Armed Summoners - Black Spears and the Brave Men of the Other World
Lesson 47: His Fate, Her Mission
"You were so worried, weren't you? I thought I'd managed to get out of that crowd, but I don't see you."
Faria-Belfaria's words, which he had told rather than the wind that stuffed him, could not contain a slight dust lie or a mere deception. She is serious. Eyes like green balls from the other side of the lens of the glasses stared at this one.
Setuna would have had no choice but to apologize. In fact, the problem, it was not the only one that jumped out of that spot, it was Setuna's selfish decision, and it might not have been good for him to stay too far away from Faria, which equals a guardian.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I wanted to find Faria, but I couldn't be there..."
It was just an excuse, but it is also true that I was unlikely to be able to stay on that spot. Citizens were making too much noise. Confusion was causing confusion, and the hustle and bustle were generating a hustle and bustle, which had developed into a situation that Setuna could no longer do by herself. It may be called an anomaly. Who can imagine what it would be like to make all that noise by yourself? That must have been unexpected by Faria, too.
"I can see that. But, yeah."
"Ah, hello?
It was Ruufa who broke into the conversation between the two of them. Maybe he kept being silenced and cut off his paralysis.
Setuna looked back at him, along with Faria. Ruufa had a subtle bitter smile, but the wings on her back seemed dazzling at all times. Nor does it seem to be emitting light. It may just be reflecting sunlight pouring down from overhead, but it was so vivid nonetheless.
"Will you come back later for an inspiring reunion? If you don't destroy Resbel first, you won't be able to hold her hot or mouth her tears."
To the words spun by Ruufa in a delicate manner, Setsuna realized herself as her heart grew lighter. That doesn't necessarily make it too light. Just the right amount of lightness so that the weight of your mind doesn't blunt your body's response.
Although Faria seemed stunned by his words.
"What are you talking about? And Setuna doesn't agree either! Whatever your hot embrace is, what's a tear mouth? Though I certainly can't speak without tears!
"Is that it?
But Setuna's doubts were lightly flushed.
"... by the way, it's natural, but where are you? Thank you for saving Setuna."
Setuna calmly stared at the side of Faria, who also asked her about her waist. I think it's a nice flank whenever I see it, but it won't be if I can see it now.
"Oh, would you like to introduce yourself? It's more convenient. I'm Ruufa. I'm an armed summoner as you can see. My pleasure, Lord Faria-Belfaria."
To Ruufa's altered introduction, Setsuna took a serious look at him. His figure, which should also be said to be that of the blonde Bigeye, was still invisible to the angel who had descended on the earth, even with the wings of his back.
Faria raised her voice of consternation. but it wasn't against being known my name.
"Ruufa is General Varghazar's......!?
"Huh?... Huh?
Setuna has seen a surprising amount of ruufa twice. I wasn't impressed by her reaction. I was purely surprised.
Speaking of General Algazard-Bargazar, he was the man who wielded the extraction with King Leongand in the earlier battles, and to the best of Setuna's knowledge, he could be said to be the second most powerful man after the king. Regardless, it comes from Setuna's awkwardness of knowledge, perhaps enough to sweep and throw away Gandia's leading men and others.
"Badly made second son..."
He laughed mockingly, but is it too much to say that the Imperial Devil's anger scratched out its overly light voice as a natural consequence?
"What an unreadable bunch of people in the air?
To the sighing Luufa, Setuna shook her head.
"Ya, if such a monster reads the air, that's creepy"
"It makes sense -"
Ruufa seemed to snort at Setuna's words.
"But you're not convinced!
Turning back in the direction of the Imperial Devil, he kicked the ground. The moment his flesh leaped up into the hollow, his wings flashed and slammed the atmosphere. Acceleration is for a moment. When I realized, his appearance was behind the wrestlers approaching this way.
Setuna stumbled in a feeling she wasn't even sure if she was overwhelmed or distracted.
"What the fuck?
"I don't know if you're happy with your life."
As Setuna looked sideways at Faria tilting her little neck like that, she heard the screams and yells of the monsters. A dozen meters ahead - from the rear of countless populations of wrestlers, blood splashes were rising.
It would be Ruufa.
"You can also use it to attack, those wings"
"Not as good as Setsuna."
"Yours is out of standard."
Setuna looked down at what Faria said it was. The black spear, which cannot wipe away the satanic impression, certainly has an unusual power.
It's not just the sharpness.
In retrospect, was it the first time you played the Imperial Devil's thunderball in the woods? The same goes for having absorbed the massive flames that bake Karan. And mass killing through the liberation of accumulated flames. Threatening forces don't just stop there.
The same goes for the rest of us. Though it did not produce the desired result, the runoff of light emitted from the cutting-edge showed more destructive power than imagined.
"Come on, let's go too. Destroy Resbel. Before the City fell into chaos."
To Faria's words, Setuna nodded forcefully. I turned forward and kicked the ground at the same time. As he rushed out, he gripped the pattern of the spear strongly.
At that moment Setuna felt a definite pulse of black pattern, not only at her fingertips but at all of her palms.
Something shook Setuna's consciousness. The sensation becomes enlarged. With the increase in pain that was lurking the ringing until just now, the field of view widens, and the surrounding terrain is grasped by the senses alone. Although the labyrinthine complexity of the Alley in the City must have been unique to the big city.
(What is this...?
As the hypertrophic sensation rapidly sharpened, Setuna was unable to contain the moving flesh. No, there's no need to suppress it or anything. We must destroy our enemies.
Resbel's flock was near the trail of destruction caused by the rays of the forward - spear. The group of ghosts was turning its attention to Ruufa, who jumped over his head and poked behind his back. No matter, some people keep an eye on this one. But the harshness of Ruufa's attack was enough to attract the attention of the Imperial Demon.
Setuna's expanded perception was projecting Ruufa's battle behind her brain.
It was a glorious and vibrant battle.
He was tapping into a painful counterattack at that moment as he moved to wage the fierce assault of the wrestlers who pushed him along with the anger. Counter by wings. That's not a blow. It could not be called slaughter. Each and every one of the countless feathers forming a pair of white wings was a sharpened steel blade itself, chopping up the enemies around him simply by letting him duly wing them. The palatable blood dyes its white wings red and black.
(Me too...!
Whether it was inspired or not.
Setsuna jumped. The distance to the enemy formation is five meters. Setsuna was a long enough distance to reach. The black spear was fuelling his leap.
Three bands of thunder ran under his eyes as Setuna leaped up into the hollow. It would be by Faria's bow Aurora Storm.
Sanjo's thunderstorm struck directly at Resbel and burst only slightly faster than Setuna reaching right over the ghost herd. Screaming to the point of madness, but scratched away by further anger. Faria's second shot was fired in there, and the half-frequent wrestlers sank into eternal silence.
Above the heads of the Imperial Devils, Setuna raised the spear high in heaven. Focus your consciousness. The feeling of enlargement and sharpening was an accurate grasp of every move of the Imperial Demons on earth. Even the breath of the monster was in my ear.
The Resvels didn't even seem to recognize our location. The interdiction by the rear Ruufa and the forward Faria was probably causing confusion and depriving the Imperial Demons of their thinking power.
And Setuna threw a black spear in the middle of a herd of Imperial Demons. Scream.
"Go. Yeah, yeah, yeah!
I didn't know what would happen with this throw, etc. I just believed in the power of the spear. I'm not overconfident, I'm not paranoid. Not to mention I didn't say no with fanaticism or anything. I had just grasped that the immense power hidden in the spear was not omnipotent. But not this time. What Setuna asked for was destruction, which was supposed to coincide with the direction of the power of the spear. I didn't fully understand the spear thing, but still, I felt the vast form of force swirling in its black vessel, about one scale of it.
If that was the will of the spear, Setuna also only wanted to destroy.
Was that the right idea?
The black spear emitted light from the jewel of its stone bump the moment it left Setuna's hand. The visible golden light rose in the atmosphere as the black spear instantly dyed golden. The hot air emitted along with the roar surrounded Setuna's entire body and massive amounts of sweat erupted from his body. but that's just a flash of events too.
The heat source had already fallen towards the ground.
No, that was no longer what you could call a fall, etc. It was natural because I threw it, but that's not all. accelerating to the target point while emitting a roar and photothermal heat. It was, nevertheless, like a missile.
At that time, the Imperial Demons waved Setuna. I guess I reacted to his screaming or spear roaring, but it was too late nonetheless.
The golden spear had already reached the ground. They poke at the ground as they blast hot air and explosion.
Moment after moment, the golden flash of spear dissipated dyed gold even Setuna's vision. No matter, that's not the end of it. It was the beginning. Shortly after the painful glow in his eyes covered the ground, the sound of destruction was captured by Setuna's dilated hearing. The decisive sound of something being destroyed.
The light erupted from the ground. He breaks the earth, and rises to the point where it becomes a running stream that rushes through heaven. An overwhelming outburst of power wraps up a herd of wrestlers and launches them over the sky, slashing them, tearing them apart and piercing them. One of the turbulent pillars of light passed in front of Setuna. The fever burned Setuna's forehead slightly.
Destruction never stops.
The ruinous melodies caused by the continuous crushing and the screaming of the terminal demon, which cannot be called monstrous screams or angers, seemed to colour the end of the world, and the tremendous shock and vibration rocked the earth and the atmosphere with the utmost force. A vortexing heat, a chain of destruction, tears the ground apart, collapses surrounding buildings, and engraves the corner of the City with claw marks of intense destruction.
(Too much......!
Setsuna also understood the fact that she was out of line but could no longer do anything about it. The spear that left his hand only exerted the power of destruction as Setuna wished.
It was an overwhelming force.
Even as Setuna fell to the ground, its fierceness was blown away. The damage just as unimaginable as it deserved was done to Wangdu's "City".
The run-of-the-mill of destruction swallowed the herd of wrestlers without incident, crushing them without showing any overwhelming force.
After the sound of destruction stopped, the world was covered with smoke and massive amounts of dust.
The signs of the Imperial Devil disappeared and, in that regard, Setuna was able to land in peace. Most of all, I couldn't decide to land beautifully on the ground that had been destroyed by bullshit.
"Er... what imitation is this?
It was a mouthful like that, but the subtlety from Ruufa's voice to earlier lurked the ringing. The shadow of fear is shaking. I guess I have no choice. Setuna woke her body up with emotions similar to giving up. Failed to land. I fell. Fortunately, there were no injuries. The whole body is sweaty, nothing more than because of the heat waves emitted by the spear.
Setuna stood up and looked around to get an idea of what was going on around her.
"That sounds amazing..."
Though I listened to Ruufa's words lightly, Setsuna couldn't help but have a similar sentiment. After the dust was poured into the wind, it was a devastating sight to spread around. Perhaps it should be called misery. The township in the quiet alley was subjected to thorough destruction, with little to preserve its original form. The ground was torn apart, the house collapsed and fragments and debris scattered. Numerous Imperial Demon bodies were either smashed or mutilated in the runoff of destruction and burned by heat waves on top of it, so they were also invisible.
In a scene so miserable that she would normally turn away, Setuna wiped the sweat off her forehead. I laugh bitterly at the freakiness I've accidentally brought up. I wonder why you can stay so calm by making such a hell of a difference. No rush, no nervousness. Does an extremely calm feeling play a role in maintaining transparency in thinking?
"Sethner! Are you okay?
When I turned my face to a loud voice, I saw Faria rushing toward us. There must be an appearance of Ruufa in the opposite direction. Regardless of whether it comes close.
Setuna reached for the black spear that remained pierced halfway into the ground just in front of her. The spear wielded power the way Setuna wanted and brought more results to this world than she could have imagined. There are no words to say, not even a sigh.
Everything, it's over.
And, out of nowhere, I hear applause.
"It's more than I expected, Setsuna. It's amazing."
She was trying to sit back on the wreckage of a collapsed building. Azmaria-Altemax. Perhaps it is no exaggeration to say that she is an endless beauty with no clutter, a word that is for her.
Behind her stood a magnificent gate. Although the gates, which would be more than five metres long, were adorned with gold, silver and jewels, I could not feel the strangeness or disgust of their decoration. It must be Azmarian subpoena armies, but I wonder when it meant subpoenaing them. Setuna wondered that she had not felt any such signs during the battle.
"This is the trial."
Setsuna told me to throw up. I didn't trust one thing about her, Teng, who summoned me to this world. I would be more incapable of telling you to trust me in this situation. Although Azmaria herself hasn't been telling me to trust her.
"That's right. And your fate after a brilliant trial has been decided."
Azmaria jumped out of the rubble. Black clothes shake.
Setsuna looked surprised. I don't know what that means.
"Destiny? What are you talking about, what is the use of power?"
"It's already been decided. You're going to hell with me."
"Hell? Say what..."
Having reached an incomprehensible realm, Setsuna wanted to hold her head. However, Azmaria continues to talk without any problem about how this one is doing.
"The gate is open."
In fact, a magnificent gate had opened its doors behind Azmaria. At the end of the door there was darkness and there was no view that was supposed to be behind the gate.
"All you have to do is dive through. Ahead lies the hell of a snort cry. Hell for you. It's what you really need to do to control the uninterrupted power hidden in that spear."
The words sounded very appealing to Setuna right now. It was a devastating blow to the corner of the city, albeit to destroy the Imperial Devil. That is only because Setuna was unable to control the power of the spear. It's not just the ground that's causing the damage. The surrounding houses have also been thoroughly destroyed. I can't say enough that there are no casualties. Then I couldn't control my power, sorry, then I'm sorry.
Setuna was stunned when she realized that her hand, stretched out to touch the black spear, was wandering through the void. Are you unconsciously rejecting the spear or are you cruising to see if you can grasp it?
"What's up? As it is, you can hardly control your powers. I'm not stupid enough to know what it's going to cause."
"... if you dive the Gate, can you wear it? The Power to Control Spears"
"I will not lie."
Azmaria affirmed, but Setuna could not believe her words. Nevertheless, in retrospect, it was also true that Azmaria had never been aggressive in telling lies and lies. Although thoughts were hidden or thrown out, Setsuna had no memory of being deceived.
Setuna touched a treasure ball embedded in a stone clash of spears. A chilling sensation penetrates from fingertips to the whole body. If you cannot control the destructive forces by making the black spear vast, you will not be able to summon this spear to fight. Not to mention being on the battlefield with a number of allies, which is not very much to think about.
Sure, I'm gonna hurt you. No, then it's still not strange if the dead are. It was so powerful. In fact, maybe we were just lucky that Faria and Ruufa weren't involved.
Lost was blunting Setuna's thoughts.
"Come on, Setuna. Come here."
It was a sweet word. If he responds to that temptation, Setuna will probably be able to reach a new stage as an armed summoner. I guess I can learn the art of controlling black spears in places where I don't even know what I'm good at, such as hell. That should not have seemed like the highest priority for Setsuna right now.
but -.
It was Faria's sharp screams that created tension in Setuna's relaxed consciousness. An aggressive voice full of urgency rips the atmosphere apart and resonates.
No, it was a single thunderbolt that tore the atmosphere apart.
Setuna rubbed her surprising not much voice up when she saw a single arrow with thunder coming to Azmaria.
Thunderlit arrows, however, did not pierce Azmaria. Azmaria paid the arrow with her black sleeve. It was a flowing motion. The perfect movement, which also did not see some gaps, could not be captured not only by the arrows of Faria, but even by the spears of Setuna.
"... you've seen that face somewhere"
Doesn't even seem funny, Azmaria. I had to tell him that Hing had been killed.
"My name is Faria! Follow your mission, I'll take you!
Faria's screams were brave and had unthinkable power from her regular girlfriend. Hey, she's an armed summoner on the battlefield. Maybe it's natural to be brave.
Still, Setuna had to be surprised. It is only natural, if we recall the first things we met in the city of Karan. At the time of the interview, she was delighted from the bottom of her heart with the name that came out of Setsuna's mouth.
Apprentice of Azmaria-Altemax.
I still don't know why you lied like that, but the Azmarian thunder name carried me more luck than I could have imagined for Setuna. The same is true of the fact that we have come to behave together with Faria, and the reason why we were to meet Leongand came from the one sentence that Faria described in her report: the disciple of Azmaria.
Humans, it's not what I found out.
The shambles on the spot created a meeting with a number of people in Setsuna.
Maybe that's all you can thank for the legendary figure Azmaria-Altemax.
"Faria...... it's a name I miss. Her daughter - no, a grandson."
Azmaria seemed to look out for Faria, with a worthy eye. The distance is far. There will be about ten meters. I don't suppose Faria was going to approach - toward a target within range, with a disfigured bow. It was as if a foul bird with its wings were opening its distorted mouth.
"Still, you want to discuss me? Don't you guys always say funny things. Are you pointing a blade at me, the greatest of all to you armed summoners? Really funny."
"I mean it!
Faria screamed and Aurora Storm growled. Several muscles of thunder emitted from the bow fly in front of Setuna as they cleave the atmosphere to Azmaria.
"Right. Then there's no way."
Azmaria turned her back on this one as she paid off a dozen arrows looming in front of her without incident. What does it mean to be even luscious afterwards?
"You're running away!
Faria unleashed more arrows. Countless bands of thunderlight float a vivid trajectory in the void. But that was it.
Everything will be destroyed by Azmaria.
The difference in strength between the two was also found in the amateur. Now, no matter how many massive arrows we shoot, we won't even plunder Azmaria.
That wasn't a prediction, it was close to certainty.
"Oh, leave that to me. I don't mean to fight here right now. Setsuna, I'm going to leave you with your daughter for a while."
Abandoning, Azmaria turns to the Gate, which is to go to hell.
Setsuna couldn't even think of a word to give back. I couldn't imagine what the hell Azmaria was thinking, and I wonder what kind of observation it is to leave a bunch of Imperial Demons alone in the King's Capital and not be serious about fighting. It was a lie that common sense didn't work for her, but when she was so young and deserted, there were no specifications for dealing with it in Setsuna.
It was a passion. I don't know what kind of emotions. Simple rage? Is it some kind of thought that comes from a sense of purpose? Or is it a completely different emotion? Anyway, the runoff of light emitted from Faria's bow killed her way to Azmaria as she drew a spiral. A vast amount of white smears Setuna's vision. The explosion went off. Would it have struck directly?
"Faria's granddaughter, that's all I'm saying"
Azmaria's voice was extremely chilling.
Looking forward, in the middle of a blurred vision, Azmarian black clothes were not scratched one.
She has told me not to laugh but to laugh.
"Setuna is a being I have summoned from a world different from this Ils-Valle -"
Whose surprise was that?
Faria or Ruufa?
Or maybe it was Setuna herself.
"Which means he's a monster that's no different from the Imperial Devil."
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