A month had passed since Gandia swallowed up Logner.

It feels like during this time that I was running into post-war processing soon after immersing myself in the aftermath of victory.

The situation surrounding Gandhia also changed dramatically. Zalwarn was beginning to build a strong line of defense against Gandia, who swallowed logners and did not hide his intentions for further north. No, there's a possibility of an invasion. Zalwarn is a whole swallowed party to Logner, who was his country, and it is no surprise that he is looking to regain Logner and to attack and destroy Gandia with that momentum, which must be its rage and considerable. Whether it's effective or not.

Zalwarn, a dragon country with a vast territory and mighty military power among a small group of nations, and Gandia, a lion country that swallows logners and shows luxurious momentum. The foretaste of the collision between the two countries was beginning to ripple and spread to neighbouring countries, too,

Gandia has the back shield of an ally named Lucion, Mion. Relations with the two countries are good, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an unexpected pattern. It meant a lot to Gandhia strategically that she didn't have to worry about her back. Even as a force of war, Lucion and Myon would be useful. Lucion, in particular, has said that he will spare no effort in the Zalwarn offensive. For Gandia, nothing was more comforting.

Azark, our neighbor to the west, shows us how to stand still. No, should I say I have to look at it quietly?

Azark has been rolling out his army by poking a gap in Gandhia's logner offense, but remained to the extent of territorial aggression because Gandhia's logner repression was done more lightly than he thought. Although relations between Gandhia and Azark had deteriorated with the breaking of the truce agreement, Azark had emerged from a sudden crisis by raising his forces to the country. Now, Azark is arguing over responsibility for the breakdown of the truce and the Gandhian invasion.

Beryl, located in the eastern part of Gandhia and also adjacent to Zalwarn, has shown Gandhia a cooperative attitude, with some internal and external changes.

Berel, who had previously waved his tail against Zalwarn, had a great reason to switch foreign policy.

Berel relied most on it, and his contract with the mercenary regiment White Shield, which was a strategic and strategic necessity, was terminated. As for Berel, you should have wanted to hold back no matter how much money you had in store, but as a "white shield," I guess you no longer have a reason to stay in Berel. The White Shield doesn't work with just the amount. That is also why I can say that I had a contract with a small country called Berel and others.

Having lost the back shield of an undefeated mercenary regiment, Berel had to rethink his diplomatic strategy. Making friends with Gandhia would be part of that. I still don't know for sure why I chose Gandhia over Zalwarn, but I also know from Logner's precedent that shaking tail on Zalwarn is falling to be made a nation. Berel's judgment is not always a mistake. but I hope you're right. If Gandia can't beat Zalwarn, that policy shift can be painful.

As mentioned, Zalwarn is showing Gandhia the structure of the war. They took my country. It can be considered a natural reaction. And according to information coming in one after the other from Zalwarn, in the name of the national lord Mirelbas-Ryburn, it is turning into a stronger system of control.

"Re-positioning of troops in demolition of Dinobot Cave, strengthening of defensive lines..."

Leongando Ray-Gandia had a glance at the report compiled by Keith-Relga. In addition to strengthening the army, the focus appears to be on the development and reinforcement of cities and castle fortifications within Zalwarn in preparation for the invasion of the Gandian army. The whole army's grip by Mirelbas-Ryburn is probably worrying about the deterioration of internal affairs, but even so, it's too late. Neither that nor this must be because the poison, a souvenir of the placement of Sius Cloud, the Predecessor of Gandhia, is spreading throughout Zalwarn and wielding fierceness.

The man, who became a poisonous ingredient from Mizu and boarded into the enemy land, is not only a Zalwarn warrior, but has gathered his voice as one arm of Mirelbus. As long as he has the trust of Mirelbus, Zalwarn is not a threat. Regardless, the national power still goes over Gandhia, but now that you've swallowed Logner, you're no longer the opponent that you can't necessarily fight. It's not mutual, but we might be able to bring it in to each other.

And most importantly, the information available to Nurless-Ragnahorn is missing here. As long as Mirell Bus uses Nares heavily, we'll know that most of Zalwarn's confidentiality is in our hands. We were able to find out about Zalwarn's domestic situation and foreign policy, and most of the details of its military capabilities were revealed.

Still, it doesn't make a difference that a country called Zalwarn is mighty, and if you stay alert, you'll be rubbed to pieces.

The concern is that Nares didn't even know the full story of the Dinobot Cave?

"Dinobot Cave... Zalwarn's own training agency for armed summoners."

"He's from Dinobot Cave, too."

What Leongand told his belly was Cain-Vivre. His former name was Lancaine-Bunell. He was thrown into the Dinobot Cave at an early age to become an armed summoner, although he was also located at the end of the bloodstream known as the Pendragon clan in Zalwarn. It was apparently a world unrelated to human morality, where blood was washed with blood. And he said that there were a number of equally trained armed summoners in Dinobot Cave who would have to struggle with black spears if they were all put into battle as a force.

"I still don't think it's a glimmer."

"I guess that's something like Zalwarn"

In the large space of the strategic meeting room, there were only Leongand and the four bellies.

Barrett-Weissmoon, Zephil-Maldeen, Kellius-Magnate and Slain-Stall. They may be closer than belly hearts, such as four friends they can't care less about. What was entrusted to Leongand's aides by the Predecessor, what Leongand himself saw from inside the city well, the history of which is different for each of the four, but Leongando treats the four in the same line. There wasn't anything dissatisfied about that, but that was a long time ago, too. Now, you're joining forces for this country.

"It's hard to say reciprocity in the current state of war."

Nevertheless, Zalwarn is not immediately coming south.

During the Rogner invasion, Heath-Lerga's strike to bring Zalwarn's troops home was extremely effective in curbing Zalwarn's southern conquest. Exactly one hand in the synagogue. You can call it a handful.

General Grey-Balzerg has left Zalwarn. Stuck in former Merisol territory, it shows a hostile attitude towards Zalwarn. Three thousand men under the general had followed it, and Zalwarn was set to pose a threat to the country. Moreover, it is the unit of General Balzerg, who was regarded as the strongest in Zalwarn. It won't be hard to crusade if you fight with all your strength, but in that case, you have to be prepared for a lot of bleeding.

If you're looking to fight Gandhia, come on. You can't move. On top of that, we could be poked by neighboring countries, including Gandia, at the gaps that are bloody eyed by the crusade. We also have to be cautious about waking up the army. It was therefore Nares' report that Zalwarn seemed to be devoting all his efforts to convincing Gray-Balzerg, but that would not work either.

In the original plan, we had prepared it for a showdown with Zalwarn, a measure to keep. I'm having trouble getting it to work that way.

Absolutely no less alarming than the uncertainty of Zalwarn's power of war. How many armed summoners there are to the extent of Cain, and the number of them, should change the way the tactics are put in place. Even Cain doesn't know the exact number. How much he has been nurtured since he left Dinobot Cave and how many people have been able to withstand the battle. At least that means there are five armed summoners about the same as him.

Armed summoners who learned the same procedure as Cain and were specially treated so that they could use the same armed summoning technique. Fighting them just makes me headache to imagine.

"Do we need to reinforce our power? But neither Lucion nor Mion will be able to request any further cooperation"

Cooperation has already been promised. Lucion says he will send Prince Hulberg and the White Saint Knights, and a thousand from Myon can be counted enough as a force of war. Of course, I have to pay that debt back, but it will be after the war. If only Zalwarn's defeat could be achieved, it would be irrelevant.

"It's not enough to replenish the personnel we lost in the war ahead."

"You did..."

Although Logner was swallowed up and most of its possessed combat power became Gandhia's, there were not many sacrifices Gandhia paid to get a quick victory. Although it was the advance team led by Leongand that caused less damage, the later main unit was unluckily in contact with Logner's armed summoner, fighting, and causing numerous casualties. Fortunately, although Setuna-Kamiya did not prevent the damage from spreading any further, the lost lives will not come back.

It can be said that human resources are always scarce. That's from the days of the Predecessor. Naturally given Gandia's national power, that is why we have made an alliance with Lucion and Myon and have made efforts to reduce the number of enemies to confront. Troops to counter a logner with a powerful rear shield called Zalwarn were also like they were managing to squeeze out.

Logner defeated him. The person also got the resources. In particular, it would have been significant to have been able to incorporate the Flying General Astal-Lanadies under the Tabernacle. Her people's expectations are Logner's best, and if it comes to her instructions, Logner's soldiers should follow her honestly as well.

Logner's soldiers are known for their strength. Though I want to help that martial arts a lot in the fight against Zalwarn.

But that's not enough. Overwhelmingly not enough. It was only natural for Leongand to want more.

It's not like there's no way to overturn the difference in force. but one day it's decided to go bankrupt, such as a strategy that relied on just one boy. And that's not even what you can call a measure. Given Gandia's future, it would be hard work to keep the black spear out of consciousness as much as possible.


He's strong. It's also true that he's alone and doesn't feel like losing. But given the physical and psychological strain on that boy, I just want to avoid any more dependence than I have ever had. The battle so far is enough to say that he has won by himself.

"If it's just money, Zalwarn can't beat it."

"The legacy of the former Minister of Finance…?"

"Damn, he's the one who did the trouble"

Leongand sighed and looked overhead. Bendel-Klein, Gandia's former finance minister, was a figure who had grasped the country's gold flow since the days of his predecessors, as well as deeply involved in the dark parts of the country. And he was involved in a plan that the Predecessor was secretly pursuing, hiding the existence of a mine, a source of funding to promote that plan.

When the Leongans came to power in this country and embarked on the elucidation of the dark, he had resigned from his position as finance minister, turning the country around to escape the pursuit of the Leongans. It was only recently that we were able to locate Bendell. The existence of a secret mine was revealed from his mouth.

"With that money, you might want to hire mercenaries"

Zephyr-Maldean opened his mouth quietly.

"The White Shield is currently stopping by Myram."

"They won't move with money"

Of course, I'd never go over that if I could hire one. It is a famous group of mercenaries to whom powerful armed summoners belong, headed by the armed summoner Kuon-Kamiya, who summons the Invincible Shield. I don't know if they're looking for an employer now that their contract with Berrell has expired, but Magnato's right, they don't want to tie up their behavior because of the amount of money they have. In that regard, the amount does not seem to be all mercenaries. In fact, the White Shield is not just a group of mercenaries, but also has aspects as if they were on the side of justice.

Eradication of the Imperial Devil's Nest.

The flag flying by the White Shield was a great deal of empathy for what lived this earth and a substitute that would not deny its justice. And to call it hypocrisy, their ability to act was harsh. If you discover the Imperial Devil's Nest, you will extinguish it, and as soon as you hear of the Imperial Devil's damage, you will rush, search for the Nest, and burn it down. They may be trying to be the natural enemies of mankind's natural enemy, the Imperial Devil.

But it is difficult to eradicate the Imperial Devil from this earth. The Imperial Devil has been summoned for 500 years. As we can see from the fact that it was not eradicated from five hundred years ago to this day, we will not be able to wipe out the Imperial Demon from this earth unless the nations of the world join forces and embark on the Imperial Demon Crusade as well. And there can't be countries all over the world joining forces. The country has various thoughts. Ambition, ambition, dreams - I don't care what you call them, but the numerous and complex wills won't try to get countries to one end.

The fact that the unity of the continent by the Holy King did not even last long is strictly engraved in history.

Even where someone has called upon the whole world to eradicate the Imperial Devil, it is decided that no country will respond and that it will sooner or later disintegrate where it responds.

Nevertheless, the objectives set out in the White Shield would be greatly laudable, and I did not intend to deny them any more specifically.

"What do you think? There are rumors that Quon-Camilla is interested in Lord Setuna."


Leongand thought of that boy's face. A boy with a humble smile. Being young enough to be seventeen years old, he is becoming something that must be in this country.

It was about a month ago that I signed him up, an armed summoner of black spears with mighty power. He was instantly effective. He made his greatest battle effort in the Battle of the Battle of the Fortress of Balsar and also took control of the enemy army in his Logner strategy, deciding to win Gandia. The whole country is boiling down to the emergence of new heroes. The popularity of the black spear Setuna had grown so high that there were no days when his rumors would not go up in the mouth of the people.

Who would have imagined he would be so active?

Visitors from different worlds. A boy who is in the same position as the Imperial Demon, but is a human being himself. Setuna-Kamiya. He seemed to have some thoughts about the White Shield captain, who had the same family name.

It might be interesting to accompany Setuna and meet with Quon-Kamiya. Even if the negotiations end in failure, we will get some information about Setuna. You should know him better. That should do the same for this country.

Unexpectedly, the door was knocked from the outside. Slain-Stall rises. He sat in the chair closest to the door.

"What is it?

Slain-Stall has seen this one with a strange face, but Leongand just shook his head. Watch the clock. 3pm. You shouldn't have any plans, and I always take care not to be bothered with my affairs when I hang out in the strategy room. Whatever it is, it's not something we know when or what's going to happen, and there's never been any urgent news jumping in. Nevertheless, the sound of knocking on the door, though, was not of a sense of urgency.

"What can I do for you?

"Would you like to have tea time?

A gap in the door slightly opened by Slain was seen forcefully opened by a human outside. I don't even have time for Slain to resist. Instead, you must have never thought you'd be in such an action.

"It's good to get your work done, but it's important to have tea and take a break."

It was a young woman who pushed a wagon indoors with a tea set on it, etc. Don't miss the gap where Slain is overwhelmed and comes into the room. A long samurai following from behind closed the door.

"Inside the royal palace, you can walk around freely," I said, "but this isn't a good place for outsiders to come in."

"Well, people like you involved in running the country shouldn't care about these fine words. I need to be more generous, something that stuffs my breath. Besides, wouldn't it be a waste if the tea got cold?

When the woman controlled these words, she began to line the table with the shivers and teacups. The smell of tea, unlike black tea, has already begun to tickle my nostrils. It's obviously not the same tea you often drink around here. Sounds like a Southern specialty tea.

"Not at all... you're in trouble"

It's not even a detail.

Leongand was even beginning to remember giving up on the rampant behavior of his guests coming from that south. That could be the case with the other four. No matter how many guests, there are limits to patience. But it was also true that I could not leave her without her.

The woman is a dignitary who arrived in Gandion, this king's capital, three days ago, escorted by the Setunas.

His name is Nage Ziel-Remanifra. He is the princess of Remanifra, a country far south.

She was visiting the country as a messenger to make the covenant between Lemanifla and Gandia.

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