The latest website: A tall city wall rose from the ground in front of Lu Yan. Its height was about ten meters and its thickness was nearly three meters. It was definitely a giant.

In order to improve its defense, Lu Yan prepared a large amount of granite as a material for upgrading the wall. This kind of stone can be seen everywhere in the wilderness, and the price is very low. Moreover, its hardness, weather resistance, and corrosion resistance are all stones. The top of the line!

Lu Yan took out an ordinary-grade steel knife, and slashed down on the city wall with all his strength, only to hear a clang, and the blade of the steel knife came into close contact with the wall. , Its edge has already cracked, but there is only a shallow white mark on the city wall.

"This kind of defensive power can definitely withstand the attacks of those large dead objects!" Lu Yan laughed loudly. He was very satisfied with the amazing defensive power of the city wall. Even ordinary steel can't leave too deep marks on the city wall. This level can definitely be called an iron wall!

After the wall was completed, there were no gaps in all directions of the entire camp. Lu Yan touched his chin. He has no plans to open a gate on the city wall for the time being, because once the gate is set up, it will definitely become the weakest defense in the wall. one ring.

So he is temporarily planning to build a ladder to get in and out, or... use a more direct method.

Lu Yan raised his head and glanced at the top of the wall. He was concentrating on a regular basis, his legs slightly bent, and he jumped up with a loud bang. Immediately afterwards, the [Flying to the Sky] necklace on his neck became slightly warm, and there was an inexplicable feeling. Power appeared under his feet, and with the sound of a terrifying air explosion, Lu Yan completed a second jump in the air, and his body also crossed the top of the city wall, jumping up with ease!

The problem of getting in and out is solved!

Lu Yan showed a smile on his face. Because of the player privilege system backpack, even if you want to transport a large amount of supplies to the camp, you don’t need to break through the wall at all. It’s just a few more trips by yourself...

After building the city walls, the next thing to build is the drainage system.

Lu Yan once observed the terrain of this camp. Compared with the surrounding area, this place is still a small highland. Even if it rains heavily, there will be no great danger of water accumulation. However, after he built the city wall, the water in the camp It is much more difficult to drain than before, so a complete drainage system is very important.

Different from the previous underground shelters, this camp, Lu Yan intends to build it as the foundation for his long-term residence and development of power in the future, so the drainage system can no longer simply dig an open-air ditch as it used to be.

He is going to use underground drainage pipes that take up less space and are more aesthetically pleasing.

Lu Yan looked at the design drawings in his hands. He covered the positions where the drainage pipes were to be excavated in the camp with eye-catching white plant ash, and marked the mouths of several drainage wells with stones. After nearly an hour of measurement, he finally placed the The preset route and the proportions on the drawings have been reproduced, and the error rate does not exceed 3%!

It is not easy to do this without professional equipment.

Lu Yan picked up a shovel and began to break the ground. Soon, a dozen criss-crossing low and shallow ditches appeared on the ground of the camp. Mobile phone users please browse and read, palm reading is more convenient.

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