Armed Summoners - Black Spears and the Brave Men of the Other World
Episode 97: Where the Battle Goes
It was in the morning of the twentieth that the Gandhian army triumph was brought to Gandhion, the king's capital.
Breaking news by the Bibliographic Pigeon arrived in Maldar last night and shook the fortress city, but when the report was brought to the King's Capital of Gandhia, it would be unimaginable that the heavens and the earth made a major commotion as if it had been repeated. It was the most significant change in Gandia's history, a laudable event, a joy and a surprise, and anyway, the subjects marveled and cheered by the time they were great.
It would naturally have become more noisy than the recapture of the fortress of Balsar. Gandhia, one of the weaker small countries, was able to step out of them by lowering her neighbor's logner. There will be no immediate change in that, but the fact that it will at least have a greater military power than in neighbouring countries will change Gandia's position where it is placed.
Relations with the allies Lucion and Mion could also have changed a little. Although that does not necessarily go in the right direction, there is nothing more unpleasant for Gandia than a deterioration in its relations with the two countries of the Alliance. Then, in view of this, relations with both countries should continue to be well maintained.
Detailed information on the victory has not yet arrived under the castle. The damage caused by the battle with Logner was enormous, but I could only tell enough that it was a painful victory.
It had been told that the victory of the Gandhian army was recognised in the name of King Ellius Ray-Logner, but it did not reach the ears of the citizens with regard to their treatment of Royal Logner and his ministers. No, I didn't get any detailed information under her, not just the citizens, but just an armed summoner.
Faria-Belfaria hurried back to Gandion after delivering Princess Linonclair Leave-Lucion to Krebourg. I didn't have time for sightseeing with the Linonclairs (that they planned to stay a couple of days to buy souvenirs to the country) or anything like that. Regardless, I was not ordered to return immediately. She voluntarily speeded up her return. Ruufa-Bargazar also agreed to that, but he demanded a good rest, and she had to admit it.
Ruufa-Bargazar was clearly debilitated by the battle along the streets, and was anxious both mentally and physically. Of course, I can't take you home in that state. And I couldn't even leave him alone in Krebourg. Besides, it doesn't mean his safety isn't guaranteed. He was the most powerful member of the Barghazar family in Gandhia, as well as a competent armed summoner.
I wouldn't have had any problems leaving her in Krebourg, but that went against her justice. In the first place, the reason why he was so exhausted that he demanded the day off was that it was in Faria, and he couldn't possibly not feel responsible.
It all began with his assignment to become the armed summoner of the Black Spear, Setuna-Kamiya, and to accompany Linonclair back home. That was only to ease the vigilance of other countries by keeping Setuna away from the front line, which showed overwhelming power in the Battle of the Balsar Plains.
I knew from the beginning that there would be a suitable summoning weapon to become an armed summoner of the Black Spear. With Ruufa's Summoning Armed (Silfed Feather), you can't be Setuna.
That's why she spent the night working on the composition of the procedure. I only wished I could see it as a black spear in the distance, but after suffering, I thought Faria was able to make the synagogue, spelling the image that had poured down like a heaven.
In fact, the pitch-black spear summoned by the technique was too powerful. No, I should say it was too powerful. I was not tired of annihilating a group of Imperial Demons, and tried to have a further storm of destruction.
It has nothing to do with Ruufa's will.
And I hallucinated Setuna.
According to Ruufa, Setuna, who appeared with extreme realism, was trying to destroy him and the pitch-black spear. Most importantly, neither Ruufa nor Spear could have been hurt.
He depleted his spirit with that one-time summons. Enough to keep sleeping in the carriage on the road to Krebourg.
"I will never summon you again."
I can't forget my exhausted face.
Speaking of the first thing he did when he came back to Gandion, it was the incineration disposition of a letter describing a summoning ceremony for a pitch-black spear. If I had left it, someone might have seen it, and given what it was like when it passed to the other armed summoners, his handling might have been appropriate.
Faria herself, did not make a good impression on the pitch-black spear, and supported his judgment. No matter how powerful it is, it is a weapon and other useless long objects that cannot be controlled.
Anyway, Faria, who returned to King's Capital with Ruufa, where she recovered somewhat, found out for the first time about Gandia's invasion of Logner.
When it came to what Faria, who is in the king's capital, could do, it was only to pray for Setuna's safety and the victory of the Gandia army. I can't possibly go to Logner without a royal life.
Most of all, it's not like a day goes by without a day. He was busy working at the office of the Continental Summoners Association in Gandion. I should have resigned from my position in the association more than I had been hired by Gandia, but the situation did not allow it. I had to spend some time in the process to do that.
As long as it was over, the rest was easy. I rented a room to the Barghazar family, sweet to the generosity of Ruufa, because it would have been this mansion if Setuna had returned. Whenever he had a peek in the room he was renting, he was still hanging out, but he remained after a few days of living. Most importantly, a good cleaning by the maids of the Barghazar family was trying to erase the traces he was in.
Well, when will that setuna be back?
He may or may not be coming home any sooner than he beat Logner. Will the Argument Award take place after returning home? It would be too early to return home, for example, but you can also leave Logner as he is. I won the war. but they should still have enough power to defy.
It's a tough win, so you should see that much force left.
I wonder what King Leongand is going to do. Regardless, it will swallow a nation called Logner and strengthen Gandhia, but what way will it take it? What will become of the royals and nobles of Logner? I wonder what the army is going to do.
I'm not exhausted, but it's also true that I can't even think about it alone.
Faria had no choice but to wait for Ruufa, who had headed to the Royal Palace to gather information, to return.
Gandhia won. Setsuna must be safe. He has that spear in his hand. As long as he has the black spear in his hand, he will survive. Even if he burned his whole body down, he was alive. I was able to take her life and accept her arrows. It's okay. Setsuna is safe, unless that spear is also something to betray. And there can be no such thing as subpoena armed betrayal.
Even if the power of the Summoning Army can be uncontrolled and rampant. It is unlikely that the enmity of the Summoning Army itself will be directed against the Summoner. Even Lance of Designer did. The pitch-black spear, which was beyond Ruufa's control, did not harm himself, although he exercised power beyond his will.
Most of all, there's no point in an unserviceable force. It was no mistake that Ruufa erased the spell from the world. This will never touch anyone's eyes, and again, that spear will never be summoned.
(Should be...?
All at once, Faria admitted her back of her chest crouched with strange anxiety. I don't know why. Maybe there's something about that spear that makes you feel that way, a spiralling pitch-black spear. Showing overwhelming power, he swept away the crowd of Imperial Demons. It's not that much of a summoning weapon. Perhaps there was no reason to have a bad feeling about it.
Passing the back of my brain at the end of that thought was about Setuna.
What is he doing in Logner's land now that the war is over?
The war is over.
Lighter than I thought.
Less than I thought.
With the Astal-Lanadies acknowledging their loss, the win or loss was decided. The lives of two hundred and thirty-three soldiers were dedicated to this end. I guess that was more of a necessary sacrifice as a judgment material than the length of time it took her to make a decision.
That is the number of enemy soldiers that Setuna killed by Chaos Bringer.
At that time, no one would have been able to immediately admit defeat. The opponent was only one armed summoner, and although the venue was confusing, the logner was on top in terms of the number of soldiers. If things went well, it was obvious to suppress Gandhia. Even if you get stuck with a black spear, it's not that easy to decide when compared to your current victory.
As a result, two hundred and thirty-three of the soldiers who were around General Flying were attacked by Setuna and lost their lives in return. It can be considered a futile death, or a necessary sacrifice (although it was a mercenary takeover and sale).
Astal-Lanadies' life wouldn't have been scattered if they had made the decision sooner. But who can admit Logner's defeat the moment Setuna shows up? As I could admit, I'm not convinced around. In the end, just as much blood could have flowed.
It is a decision to see the power of Chaos Bringer, and if so, to convince the soldiers as well. Of course, some of them won't be comfortable with her judgment. Some voices say that Astal-Lanadies, who were called famous generals, should have been as easy as it was to grab a victory from that situation.
but anyway, this battle ended in a Gandhian victory. Numerous Imperial Demons remained on the battlefield, but the two armies joined forces to repel this. One hundred and twenty-four bleaks, each with more than fifty Bethbells and Resbells, and gablets spanning ten bodies. The fighting was fierce, but the expansion of the damage was dampened by the activities of the armed summoners of both countries.
Speaking of armed summoners, apparently Gandia's main unit was accompanied by two armed summoners. Though he struggled to protect the generals from Wayne, he was wounded and seemed to have to retreat behind him. Two armed summoners hired from the Continental Summoners Association. I'm sure you must know Faria, but it was something I wasn't interested in Setuna. But even two armed summoners get horrified by Wayne's obsession that couldn't be stopped.
Regardless, it's just the power of that spear. But it was also true that he had summoned the spear and manipulated it brilliantly. Until the end, there was his will intervened. Wayne Bersein-Teulos. All I remember after the battle was that knight.
Setuna was on the roof of a tower overlooking the king's capital, Myram. It was one of the few spaces in the Royal Palace of Myram with a frightening number of humans entering and leaving in post-war processing, but without the soldiers of Logner and without the soldiers of Gandia. I couldn't find my place in the city or in the royal palace. It was a place to hit and put on him, and I was free to think as long as I was here. Thoughtful, without being disturbed by anyone.
Two days stood after the battle was over.
The citizens of Myram boiled down when Flying General Astar-Lanadees took the king of the enemy country to make his return. However, doubts arose as to how Logner's army was returning to be pinched back and forth by Gandhian army soldiers, and eventually the whole of Myram fussed when the defeat of Logner's side became known. but it was rarer for people to disturb it, and many were rather calmly receptive to things. It's as if you're giving up.
Setuna was not familiar with Logner's history, so she wondered how the citizens reacted. Most of all, the number of citizens who turned their gaze of hatred on him, who were in charge of the black spear and cut off the Gandhian army, was enough to make him do and pioneer.
The notoriety of the black spear seems to be blowing all over Logner.
It makes me feel dark. Even the gentle breeze that strokes your cheeks doesn't make you feel any better. Neither the city of Wang Du, which can be seen from the top of the tower, nor the clear blue sky as if to celebrate Gandhia's victory, cleared his mood. Look down at your hands. The burnt hands had bandages wrapped around them after they applied the medicine. It was a terrible burn. but there is also the idea that I'm glad I only had to burn.
Fighting Wayne wasn't strange when Setuna died. His obsession. The power of a pitch-black spear. Setuna's mental state. Something was about to lead Setuna to bad results. It was moving to the worst end. To death.
Just remembering seems to freeze my spine.
All beginnings are your fault. More than a thousand soldiers lost their lives because of it. soldiers who had been integrated into the main unit of the Gandia army. Like no other, I realize the seriousness of what I have done. No, you must have noticed. It was only because I was aware that I was able to defeat Wayne.
But could you put a bullet on it?
Shake your head.
It can't be bullying. Dead people will never come back to life again. Death is absolute and eternal. It's a definitive wedge. You can't overshadow that. That means living, that means dying. You can't make amends for how you did to a dead human being, and your mistakes remain faulty, and remain in Setuna's consciousness. Into the fold of memory, keep whispering until you die.
"I... what have I done"
It's irrevocable. At that time, if Setuna had killed Wayne, the main unit would have been able to rendezvous safely with King Leongand. The Gandhian army should have been able to fight the Logner army at its best.
No way. It's too late for everything. Even if I know, I have to think about it. If you're thinking about what you're here for, it's a problem you have to look at. Was it sweet, sweet, or drunk?
It can't be a dog, it can't be a ghost, it just consists of halfway self-esteem. Think about that all the time.
On the road to Myram, Setuna was spoken to many times by King Leongand. His Majesty looked concerned about Setuna. He knew about Setuna's demise. And here's what happened.
'It's not your fault. You should certainly have stabbed Wayne with a stop, but everyone has mistakes and failures. I'm not telling you not to worry about it. It's not that light. But you're not the only one with a downfall. With three thousand soldiers, two armed summoners, there was nothing wrong with a unit ravaged by just one enemy, etc.?
I guess that's right too, but that's why Setuna was anxious not to be held accountable for her crimes. Leongando's words, which he continued to teach, had perseverance and kindness, but that was what was hard on Setuna. I wonder why His Majesty doesn't blame himself. It was Setuna's fault that led to his subordinate's death by accident, so you should be able to blame him more. You should curse, scold, and punish. Otherwise, Setuna herself will not be able to forgive herself.
I could have defeated Wayne as a bully. With this hand, I stopped breathing. But you can't even liquidate everything with it. I didn't mean it either. What is dead remains dead. There is no way that lost lives will be undone.
That's why Setuna wanted to be acquitted. But.
'There's only one. Only one enemy made me half-destruct. Who could have guessed that? There are other armed summoners with powers like yours. Can you imagine that? If that was a sweet prospect, I can only admit it. I mean, I have a responsibility to myself. No, it's only natural that I, the king, shoulder all the blame. That everything came out of the sweetness of my perception. It's not a matter for you to bear alone. "
Many of the words that have thrown me high and gentle and proud and serene still echo in Setuna's head. That won't be the salvation. My heart remains sinking deep. Still, I felt like I saw just a little light.
'Besides, you are a winning actor. Their death will never be in vain either. This victory allows Gandia to grow stronger and bigger. I took that first step. I would never waste it. Do you want a dog to die? As long as Gandia's history continues, their death will not be in vain. Wouldn't you?
As long as Gandia's history continues.
Setuna's help is needed to do this, Leongand said. It is essential that Setsuna, the user of the black spear, cooperate.
As long as you need it, you won't lose your place. I can feel safe in that regard. But is there such a thing as a rest there? Waving a black spear is a battlefield. It means that there is a place in the struggle. No, should I say we can't secure a place or anything unless we keep fighting?
Place, rest, peace - that's all I want. I don't want any more. But even to get them, they have to be painted on the blood. Is there any rest you can't get without putting yourself in the struggle to wash your blood with blood? I think, I laugh bitterly. Now.
"It's too late, I'm sorry."
Crushing rather than mocking himself, he rode himself out of the roof of the tower just a little bit. The ten-story tower was too high to look over the king's capital Myram, and even the commotion under his eyes looked like a separate world event. That's how far away I am. And that was the distance he needed right now. I wanted time to think. I just wanted some time to think quietly, slowly.
The battle continued until today. That's what running around enemy countries is all about. The nerves are always tense and there is no time to rest. I get physically and mentally exhausted in the battle after the battle, but I couldn't possibly have had time to calm down my polished mind or anything. And even after the battle, I didn't visit when my heart rested.
Now he's finally starting to calm down.
By distancing myself from reality like torrents, I was finally able to have time to think about myself.
One battle is over.
I didn't boil down to the fact that I was in a turbulent time, and I didn't understand how this Gandhian victory would change anything, but still, I'm sure it made sense. I guess it didn't go to waste, as Leongand put it. Everything that has been spent for this victory.
(But still...)
I feel like I can't breathe.
I'm sure there won't be a day to be free from this breathlessness. I have a feeling of certainty. This pain is something Setsuna follows all the way around in her life. When he understood that, he felt like he could forgive himself just a little.
Because you will bear this pain until you die.
Unexpectedly, the shoe sounded from downstairs. There was no way he could discern his opponent by the sound of his shoes alone, and Setsuna waited for the Lord of Footsteps to show himself.
"You were here"
So it was Lancaine-Bunell who called from downstairs. He covers his face with a mask, but that's because his identity is his identity. I also feel it's too late to hide it, but I guess you don't even care. Maybe he was also confident that he wouldn't get that much attention on the battlefield. The monstrous mask, which cannot be described as a dragon or a ghost, mainly conceals the eye area and the mouth is prominent. Whether it is a consideration to make it easier for the voice to be heard.
Setuna raised a question mark on the appearance of a person who was supposed to be engaged on the king's side.
"Is something wrong?
"It's an emergency."
He tells, not laughs.
"Arles-Logner occupied Recondahl"
Setsuna gave a strange look as she looked down at the lancaine downstairs. Speaking of Arles, I've only seen his face once. I remember him as if he looked like a nervous man, but he could be mistaken. I have a faint impression. It was just a brief face-to-face in Recondahl. Grey-Balzerg was more impressive than Earles. He was a fierce warrior.
But Recondahl should have been originally occupied. by the armies of Zalwarn led by Arles. It was no surprise that the Zalwarn army continued to occupy Arles by his own gesture even after he withdrew by Heath's ploy, which was an irreplaceable Lancaine. Do I need to reaffirm that?
"He is Logner's former prince. Though the Logner army is comfortable with General Lanadies, some of them are unhappy with this defeat. I can't even say enough that those people won't respond to his invitation. There are also reports of soldiers escaping from the Wang capital. Only a few."
"You can't leave me alone," he said.
"His Majesty takes a heavy look at things. Not yet. Because like Earles, you have no power or charm. It would be just about a few hundred people even if we got together. But if we prolong, other countries might intervene. No, Zalwarn will definitely get his hands on it. In the name of assisting Arles. Heath's plan will never be used again. Next time Zalwarn turns his back on the army, this one must fight with all his might."
"Do you want to avoid that?
"Even though we beat Logner, the situation is unstable. It still takes time to say that this land has become Gandia's. The idea above is to avoid moving the army as far as possible until they stabilize."
"That is."
Encouraging Setuna to come to a clear conclusion, Lancaine has told me to laugh.
"You're in charge, Setuna-Kamiya."
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