Armed Summoners - Black Spears and the Brave Men of the Other World
Lesson 53: From the King's Landing, Enemy Row - Little Warcraft -
You look great.
That's what Leongand said when he saw Ruufa. But what are you going to do with that dialogue, backwards, with a look like you can't enjoy a laugh? Isn't it like saying it doesn't look good on you?
Though I thought so, Faria had to look at Ruufa's side and have a similar thought in her chest to Leongando's expression.
(Sure, it doesn't look good... hey?
In a space where there was no one else to ask for consent, she had one word all over her chest.
Though I dyed my hair and even my eyebrows black, Ruufa's face was that of your son and was felt somewhat unnatural. And it's something that doesn't even resemble some wild faceted setuna. That would be natural, too. Different faces, different outfits. There were no similar elements from the beginning. I was just chosen for the reason that I should look like a brunette boy in the distance.
And from afar, you can't even tell clearly what your face looks like. No, in the first place, little is known about Setuna's face. Even if the exact information on Setuna's appearance was in circulation, if she hadn't actually seen it, she wouldn't be able to see through Ruufa's disguise. Though it may easily be nursed by an acquaintance of Ruufa.
"Does it look good on...?
"Oh. It's just that. Now there will be no other country to understand Setuna's absence"
Even in Leongand's powerful words, Ruufa looked uncomfortable. If you become him, you don't even know you're going to be anxious. Even when it comes to disguise, it's enough to dye your hair black and change your clothes from expensive to cheap. Maybe it's natural that you can't be relieved by that degree of disguise. So how can we get closer to Setuna than this?
Faria glanced back forward from the side of Ruufa smiling anxiously.
They are in a strategic meeting room in the hallway known as the "Armor Corridor" among the Lion's Royal Palace. The three maps stretched out on the wall seem to indicate the destination across from that strategic meeting, and I guess you're actually right. However, only one Leongand was currently on a rectangular table lined with countless chairs. Civilian martial artists were foolish and had no sign of the side he was heavily using.
There are only three people in this room. Is it an extra important story, or maybe I don't even have time for Leongand's neighbors to look too busy. It seemed to Faria that the latter was more likely than the former.
"Well, let's get down to business. I want you to take on a new assignment."
"Apart from this, is it?
It was Ruufa who asked him what was most natural. That behavioral suspicious-looking attitude must come from fear and nervousness about the king. He's been at that rate ever since he was summoned to the royal palace.
That should be it, too. When it comes to the Barghazar family, it is also a well-known family in Gandia, producing several knights just as his real brother Laksas is. And more importantly, his father, Algazard, is a general and a man enough to be entrusted with the command of the army. If you were born in such a house and educated in your brilliance as a future knight, it's not surprising that your loyalty to the king had become extraordinary and pure.
Since birth, it has been a difficult situation for Faria, who has never received a master. That doesn't mean Faria isn't nervous.
"That's right. Of course, you must behave as an armed summoner, Setuna-Kamiya. Apparently, it will be in his hands..."
"Yes, it's okay!
"That's fine. It's part of the mission, but I want you both to head to Krebourg."
Faria rebelled the name of the city as she explored Leongand's intentions, as well as thinking of the colourful township of Krebourg behind her brain. She had visited the city only once. I didn't have enough time to stroll, but I still remembered the diverse colors that smeared the city of Krebourg.
Speaking of Krebourg, it's a city in the south of the Kingdom of Gandhia. It was smaller in size than the fortified city of Maldar, but still must have been a vibrant city. It is no exaggeration to say that Krebourg is located at the southern tip of Gandhia, close to the borders with its allies, Mion and Lucion. As a result, interaction with both countries is flourishing, and it is said that the number of people entering and leaving is no less than that of the King's capital. And Lucion, the interaction with the people of Mion had a great impact on Krebourg, and the cities with their troika features were half chaotic.
"Linon is finally going back to Lucion. I've decided to ask you to escort me to Krebourg."
"If you are Master Linonclair, won't you be returning home with the White Knights?
Ruufa's question was similar to Faria's. Leongand nods calmly.
"That's right. If it were, Linon wouldn't need an escort. As long as we have the White Saints, we will eliminate them without bitterness, whether we encounter the Imperial Devil on our way home, or be attacked by a bunch of bandits. but although she is my sister, she is the Princess of the Allies. If our country sends them back without an escort, you don't know what kind of reputation Lucion will have, do you?
"I know that... if you care about decency, wouldn't it be more convenient to leave it to the knights?
"Convenience - yes, it's a matter of convenience. It would be more convenient to let you go than to accompany the knight."
There is a sharp light in Leongand's eyes. The intelligent brilliance was such that it became incredible that he had until the other day been called "Ugly." That's not the kind of thing you get overnight. More than before, I guess it's just one end of the strength that Leongand himself had enclosed.
Most importantly, to Faria, who has been treated as if she were an ancient friend since coming to Gandia, was a clear fact and not a surprising event. Leongand himself did not hide his abilities, but it is also true that there were places where he was amused by the bad reputation of "lying" and sometimes acted deliberately foolishly.
"I want the fact that Setsuna, the black spear, headed for Krebourg. I don't care why, but if you followed Linon home, it would also be more convincing, wouldn't it? Setsuna was just named for the Battle of the Balsar Plains, someone no one knew until a while ago. Such an anonymous summoner was liked by the king for his earlier work and promoted to an escort on the return of his beloved sister - isn't that a nice muscle inside?
It's just a dream story. Until the other day, a boy who knew no one else had decided to win a tough battle, but he joined Gandhian celebrities. You must not even imagine a young man dreaming of a servant. Some may laugh with pictorial affairs and nose.
But it's true.
Setsuna was an amateur who had never even stood on the battlefield and who could have predicted his activity alone. Even Faria, yes. There was no way he could have thought about it, such as showing off enough power to dictate the battlefield. From the track record of defeating Lancaine, I saw a certain amount of activity - no way.
The only reason she could remember me for his work then was because that was the battlefield. The crazy heat that characterized the battlefield made her stay calm. I was almost ecstatic, though.
(But is it nice?
To Faria, I didn't think so very much. Instead, I feel unspeakable scared. I don't even know exactly what's scary.
"It's such a dream story. It will soon become a rumor and spread, and more importantly, national intelligence networks will be the first to see it. We have information that an armed summoner may be responsible for the Gandhian army south of Gandhia. This should also weaken Logner's vigilance over our country, at least for a while"
"I see. In the meantime, let's ask Setuna and the others to find out what's going on with Logner."
"That's the thing. The departure, so far, is scheduled in two days. It will be accompanied by Linon and the White Saints, and hundreds of soldiers selected for it. I want Captain White Saint to hear the jewelry of the matter."
Faria nodded forcefully.
Two days from now, it's another sudden story, but it's the same with Setsuna and the others who were given the sudden assignment. But while the other side is a harsh task with a danger to life, this one, depending on the itinerary, must have all come across the Imperial Devil, etc. and could also be considered a safe trip. Most importantly, it was a question of whether Linonclair Leave-Lucion, Captain of the White Knight, was going straight home through the streets.
(Exactly, although I think you will weigh yourself...)
Linonclair was a noble woman who could sacrifice herself for the good of her country, but also a far cry from being completely indispensable. No, that's normal. To the best of Faria's knowledge, none of those people were alone. It is not a sale from my mother that I am human because I am incomplete. Anyway, Faria only wished from the bottom of her heart that there would be no dyed side of Linonclair's child, Rin's knight, beautiful queen and adorable woman.
Unexpectedly, Leongand rose out of his chair. To the king's altered expression, Faria, with tension, corrected her posture.
"You'll have a hard time, thank you."
"Especially since I expect you to. Ruufa-Bargasar"
"! Yes! I'll make sure you meet your expectations!
To the unexpected words from Leongand, I guess it was something that Ruufa, as far as he was concerned, could not help but turn his dismayed voice back.
Faria grinned.
"Did it work?
It was a young man he also knew well who had asked to ripple into a strategic meeting room surrounded by silence by no one but Leongand. I thought he had opened and closed the door without making a sound and walked in indoors, in silent but light footsteps, right in front of him.
I was a man with no change in facial expression so much that no one could look better with the word faceless. He has long stretched black hair and somewhat demonic shiny grey eyes. His name was Keith-Relga.
Leongand floated a response as he looked out for his eyes.
"Isn't that as if I was struggling to deceive them? Fine. You both agreed. In two days' time, information will be circulated that a line of Setuna will be headed to Krebourg. If Logner can relieve me of this alert, that's fine."
"Even if it doesn't, there are Setuna-Kamias,"
"They would scratch the logner"
Leongand, though he did, was not well founded. Not so much a hopeful observation.
Knight Laksas-Barghazar is an impeccable figure in both ability and personality. The arms of the sword are said to be first-class and the highest of the knights. He also had extensive experience as a troop leader, and in this assignment he was also promoted in anticipation of his command abilities.
Setuna-Kamiya had no problems at all with his combat abilities. It has the kind of destructive power that even big countries can't have. However, on the other hand, I was concerned about the lack of experience. It wouldn't be a problem if Laxus helped, but, still, Leongand has to think about it.
(Is this a good idea?
Be decisive, I think.
It is his role to make decisions. A stray can be a missed opportunity for Gandhia, which can sometimes be a fatal wound to the nation. Sometimes we will have to make choices that will also be taken as outrageous in order to make this country better.
Even if that is, for example, throwing a boy into an enemy country and accompanying a mass murderer to it.
Leongand closed his eyelids. Floating in the darkness that covered his sight was the vain leech of a man.
The man's name was Lancaine-Bunell. From his family name, it is clear that he is a person of the Bünell family that leads to the Pendragon clan that dominates Zalwarn, and in fact, he was an assassin from Zalwarn. I changed my name to Lance-Biraine and lurked in this country as a mercenary, but the purpose was to cover Logner's invasion by confusing Gandia. But his purpose was not fulfilled. Although it was Karan who burned it down and caused a large number of casualties, there was no great confusion in this country, let alone an immediate move by Logner.
Has the gear gone mad?
Or simply, was he crazy?
"If you're talking about Cain-Vivre, you won't have to worry about it"
"I know."
Leongand did not put his emotions on his expression or his voice, although he was inwardly annoyed by Keith's words as if he were peeking into his head. Open your eyes quietly. Keith's emotionally invisible expression is not as interesting as the statue.
He accompanied Lancaine not only because he is a powerful armed summoner, but also because he is familiar with Logner. When he was still in Zalwarn, he said he carried his legs again and again to remember Logner's terrain.
Regardless, I didn't forgive him for his sins.
There will be no forgiveness. No matter how effective he has been and how successful he has been, the fact that he has slaughtered his people will not go away. Some would say that extreme sentencing is what it deserves. But then it's warm.
That's what Leongand's mind says, not national sentiment.
What is the punishment that Lancaine deserves?
Until we find that, let's at least have our lives polished down for this country.
(for this country)
The thought is not self-deception, etc. That was all that was clear. I love this country.
It is nothing but a small heaven and earth surrounded by countless nations large and small. It's a small, really small country. Maybe it's because we were blessed with heaven's luck that we've made history to this day. Even when the battle broke out, it was all about skirmishes between small nations. It was clear, however, that if the situation on the stagnant continent moved, it would not be able to say so either.
Leongand looked back when he stood up. A map stretched on one side of the wall fills the field of vision. It is an overall view of the Wargrain continent. The first thing that would catch my attention would be the forces that would divide the continent three times: Vashtalia, the Zaion Empire and the Kingdom of Deal.
Vashtalia, which sets forth salvation by the Supreme God Vashtara and governs the northern part of the continent under its faith.
The Zaion Empire steadily expands the ground consolidated by the first emperor Siwelhein and puts the eastern part of the continent under control.
The kingdom of Diehl, which claims the lineage of Saint Emperor Miendia, ancestors the Duane-Deel, who embarked on the unity of the continent, and governs the western part of the continent.
It is the three main forces of the so-called Wargrain.
If we color the continental map by force or national territory, those three forces will smear most of the continent. Gandhia and others were quite small compared to them. That was the same for Logner and Zalwarn, and it was self-evident that if any of the three major forces moved, they would blow up instantly, such as small groups of nations.
Differences in force are historical.
It's not a tenfold, twenty fold or anything like that. No, even ten times the difference seems hopeless to Gandia, but the mobilizable force of the three forces will go far above it. It's an overwhelming volume difference. Relative to them, they must have swallowed up without even having a fight.
(Giant Beast...)
Fu, those words came up behind Leongand's brain.
Three giant beasts reigning on a vast stage called the Wargrain continent stare each other in the butt with shoulder-to-shoulder little animals - such an image. Once the three giant beasts have begun their action, they will fall instantly trampled by the small animals and others.
Now is a good time to keep staring at each other.
I can't shake it.
Leongand, telling no one, took his gaze off the giant beasts staring at each other on the continental map. We need strength. We need to build strength before we can hear the giant beast's footsteps. We have to be tough as a nation.
The easy way to do this is to swallow other countries. Attack, defeat, devour, and take in a number of small nations.
For Gandia.
For this beloved little country.
For the peace of the hearts of all men.
"First, it's Logner."
His determination could no longer be wavered.
"Damn, where did it come from!
It may have been impossible for Setsuna to want to curse without anyone. It was the maddening oddity that tore apart the silence that thoroughly destroyed his consciousness to a comfortable sleep. Though drowsiness crushed away, the discomfort caused by the disturbance of sleep had made his expression rude.
It was the darkness of night that covered the world, and the countless stars and vast moonlights instantly above his head had brought only a few lights to his sight. And the numerous red lights surrounding the darkness were undoubtedly the eyes of monsters outside.
Imperial Demon (Ouma).
"Daimyo, it must have been a nest in a nearby forest."
Setsuna was stunned by Laxus' sober response from behind.
"The Imperial Devil builds and breeds a nest. You don't even know that?
It is Lancaine who has shown his knowledge in this sight.
"I'm sorry!
"That's what they hated."
"If you're laughing!
Setuna screamed to throw up and threw her gaze around to see what was going on around her. Behind you is Laksas-Barghazar. I have a long sword that I was pulling out at some point. Lancaine-Bunell was right forward of Setuna and he was clueless. The same was true of Setuna.
It is the western part of Maldar, off Bail Street leading to Azark territory. After rendezvous with Lancaine, we followed Laxas' request to head to Azark as soon as possible, and in Maldar we just had dinner.
After Maldar, the three men decided to camp off the street, following the advice of your lord that it was impossible to reach the border during the night, although they hurried down Bail Street in a carriage. In the carriage, the four men were too narrow to sleep, so your lord decided to use them, and the three remaining slept outside. The carriage was loaded with night gear for the camp, so there was nothing like trembling in the cold.
I couldn't imagine Setuna being able to launch a night raid on the Imperial Devil.
Unexpectedly, a high scream arose. The horse must have been woken up by the sign of the Imperial Devil. Seeing where he didn't scream until then, he didn't wake up in the first scream of the Imperial Devil. Whether the nerves are thick or not.
"Let's just get cleaned up. If they hurt my horse, it wouldn't have happened."
"I know! Armed summons!"
Setsuna jumped into the crowd of Imperial Demons who, when summoning the black spear, were surprised by the light of the summons.
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