The green liquid in this crystal bottle is the [Fountain of Life]. Lu Yan unscrewed the bottle cap, and a very refreshing light fragrance rushed to his face. Just taking a sip, it makes people feel refreshed and full of energy.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yan parked the sand bike in a grass field, slowly took a bottle of life spring water with the cap of the mineral water bottle, then pinched He Chuan's mouth, and poured it in through the gap between his incomplete teeth. .

Entering He Chuan's body along the source of life, his originally weak panting gradually became stronger, at least not as before, as if he was breathing freely and would die at any time.

It's just that Lu Yan waited for a while, and found that He Chuan still had no signs of waking up, and the wound on his body showed no signs of healing. It seemed that the source of life of more than ten milliliters could only temporarily hang He Chuan's life. If you want to keep him out of danger, you need to increase the dose!

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Yan worried that He Chuan would die before returning to the camp in his state, so he poured about 50ml of the source of life into his mouth again.

As the dose increased, He Chuan's body also had an obvious reaction. His pale and shriveled cheeks turned rosy, and the seemingly light wounds on his body surface were also slowly wriggling, slowly sticking to the surface. combine together.

And the most obvious point is that He Chuan's chest began to rise and fall more, and his heartbeat also became stronger.

Lu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He screwed on the cover of the source of life and put it back into the system backpack.

He didn't plan to use the source of life directly to completely repair He Chuan's injuries, because that would consume more than half of his injuries. He doesn't lack medicines that can treat trauma, as long as He Chuan temporarily saves one life, the rest It can be cured by medicine!


Lu Yan found that He Chuan's body shape was very different from the first time he met him, and he became extraordinarily strong and tall, with a much stronger physique.

Lu Yan didn't know what happened to He Chuan, all of this would not be answered until He Chuan woke up.

The sand bike set off again, rolled up a large cloud of smoke and dust, and headed towards the camp.

[Now broadcast the location of the player He Chuan for the twelfth time, his location is the coordinates...]

In the system announcement, He Chuan's location has been broadcast several times in a row, but at this time most players just stared blankly at the information in the chat box, and their expressions became extremely At this time, He Chuan's location The coordinates, they are very familiar with, is the location of the pig-headed forest.

And most of the players are also aware that Lu Yan has already occupied the forest, and He Chuan has been brought back to his lair by Lu Yan at this time, so it is undoubtedly difficult to hunt and kill He Chuan again!

Lu Yan once used the safe house to kill several teams on the power list overnight. Now his camp has been built stronger than before. These ordinary players, who dare to approach?

Of course, there were also some high-level players who were eager to move. They didn't arrive at the mountain gorge before Lu Yan took He Chuan away, so they felt very aggrieved at this time.

They are different from ordinary players. They have more weapons in their hands and more powerful and united teammates. If they can block Lu Yan in the mountain gorge, they may be able to kill He Chuan and Lu Yan together!

Of course, this is just their own idea.

Although He Chuan has been successfully protected by Lu Yan, under the temptation of huge benefits, some high-level players who have been dazzled are still unwilling to give up just like this. They set their sights on the camp that Lu Yan just built !

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