The flaming torch was extremely conspicuous in the darkness, He Chuan squinted his eyes, watching the flame slowly approaching in his direction.

In fact, as the player who asked to extinguish the torch said before, the torch’s illumination in the dark is very limited. The light of the torch is diffuse rather than direct like a flashlight. It can only illuminate less than two The range of three meters!

In this case, if the torch can reach He Chuan, it means that the player has come to He Chuan's side. At this time and at this distance, He Chuan may have already launched a sneak attack...

In the dark, the greater function of the torch is to illuminate the path under one's feet, nothing more.

Wanting to use torches to search for He Chuan is tantamount to a very stupid behavior.

He Chuan hid behind the boulder and remained motionless. It was extremely difficult for those people holding torches to travel on the mountain road. Although there was only less than a hundred meters between the two sides, they kept walking and stopping, and there were people from time to time. Falling down, yelling and yelling.

He stroked the flintlock gun in his hand, and now is not the best time for him to shoot. At this distance, the flintlock gun cannot guarantee that it can hit the target accurately.



Accompanied by the footsteps of these players, gravel fell from their feet to the valley from time to time, and every step they took was very dangerous.

"Damn it, He Chuan, that bastard, actually chose such a rugged and dangerous place to hide... the back, be careful! If you fall, you will definitely be smashed to pieces!" Someone shouted in the team.

"Old Hu, I feel that we should not be able to find He Chuan's location, so we might as well stay where we are and wait for the second broadcast." A different voice sounded from the team: "Anyway, there are only less than Fifteen minutes, if you continue to venture forward, it may be dangerous!"

"There is no danger, where is the reward?" The one who spoke first retorted: "Do you know how many people want to kill He Chuan tonight? Do you know that the second batch of players is about to arrive here?"

"These fifteen minutes are our greatest advantage! If we can find He Chuan and kill him before the others arrive, we will no longer have to compete with others and fight to the death!"

"Don't say that our feet are just a difficult mountain Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire under our feet, we can't stop!"

Under the urging of "Old Hu"'s bold words, the team that wanted to stop and rest continued to move forward. He Chuan watched as they got closer and closer to his position. Finally, they entered a distance of 30 meters away from him. Within the range, with the light of the torch, he was able to see the number and facial expressions of this group of people clearly.

This is a team of six people, they carry quiver, hold longbow, machete, spear and other weapons.

Fortunately, He Chuan didn't see armor or other armor on them. In fact, until now, there are still very few players in the wilderness who own armor. Although Lu Yan has the ability to make armor, he doesn't. Mass production and sales!

So in this case, basically the battle between players is that whoever hits the opponent first will win!

He Chuan narrowed his eyes. He raised the flintlock gun in his hand, aimed at a strong man at the front of the line, and suddenly pulled the trigger.


A ball of fire exploded in the darkness, followed by a cracking sound and a scream!

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