Latest website: He Chuan lay there, full of thoughts.

Lu Yan risked his life to rescue him, which has already explained his attitude. If the other party wants to monopolize the reward for killing him, then he can take him away and kill him. There is no need to bring himself back to his camp.

Lu Yan should be the only player who has good intentions towards him at this time.

"Yan...Brother Yan!" He Chuan suddenly asked, "Should I be officially joining the group?"

Lu Yan raised his head when he heard the words, and said softly: "I keep my word. You have fulfilled the conditions I gave you perfectly. Naturally, I will not break my promise. From today onwards, you will officially join my team. Yes. The second member with legal status in this camp!"

Hearing Lu Yan's words, the stone in He Chuan's heart completely fell to the ground. He was silent for a moment, and suddenly seemed to think of something, and struggled to sit up. He didn't see any movement, but saw a few more bright red flowers in his arms. Dropping fruit.

"Brother Yan, since I joined your team, I won't hide it anymore..." He Chuan said very frankly: "This thing is called Xuefanguo, I snatched it a few days ago, it can It has greatly enhanced my physique and vitality, and I have become a lot stronger just because I ate two of them!"

"Without it, I might not be able to insist on you coming, and I would be chopped up by those bastards..."

Lu Yan's eyes were attracted by those **** fruits, and he couldn't help feeling that He Chuan was quite sensible, and he was still trying to find a suitable time to ask where the changes in He Chuan came from. Thinking that the other party actually brought this up on his own initiative.

"Brother Yan, you saved my life, and I don't have anything good on me to repay you. This thing... you can take it!" He Chuan said boldly, "Just don't eat too much at one time. Take one pill every few days, the medicinal effect of this thing is too strong, when I took it for the first time, it almost broke me."

He Chuan's gratitude to Lu Yan was beyond words.

He took out these **** fruits without any other thought, just to thank Lu Yan for saving his life, without any temptation.

Lu Yan looked at the **** fruits, and after a while, he stood up and came to He Chuan, grabbed five of them, and left half: "These fruits are very precious, I will only take half of them, and you can take the rest." Keep it to yourself."

"Since joining my team, we are teammates and partners. I like your attitude of sharing resources with your companions, but I will not take away all the precious resources of your companions."

"Not only now, but any resources you get in the future, I will not take all of them into my bag."

There are many teams in the wilderness now, and most of the leaders of these teams are hegemons. Generally, the spoils and resources obtained by all the team members need to be handed over to the leader in a unified way, and then the leader will occupy the bulk, and the others can only be distributed to the poor. a small part.

Although it is very unfair to do so, those who can become leaders generally have powerful weapons and excellent combat effectiveness. Those team members dare not resist, and cannot resist.

But Lu Yan is different.

Logically speaking, Lu Yan saved He Chuan's life. From today onwards, even if Lu Yan regards He Chuan as his pawn, it is not too much to let him go through fire and water. He Chuan's life should be considered Lu Yan's. Not to mention the resources he has.

But Lu Yan didn't intend to do that.

Because of the complete centralization of power, the behavior of completely extorting the resources of the team will indeed allow the leader to obtain a huge accumulation of resources in the early stage, but such a team generally has very poor cohesion and little loyalty. Once the leader appears in the future If there is any problem, such as a weak body, the players who have been suppressed by him for a long time will immediately start to fight back.

If the leader of a team is a mercenary and short-sighted guy, then the players under his command will not do much. Such a team may be able to show some limelight in the early stage of the wilderness, but after a long time, it will definitely Will be eliminated by those teams with stronger cohesion and closer atmosphere!

What's more, for Lu Yan at this time, there may not be a richer player than him in the whole wilderness. The attraction of blood fruit to him is actually not that great.

He Chuan was taken aback for a moment when he heard Lu Yan's words, and then felt his eye sockets a little sour.

Not only did he risk his life to save his own life, but he didn't expect anything in return, and he also gave himself full dignity and resource autonomy. I'm afraid there is no other leader like this in the whole wilderness!

He Chuan looked at Lu Yan and felt that his figure was getting taller and taller, and his image was becoming more and more stalwart.


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