Armageddon: Shelters Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 96: ??The enemy is coming!



In the safe house, Lu Yan is constantly adjusting the crossbow and flintlock to ensure that they will not break down suddenly during use.

And Chen Hang was squatting in the corner, grabbing a large piece of stewed meat and bread and stuffing it into his mouth, gobbling it up, refusing to stop even though his stomach was already distended.

It seems that he has been tortured by hunger for too long, or maybe he thinks that this may be the last dinner in his life, so Chen Hang would rather be a dead ghost and finish three catties of stewed meat and two big pieces in fifteen minutes Butter Bread…

Just as he was going to fish the meat out of the pot for the third time, Lu Yan threw him a flintlock gun with no expression on his face, and said, "Practice the charging process again, and don't make any mistakes when starting a battle."

Chen Hang licked his lips, glanced at the pieces of meat in the oil soup in the pot with some reluctance, held the flintlock gun, poured the gunpowder into the barrel first, and then compacted it with a slender poking rod, Finally load the steel balls.

A complete set of procedures took about fifteen seconds. In fact, in a real war, this time may be doubled again, because when ordinary people face the danger of life and death, their brains will constantly send fear messages to their bodies. , your movements will involuntarily become slow and unstable.

Just like in some documentaries, when some people encounter a wild beast in the wild or a large truck driving head-on on the road, these people will often stand in place, motionless as if they were stupid.

As bystanders, we may not be able to understand the reactions of these people, thinking that they have time to hide and escape, but in fact, if you are actually faced with that situation, you will find that when danger comes and the shadow of death covers you, For a moment, your brain is completely blank, your body and your limbs are weak and uncontrollable!

Most ordinary people can only make subconscious screams and collapse movements in this situation. This is an instinctive reaction of the body and brain, just like many recruits who were rushed to the battlefield without training. When faced with a hail of bullets, many people will even forget the action of pulling the bolt after practicing countless times!

And Chen Hang's experience in the wilderness in the past few days is exactly similar to that of most recruits. He has never experienced being hunted by herds of beasts or thugs in the wilderness, nor has he experienced fighting with other players or other players in order to compete for food and resources. It can be said that although his life is very difficult, he has never experienced real danger.

No matter how good a person like this is in practice, it is difficult to guarantee that there will be no problems in actual combat!

Holding the loaded flintlock gun, Chen Hang glanced at Lu Yan. At this time, the distance between him and Lu Yan was only three meters, and even the worst beginners could hit it accurately with the flintlock gun at this distance. Target.

His eyes flickered, and a fierce psychological struggle was going on in his heart.

His right hand slowly reached for the trigger.

At this moment, the sound of wings vibrating sounded, and Chen Hang's eyes suddenly became white, and then his shoulders sank, and the skin on his neck seemed to be pierced by some sharp object.

"Don't think about unrealistic things..." Lu Yan turned his head to look at Chen Hang, and the little white dragon who was on Chen Hang's shoulder with his claws on the aorta of his neck, and said lightly: "People will die."

Chen Hang was sweating like rain, and the idea of ​​resistance in his heart finally completely collapsed.

My every move is under Lu Yan's surveillance. Any one of Lu Yan, Xiaobailong, and beast-shaped guards can easily kill him. If you want to resist, you can't kill all three of them instantly. , otherwise you are courting death!

"You misunderstood me, I am very aware of my current situation...I will do my best to help you win this war!" Chen Hang forced an ugly smile on his face, "Use atone for your sins! "

Lu Yan didn't say a word. He wouldn't have much trust in Chen Hang. The little white dragon and the beast-shaped guards would keep monitoring him. If any abnormality was found, even in the most intense moment of fighting, they would decisively kill him !

"That little wolf cub... I don't know where it went." Lu Yan looked at the gray ceiling and sighed with some regret.

After Chen Hang appeared today, he scared the little wolf cub away. Lu Yan didn't see it again for the whole afternoon. It may have fled to other places, or it may have become the ration of other wild beasts.

The domestication program was aborted as soon as it started.

But how can things always go smoothly?

For the disappearance of the little wolf cub, Lu Yan only felt a little regretful, but he didn't take it too seriously. Tonight is a fateful night. If Lu Yan can make it through, in the wilderness in the future, he will be with [Wild Hunter] Squad], like [Yao Qi], has become one of the scariest people in the wilderness who cannot be provoked!

"The so-called one will be successful and the bones will die, probably this is the case?" Lu Yan laughed, "Just use the lives of those who want to hunt me in exchange for my **** notoriety in the wilderness!"

At this point, the time on the game interface is displayed as 10:52!

About two hours have passed since Lu Yan's personal information was betrayed.

The wilderness under the night is dead silent, only the **** moonlight casts a strange color on this land.

time la la...

time la la...

In this night-shrouded wilderness, there was suddenly a subtle electromagnetic sound.

In the safe house, Lu Yan, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes and turned to look at the walkie-talkie on the left.

A panting voice came from inside.

"Boss, the information shows that the target is 800 meters ahead!"

"That's...a drain!"

Lu Yan bounced off the chair in an instant, and his mind and body were adjusted to their peak state in a short time!

The enemy is coming!

over the wilderness.

On the gentle **** where Chen Hang rolled down today, there are six figures lying prone in the bushes at this Under the **** moonlight, the killing and plundering desires revealed in their eyes , It actually made their eyes scarletr than the blood moon!

"This is the place!"

"Looks like we're the first to arrive!"

"We're lucky!"

Among the six people, voices mixed with ecstasy and greed kept ringing out.

Soon, a deep voice said: "We are making a battle plan now, and we must rush ahead of other competitors and break through Lu Yan's shelter!"

At the same time, under the blood moon, the little wolf cub reappeared, and the strong hunger in his stomach made him overcome his inner anxiety. The little wolf cub who wandered around for an afternoon finally decided to go to Lu Yan.

At this moment, its footsteps suddenly stopped, and its eyes saw the six figures in the bushes not far away. From these people, it felt a very strong sense of fear, which was a kind of animal instinct. vigilance.

These people are dangerous!

"What it is?"

"A wolf cub?"

In the bushes, someone found it and walked towards it.

The little wolf cub was covered in hairs, screamed and kept backing away, and subconsciously wanted to ask Lu Yan for help, but the route to the refuge was blocked by the other party, so it had to turn around and stumble away.

"Second, stop chasing him! It's just a wolf cub, don't forget what we are here for tonight!"

Someone made a sound and stopped the guy who was chasing the little wolf cub.

Under the **** moonlight, the thin figure of the little wolf cub looked extremely lonely and pitiful.

It wandered aimlessly in the wilderness, calling for its companions continuously to the sky.

It is frightened and very helpless.

Recommend the new book of urban **** Lao Shi: the all-round security guard of the school belle

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