Armed Summoners - Black Spears and the Brave Men of the Other World
Episode 87: The Vortex of War Reverses
"There are reports that Gandia's and the army have broken into Logner territory and suppressed Marsour!
As he narrowed his eyes to the report that jumped into the main formation, Gray-Barzelg looked out for the general behind him. Arles Reus-Logner must have even turned a surprising, less white head. I kept my eyes open and solidified.
"It should be noted that the Gandhian army is showing more momentum northerly than Marsur, and in a day or two it appears to reach Canon Meadows!
"How many soldiers?
"There's information coming in about 2,000."
Gray pretended to be silent, putting his hand on his chin. Two thousand. Not all armies. Probably an advance unit, and the main unit plans to rendezvous later. Nevertheless, it is hard to think of surpassing Logner's total troop strength even if he joins us. Lucion, the possibility of a joint front by the three Allies with Mion cannot be said to be absent in view of the situation in the Balsar Plains after the war earlier. Both Mion and Lucion raised to their home countries. In that case, it is also inconceivable that Gandhia will release all his troops. There won't be any hindsight worries for Gandhia, but we can't outrage that even he spits out his power for homeland defense.
Even if you're betting on Gandhia's future in the fight against Logner.
That's just too much of a beating.
The gaze was forward - I was watching troops deploying to Canon Meadows. Troop differences are historical, but flag colors are not necessarily bad. Suffice it to say that you are in pain. Most of all, we have lost a lot in terms of war. That would be natural, too. The opponents have their righteousness, and the generals who lead the army are highly desirable. In contrast, although there is only one justice here, it couldn't have been more than necessary for the morale of the soldiers who drew Grey's will.
It was the Cannon Meadows that clashed between Zalwarn's troops, led by Gray-Barzelg, and the regular Logner army, led by the Astal-Lanadies. It is a vast meadow situated just halfway between the Recondahl occupied by the Zalwarn army and the king's capital, Myram. It was only natural for the two armies to clash there.
The battle began in the early morning of the seventeenth. The battle was opened by a unit of logners who could not withstand the pressing air, resulting in a violent battle between the two armies. Sergeants under the banner of General Balzerg who will leave Zalwarn's strongest name wanting, as well as the elites of Logner. It was more obvious than before the war that it would be a fierce struggle, and I wasn't going to get out of hand about it. I was also going to make the necessary sacrifices.
But you won't win.
I admitted it as a fact, not a giving up view.
In terms of precision and precision, it's better this way. In quality, yes. But the amount greatly exceeds the target. This is three thousand. Logner has a force worth twice that. Only about four thousand can be seen on the battlefield, but only what is visible in the eyes is not a force of war. This is a fight. He must be lurking somewhere to inflict a deadly blow on this one.
If you keep fighting, you lose. I know that. That's what I understood from the beginning. So we have to cut it up where appropriate and minimize this damage. This battle is nothing more than a pose against the Abandoned Prince of his country.
You understand that as an Astal-Lanadies. but I can't get my hands off it. He must want to inflict even a small amount of pain on Zalwarn's most powerful troops. Because at dawn, when Logner is independent, he will have to fight Zalwarn sooner or later.
"Do it! General Balzerg!
Arles approached with a voice that seemed slightly inverted, but he silenced. Horizontal spears by the Gandhian army were completely out of consideration, not that. I can think of something. I can't say it sucks, but I can't say it's a good situation.
Gray dropped his eyes on the soldier who leaned this way with one knee down. He is a soldier under the Barzelg, as well as a sergeant who has passed through the demanding training he imposed. The brilliance of his eyes reminded him of the mighty man of war.
"Is it time for the logner side to find out"
And it's also a time of great panic. It may not have been an unexpected situation, as the female jewel, called General Flying, is sometimes upset. The leak of information was thoroughly blocked. Don't let it get into the chaos immediately after the seizure of power. The border was sealed off and even a small amount of information was feared to leak. What's more, the appearance of the Greys forced her to concentrate her forces on the King's Capital.
As a result, Marsur fell unconsciously.
The third city of Logner fell without a big battle. Even though the size of the Gandhian army was about 2000, it would have been irresistible for a city that was neither defensive nor deployed. Maybe there wasn't even a skirmish.
It occurred to Gray that that was the case. It's the same way their troops occupied Recondahl. There was no force against Recondahl either, and most soldiers joined this army because the majority of them were Arlese. Of course, I didn't belong to Zalwarn. As Prince Arles' SS, yes.
"I'm asking you if you want to do it!
"There's nothing like it. Let's offer the Logner side a temporary truce here. Gandhia defeat is a prerequisite."
"Stupid! He said it was a temporary truce when Astar-Lanadies said he was in front of him!
"In front of you? I wonder if His Royal Highness's eyes can see Logner's formation."
"You guys can make it through this!
"That's called buying up. If we are to break through that line and force General Flying to flesh, we must be prepared to bleed accordingly."
It's not worth it either - I almost threw it away, and he shut his mouth. Even though the other person no longer has the status of a prince, it would be just as disrespectful. Noticing the gaze of Arles' surroundings, Gray grinned bitterly all over his chest. How awesome were the people who had no choice but to get into power, though he just looked cool.
"The Gandhian army is the enemy in front of us. After we get rid of the bandits, if they poke us exhausted, there won't be any with us."
"Isn't that the same where you left Gandhia!
That makes sense, too.
Gray didn't deny Earles' words, but he didn't even try to fit them in. There can be no such thing as authority to command the entire army to the Decorative General. Calling soldiers and sending them as military ambassadors to the enemy formation. Let's understand the situation with them. I have to accept this offer. You don't have to know only the Balzerg troops, and Logner shouldn't have the same strength to deal with the Gandhian army at the same time.
Zalwarn can also deal with two countries, Logner and Gandia. It would also be possible to crush the two countries with more force than the total. However, the current state of Zalwarn does not allow it.
Civil strife after the civil strife of the last few years has taken away the strength of a great power called Zalwarn. Driven out to crack down on civil unrest, the burden of soldiers flying around the country is extremely high, and even within Gray's squad, grievances are beginning to blow up. Instead of overthrowing the outer enemies, nothing felt void in waving power to defeat the body, so to speak.
"I didn't crusade any more rapists in front of me than Gandia did."
"General Balzerg!
With inner joy that he had the pretext to silence Arles' screams thanks to the person who jumped into the main formation, he rounded his eyes the moment he put the person's face in his sight. He's a young man who seems to be everywhere. But there is nothing unknown about Zalwarn's general.
"Long time no see"
He laughed. Aye's irresistible and invincible grin made Gray remember the odd heartbeat.
Heath-Lerga. It is one arm of the military master Nares-Ragnahorn, heavily used by the national lord Mirelbus.
The reports of the invasion of the country and the fall of Marsur by the Gandian army were shocking enough to upset the Astar-Lanadies faction.
Despite how thoroughly we blockaded it, we were prepared for the information to leak somewhat, and we were also considering that the neighbouring countries would thereby show some movement. That's Zalwarn's move. It was natural for the rulers to interfere in the internal affairs of their country, and it was natural for them, facing the rulers, to be sensitive to Logner's internal affairs. They'll come at the army for some reason. Whether that was a diplomatic pose or a necessary and pressing action, I considered military clashes with Zalwarn to be inevitable.
And he also made a calculation to end that battle in Logner's favor.
Tactics were easier to set up thanks to the fact that the General on the Zalwarn side was former Prince Arles and the 3000 O troops led by General Gray-Barzelg were found to be opponents. If we can feed the troops of General Balzerg, the most powerful and famous in Zalwarn, then the morale of all the Logner armies can also rise to support the legitimacy of this insurgency.
Shake off the past that gave in to Zalwarn and take the path to a mighty nation that will even reciprocate to the great powers.
Yeah, it can't all work out.
Isn't that what you knew?
Although the Astal-Lanadies were only shocked, they had to bite their teeth at the unexpected arrival of the Gandhian army. Not unexpected per se. It was also something I was worried about. but we had to scratch most of our forces against the Zalwarn army to Myram, and as a result, a logner third city named Marsur was broken through unexpectedly. If it had been broken into Marsur defenses by just a few hundred, it would not have meant that it would have fallen easily, etc., or that it would have gone to rescue while it was holding on. Of course, in that case, we have to do something about the Zalwarn army in front of us.
I am somewhat optimistic about that. Whatever the purpose of the Zalwarn army, the Gandhian army's intervention here would not be welcome. Gandia comes from the southeast. In other words, if we keep fighting like this, Zalwarn could be in the form of being sandwiched by Logner and Gandia. That's not the only problem, but anyway, we don't overlook Gandhia's trends with them.
(Temporary truce……)
Other options were hard to think of. I can't say enough that Zalwarn may not have his hands tied to Gandhia either. All the more so given the timing of the Gandhian invasion. but then General Balzerg shouldn't have rushed the showdown. Better than Canon Meadows, the Gandian army's intervention must have wanted and guided a war in an effective place.
As I traveled that far through my thoughts, I could see that the sound of the struggle I was hearing from the meadows that spread in front of me gradually dwindled.
It was as if the tide were pulling down the front at such a speed that there could be no doubt, either, because she had the right kind of idea in her head, or because there was trust in a sense that it was the fierce General Gray-Barzelg who led Zalwarn. He would have understood the situation and would have swung the extraction after reading this intent. That means a temporary truce here and a joint front, depending on the matter.
I would have decided that, even if it wasn't Astal-Lanadies. But.
"All units in Zalwarn, we're retreating from the Cannon Meadows!
It was also not impossible for General Flying to get a suspicious look on the report from his men. Withdrawal, not retreat. I didn't pull down the front for the truce, I pulled it off the battlefield for the retreat. That means there is no will to continue the fight. We don't even need a temporary truce, but at the same time we even lost the meaning of this fight.
It is not only the meaning of the battle that has been lost. The battle since this morning has caused nearly two hundred damage on Zalwarn's side and nearly three hundred damage here. Those sacrifices go to waste.
Isn't this as if it were an exposé of the Gandhian army?
Astal wanted to scream, but didn't put it into words. I have my men's gaze. General Flying's neighbors are watching her face change. We have to deal with this calmly. As always. I must give you precise instructions as if nothing had happened.
"The battle against Zalwarn shall end at this time. After a brief break, he sets off for the Gandian army occupying Marsour. Tell the whole army."
Astar also understood the feelings of the soldiers who would want to inflict pain on the backs of the Zalwarn army retreating from the battlefield, but now there is something that should take precedence over the immediate consequences. Beat the Gandhian army that is occupying Marsul. In terms of scale, it's not all combat power. If we can disrupt it before it joins the succeeding forces, we can end the battle itself before it develops into a great war. In the meantime, putting Gandhia in pain will have a good impact on future policies and strategies.
This is more of an opportunity.
A tremendous opportunity to write off defeat on the Balsar Plains. The General who played the Failure is no longer in the world, but the winged knights of General Flying can be considered the perfect stage to snow the stigma.
Grad-Clyde and Wayne Bersein-Teulos.
Without them, the Astal-Lanadies would not be free to wing either.
Go for Marsur.
That's Heath-Lerga's word.
He was going to accompany Luig to Recondahl, but he was changing his carriage path on the road. Not Recondahl, just halfway between Recondahl and the king's capital Myram. Zalwarn, if both Logner armies were to bump into each other, it would be the Cannon Meadow, halfway between the cities where both sides were based, which is why they changed course. Neither Laxus nor Lancaine sandwiched their mouths about that prediction, and it was a good thing for Setuna, who had just finished the fight with Wayne.
Of course, we didn't go straight to Canon Meadows. He bypassed heavily to avoid being caught in the vigilance networks of the two armies, breaking up with the Heaths in the southwest of the meadows where the Zalwarn armies would be forming. Luig always looked anxious, but when ordered by Laxus, he followed Heath in such a way as reluctantly.
It was in this way that the carriage carrying the Setuna and the others joined Gandia's advance forces at a time deeper in the night. In Marsur, not. The Gandhian army was camped at night in the hills of northern Marsur. It sounds like something that would be nice if we waited to rendezvous with the main unit in Marsur, but maybe the Leongands have an idea Setuna doesn't know about.
The night sky was lit with great moons and countless stars, but still a great deal of fire was set ablaze to keep the darkness of the night away. It's like showing the enemy the camp at night, but he said it's no way to do it either. The same goes for wild animals, but more troublesome beings exist in this world.
It is the Imperial Demon.
The Imperial Demon appears everywhere, strikes humans and tries to give them to blood festivals, but says he won't be able to easily get his hands on them when he finds that the number on the human side is high and he can't kill them easily. That's why we cook the fire. To make it look as large as possible, brilliant. That's not just the Gandhian army. From the time the night darkness approached, the fire lit red even in the north, as if to show that Logner's army was headed this way.
Though we have to be careful enough about the night raids, we won't be able to get any closer than this many lights illuminate the darkness around us.
The carriage carrying the Setunas was also stopped in front of them as they approached the night camp. You can't be unsure how the carriage is coming at a glance in the dark. but it was not until Laxus showed his face that he was passed to the night camp. Two horses pulling a carriage - probably because they saw Emerion and Roxalia, is a Laxus valve. Apparently, none of the famous horses owned by the Barghazar family know anything about the Gandhian army.
It was Leongando Ray-Gandia, whoever it was, who entered the night camp and welcomed the Setunas off the carriage. The youth king had a casual grin as he was lit by a blazing bonfire.
"Thank you for your hard work"
Leongand went back to the Tabernacle, telling Setuna and the others to rest for the night.
There was only one word spoken, but that alone made Setuna feel like all the hard work of this assignment had been rewarded. They stared at each other and held my hand. I even feel filled, just staring into Leongand's clear eyes. I didn't care if that was a mistake.
Most of all, not if you're impressed. Rest before the report means putting the Setunas into a fight that will probably start tomorrow. Fatigue accumulated, screaming everywhere in his body, but nothing more than obeying orders, if you will.
"The battle will be for you."
Lancaine's whispers touched his eclampsia as if he had guessed inside this one, but Setuna did it by silencing him. Instead, I didn't even have the strength to say it back.
There were 2,000 soldiers in the night camp resting there or on guard, and there was no way they could have made it like that, such as Setuna's sleeping place, and the line had no choice but to get some sleep in the carriage.
Tomorrow will be a big fight.
Setuna fell asleep to be invited by the darkness, in a situation usually shaken by emotions that were neither exciting nor fearful. I guess I was getting tired too much. I didn't even dream.
The next morning, the sun slipped into the carriage carrier as Setuna struggled with a sweet drowsiness while rubbing her sleeping eyes. Someone must have peeked inside. I was in a hurry outside, but I couldn't see through the carriage.
Setuna, Cain, wake up.
It was Laxus who had always spoken in a harsh tone. He is also the one who has peered into the carrier. I don't know the expression because of the backlight, but there was something out of the question.
"Yes, sir"
"I'm already awake. Me and Setuna."
"No, it's nothing"
Setsuna was surprised because Lancaine's voice came down from overhead. He was getting up and dressed before Setuna woke up, apparently. Setsuna has to get dressed soon too. Lancaine was peeking this one in the face, but immediately shifted her gaze to Laxus.
"What happened?
"Put it succinctly. Our main unit was attacked near the border last night. The main unit is half-baked and the general's safety is unknown. They seem to be a few, but we don't even know the details."
Although the Laxus story showed the cause of the noise going on outside the carriage, it was both a shocking fact for Setuna. I'm surprised and stunned by what's just going on. It is the Gandia soldiers, made up of 3000 men, who make up the unit. The fact that the army is half-baked means that the opponent can be seen as a pretty strong enemy. There's probably a mix of armed summoners. Though a night raid, a summoning armed firepower is essential to halve the great army in a few.
"There was a report tomorrow morning. The leaders have their heads troubled before the opening of a war with Logner. It's a battle to meet up with the main unit. And if half of it is true, we can't take it back until we get help soon."
"Worst of all, run back to the country concerned with Logner's pursuit"
"Oh man."
"Setsuna, Cain is right. In some cases, we must behave so His Majesty can return safely to his country."
I mean, the Lord's Army.
Lancaine is on the line. I sincerely enjoy this worst situation. Setuna stared at the man's face, but also thought that the spare time might be what she needed. The situation sucks. Isn't an unshakeable mind in every situation the key to opening up a viable path?
but the Hall Army - that is, where we covered the retreat at the rear of the army, if we were caught between the strong-armed enemy who attacked the main unit and Logner's main unit, wouldn't there be an ex or a child?
Laxus looked back as Setuna tried to open her mouth. Looks like someone called me. After a while I turned back to this one, he had a piece of paper in his hand. It would be like a report. Laxus glanced at the information on the paper and told him quietly.
"Additional information. We know who stormed the main unit and drove it to half-destruction."
It was an incredible story for Setsuna, told from Laxus's mouth.
"Wayne Bersein-Teulos. It's Logner's Blue Knight."
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