Turning the accelerator, Lu Yan drove the sand bike and sped away.

On the other side, He Chuan, who was in the dense forest at this time, heard a violent movement from a certain direction in the jungle, and fired a shot directly in that direction. He didn't know whether the shot hit the target or not. But after this shot, the movement in that direction disappeared and became extremely silent.

Knowing that his strategy seemed to have worked, He Chuan directly put away the fired flintlock and replaced it with another loaded gun, and then walked cautiously towards the place where the noise came from.

As he walked, he looked around, for fear that an enemy would suddenly rush out of the dense forest.

After walking for more than seventy meters, He Chuan suddenly saw a branch in a bush that had just been broken off. He held his breath, and slowly opened the block with the one-meter-eight-meter-long flintlock barrel. The branches and leaves in front of my sight.

Suddenly, a sharp arrow flew out from the bushes with a piercing whistling sound. He Chuan's pupils constricted, and his body flashed to the left in an instant. The arrow flew past his earlobe.

"Damn it..." He Chuan cursed angrily, the arrow was too close to his face just now, if he didn't dodge successfully, his head would have been pierced by now!

Thinking of the terrible consequences, He Chuan's heart was filled with fear and anger.


In the bushes, the player who shot the arrow immediately turned around and ran away after seeing that the arrow hadn't achieved any effect.

But the distance between the two sides was very close, and He Chuan still had a fully loaded flintlock in his hand. Under such circumstances, the other party had no chance of escaping.

He Chuan only saw a thin figure running away with his back facing him. Without any hesitation, he raised his gun, aimed at the opponent's back and pulled the trigger!


A set of long and narrow flames shot out, and the running figure fell to the ground with a scream!

He Chuan, enduring the pain from the two wounds on his body, strode after him, put the machete on the opponent's neck, and said sharply, "Throw away the weapon in your hand! Hurry up!"

Just now, He Chuan's shot didn't hit the opponent's vital point. Although he aimed at the opponent's back and heart, due to the poor accuracy of the flintlock, when the steel ball fell on the opponent's body, the position shifted upwards. Nearly ten centimeters, landed on the shoulder position.

At this time, a blood hole appeared on the opponent's shoulder. The severe pain and fear made him let go of the short bow in his hand, howling non-stop, and his whole body twitching!

He Chuan was disturbed by his pig-killing howls, so he couldn't help but slap him on the head, and said coldly: "Stop yelling, if you make any more noises, I'll chop your head off with one knife !"

The thin man shrank his neck and closed his mouth immediately.

"You are Lauder? The ninth player on the refuge list?" He Chuan asked, grabbing the opponent's head.

"No, no, I'm not... I'm just a little guy, I'm a soldier under Lauder, if you want to find him, I can take you there right now... as long as you let me live..." The thin figure Said quickly.

He Chuan picked up the opponent's head, stared at his face for four or five seconds, and suddenly recognized the opponent: "Aren't you the Qiao Geli who gave me the information back then? Why are you here?"

"I understand, you and Lauder are playing fishing law enforcement with me!"

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