Teacher Zhang threw the ax with his last strength. After seeing Wang Yue being knocked down by him, he also sat down on the ground with a plop, panting continuously.

He had been relying on his bad breath towards Wang Yue to support him until now. The soaring adrenaline made him feel no pain and fatigue for a while, but when he relaxed now, he felt as if his body was being gnawed by countless poisonous insects After eating, the severe pain made him unable to help but scream out.

But at this moment, Wang Yue, who was supposed to "die", suddenly trembled again and got up from the ground!

The back of his head, face, and back were bleeding continuously, and he looked like a blood man, extremely hideous and terrifying, but he still didn't die, and stood up.

"Damn it..." Wang Yue felt a burst of gold stars in front of his eyes. He looked down at the steel ax under his feet. It was not the blade of the ax that hit him just now, but the handle of the ax, which saved him from death.

If it was an ax blade, his head would have been split in half long ago.

Seeing Wang Yue stand up unsteadily, Teacher Zhang's eyes widened suddenly, as if struck by lightning.

He was exhausted just now and couldn't catch up with Wang Yue, so he had to take the risk of throwing an ax to try to kill him. He thought he succeeded, but he didn't expect the final result to be like this!

Wang Yue didn't seem to have any fatal injuries at all except for a bruised pimple on his head.

Teacher Zhang's brows trembled wildly. He didn't have time to think about it, and staggered over, trying to pick up the steel ax on the ground and give Wang Yuelai a fatal blow.

But at this time, Wang Yue, who was dizzy, was already awake. He watched Teacher Zhang rushing towards him, and then glanced at the steel ax under his feet. He kicked the steel ax to the side very quickly, and then clenched the spear With a knife, he stabbed Teacher Zhang with red eyes!


There was no hindrance to the blade, and it directly pierced Mr. Zhang's shoulder. Wang Yue was going crazy with anger. He never thought that he would be plotted by such an old guy to the point where he almost lost his life. He completely lost his mind, and the only thought in his mind was revenge.


After Mr. Zhang threw away his weapon, he was no longer Wang Yue's opponent. After being stabbed by him, his whole right arm felt numb for a moment, and he could no longer use his strength. He knew it was because of Wang Yue's knife. It seems that he cut off his shoulder and arm nerves. Judging from the medical conditions in the wilderness, even if he can survive this time, he will no longer be able to pick up a paintbrush to draw drawings.

"Damn it, you old bastard, you dare to bully me, you're looking for death!" Wang Yue pulled out his long knife, kicked Teacher Zhang in the face, and kicked him down. Like an angry bull, the stormy fists and feet kept falling on Mr. Zhang.

The people around just watched this scene, no one dared to come forward to stop them, they just stood there trembling.

And those young people under Wang Yue's command, after seeing Teacher Zhang fell to the ground at this time, the courage that had been frightened before surged up again. They rushed up with roars, surrounded Teacher Zhang, and beat him crazily.

"You old bastard!"

"Damn it, you dare to plot against Brother Yue, I'll kill you!"


Everyone insulted Teacher Zhang with the most vicious language, but Wang Yue suddenly shouted: "Get out of the way!"

He stared at the scarlet eyes, pushed the crowd away with a machete, stared at Teacher Zhang who was lying on the ground, and suddenly gritted his teeth and asked, "Do you have any last words to say?"

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