than that of plate armor, it weighs only 10 It weighs about 100 pounds, and the movement of each joint is basically free from any restrictions, which is very flexible.

Lu Yan took out 3 units of iron blocks, and after watching the survival point requirement drop from 15 to 5, he immediately clicked OK to upgrade.

With a flash of blue light, the dilapidated leather armor on Lu Yan's body suddenly transformed into an ancient battle armor shining with silver fish scale armor]

[Defense: 3 (the scale armor can resist the stabbing of light cold weapons such as knives and swords)]

[Explanation: I am General Hanwei! 】

Feeling the heavy sense of security in his body, Lu Yan held the steel ax tightly in one hand and the longbow in the other, and strode towards the gate of the ruins.

Although everything was prepared, Lu Yan's main purpose of entering the ruins this time was not to fight with possible enemies in the ruins.

His main purpose is to explore the... rules in the ruins.

As long as you figure out the rules in the ruins and walk in the ruins according to the rules, your chances of survival are much higher than going in with a reckless head.

Although Lu Yan killed a mutant lynx yesterday, he didn't think that his current combat power could be compared with some masters. If he didn't rely on the strength of his weapons, he was just a little stronger than ordinary people.

"After entering the ruins, you must pay attention to the terrain and environment of the things in the ruins... Try to avoid fighting, but if you encounter a situation where you must fight, you must kill the enemy in the shortest possible time!" Lu Yan whispered to himself .

He has reached the foot of the gate of the ruins.

The bronze gate stood there quietly, and there was a gap between the two gates that could accommodate a single person.

Lu Yan tried to look inside, but saw that the place where he entered was in chaos, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"It seems that if you don't enter the ruins, you can't peep into anything inside the ruins..." Lu Yan muttered, took a deep breath, and stepped into the bronze gate.

Moments before entering, he looked up to the top of the gate.

There, there is a big red character that is extremely conspicuous.


The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!

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