Armor Frenzy

Chapter 835: Aftermath of the war

No matter how much Ye Han was unwilling, he could only bury it deep in his heart, and what he couldn't let go of was that he personally left all the wounded in Mu Weiling.

Although he also knew that doing so was the best choice, whether he knew it was one thing, whether he could think about it in his heart was another.

That door cut off far more than sight.

The Swift 3 was completely shattered in the explosion. The wounded defense line only lasted for a few minutes before the aliens broke through, and countless aliens rushed to the Yushan.

Lin Yi broke out in a cold sweat. As soon as the hatch was closed, he immediately started the rocket: "All seated, take off!" There was no time to find a seat, and everyone lay on the ground immediately.

The bottom of the rocket that was standing high suddenly burst into a flame, and the flame immediately turned into a gushing flame. The flame burned the ice surface, and the solidified ice surface quickly melted and boiled, and finally turned into a diffused steam.

At the same time, Yushan blasted out all the remaining smoke bombs. The smoke and water mist were mixed together and blown away by the airflow brought by the flames.

The aliens who broke through the line of defense rushed towards the rocket with all their strength, and the two rapid-fire guns on the landing section fired at full force. The dense bullets were like two long flaming whips. Flying to aliens with deadly kinetic energy, as long as it is hit by a bullet, it will be seriously injured if it does not die.

However, the aliens ignored it and focused on dealing with the rocket. Countless silk lights hit the rocket, but the power of the silk light was weakened by the smoke screen and could not hurt the rocket at all.

The rocket finally broke away from the launch pad under the impetus of the tail flame, and slowly rose up, and the higher it flew, the faster it flew. At this time, the aliens had rushed into the smoke screen.

The smoke bombs were still releasing thick smoke, but the strong air at takeoff blew the smoke away, and the aliens raised their arms and prepared to shoot at the rocket.

At this juncture, dozens of lasers from the orbiting module fell from the sky, sweeping away the aliens near the rocket.

A little further away, countless artillery shells fell from the sky, layer upon layer of barrage plowed a death channel among the aliens, and after a while, several missiles fell from the sky, and wherever the cluster warheads landed, there was a piece of scorched earth.

The rocket took off, and there were countless explosions below. Some persistent aliens flew high, chasing under the rocket that was flying higher and higher, but their speed was too slow and they were destined to fail.

The acceleration of the soldiers in the spaceship is getting bigger and bigger, and everyone feels like a mountain is pressing down on them.

The rocket flew higher and higher, Lin Yi shouted under the pressure: "Nanzhou, Yushan leave the ground and reach low-altitude orbit in two minutes!"

"Nanzhou understands that it will leave as soon as possible after docking."


Although the rocket is still in the rising stage, although the soldiers are still under great pressure, but everyone's mood has relaxed a lot.

The first stage of the rocket was successfully separated, the second stage was successfully ignited, and two minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and the spacecraft successfully escaped from the atmosphere and entered the weightless outer space.

It only took two minutes for the spacecraft to lift off, but it took five minutes to dock with the orbital section. After entering Yushan, Lin Yi rushed to the bridge as soon as possible and controlled the spacecraft to escape from Io.

Ye Han and the fighters who escaped were lying on the porthole, staring at Io Zero with extremely complicated eyes, watching it get further and further away.

At this time, the Third Fleet also gradually withdrew from the battle, breaking away from the entanglement of the alien fleet.

The official battle between the two sides did not take long, but the enemy was strong and we were weak. The Third Fleet, which had only a dozen warships, lost five warships, and the rest were wounded. to make.

When the carrier-based aircraft withdrew from the battle, there were only a dozen or so left, and all the aircraft left near the Yushan were counted, and the air force on the Nanzhou was completely crippled.

After getting rid of the entanglement of the aliens, Ling Yu was stunned for a while. The only feeling he felt was that it was not worth it. He felt worthless for this battle.

Although the battle is over, there is still a lot of follow-up work to do in this battle. The brains, including Ling Yu, are exhausted by the various post-battle reports and summaries - no matter how you look at it, this battle is all about victory. It doesn't matter, if the aliens didn't hide back underground, the report of the Third Fleet would only be more ugly.

At this point in the battle, the Third Fleet was no longer able to carry out the mission. Ling Yu immediately reported the situation to Beidu. On the one hand, he requested to return, and on the other hand, he informed Beidu to form the Third Fleet.

Yushan was far away from Io Zero, and after a safe distance, it turned its direction and joined the main force.

This is not the end, Ye Han wanted to communicate with Nanzhou immediately and requested the fleet to bomb the icefield, on the grounds that he would rather destroy the remains of the martyrs left on Io Zero than let the remains fall into the hands of aliens.

Ling Yu only considered for three seconds before agreeing to Ye Han's request, so the fleet fired four nuclear bombs at the location of Swift 3.

Aliens have no interest in intercepting at all, and let the nuclear bomb fall on the ice, and all things related to human beings are turned into ashes in the nuclear explosion.

There are also nuclear bombs that are placed under ice. Although these nuclear bombs are waterproof, the detonator of the nuclear bomb must work on the battery, and the battery has a limited discharge time and must be detonated before the battery stops working.

Judging by Io Zero's environment, the battery on the nuclear bomb can only last seven to ten days.

Ling Yu was once again caught in a tangle.

If the aliens raise the planetary engine, the probability of the nuclear bomb under the ice layer blowing up the planetary engine is very high. On the contrary, even if the nuclear bomb is detonated, the possibility of destroying the planetary engine is very small.

Right now, the aliens are all hidden Even the alien spacecraft does not show up, and the possibility of re-raising the planetary engine is almost zero.

But neither Ling Yu nor Beidu wanted the Marine Corps to die in vain, so Beidu ordered the Third Fleet to stay near Io Zero. If there is no chance after seven days, then detonate the nuclear bomb and return to the ship, leaving the rest of the work to the Third Fleet. Four Fleet.

Neither Ling Yu nor Ye Han knew how strong the shock was caused by the failure of the 3rd Fleet. Beidu conducted dozens of battles just by analyzing the battle situation. The whole battle process was torn apart and smashed into pieces. Study the combat record frame by frame, carefully studying the battle's gains and losses.

The Fourth Fleet is also in intensive preparations, but the departure time is not yet determined, but Beidu's opinion is to go as soon as possible, and the mission of the expedition fleet this time is not a strong attack, but to stay near Io Zero to wait for opportunities!

The current speed of Io is very fast, the relative speed is close to 80 kilometers per second, which is more than twice the speed of the earth's revolution. This speed is too fast. Io must slow down before reaching the earth, otherwise it will definitely rub shoulders with the earth. And passed.

The task of the Fourth Fleet is to wait for the planetary engine to rise again.

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