Armor Frenzy

Chapter 845: metamorphosis

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In fact, they don't have to leave us anything, because within a few days, the bones in our hands grow outside. Although the bones are covered with a layer of skin after they grow out, there is no response to touching the touch screen, and the tablet computer can't be used at all. .

It's not that it can't be used, because the skull hasn't grown very long, and I can continue to use it with my nose and chin. Some people don't want to bother with that and have never touched a computer again. Some people are willing to move, and they insist on playing for a while, but It's not that the head is not long, but the back is long.

There is also the fact that the skull does not come out of the flesh like the body, but directly grows bones, which swells the head and face like a ghost The layer of skin on his body cracked and fell off, and the flesh on his head also fell off. In the end, he could no longer find a piece of skin and flesh on his body, and his body was covered with bones, completely turning into a monster.

I'd love to remember that day, but the aliens have taken all the timekeeping tools away, and we can't even figure out the morning and evening, let alone the date.

Team Huang said that this is a conspiracy of aliens. They want to deprive us of our identity first, and then deprive us of everything we are familiar with, so that we are gradually disconnected from human beings.

I hate to admit it, but the yellow team said the team.

Zeng Rui said that we are now like insects, all bones are wrapped in meat, and it is no longer meat wrapped in bones.

I don't want to believe it, but I can't help it, I don't understand how the aliens turned us into monsters, and neither does anyone else.

Zeng Rui also said that we are all different, we are no longer human, we are different from human beings from the inside to the outside, only the consciousness in our brain still regards ourselves as a human being.

With this look, even if there is a chance to go back to Earth, we will not be able to go back.

Son of a **** aliens, I hate them...

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help sighing.

There are not many words in this paragraph, but the handwriting is very scribbled, and there is an irresistible resentment hovering between the lines.

Although Ye Han didn't experience all of this personally, Lu Peng's narration made him feel the same way, and reminded him of the half-human, half-worm experiments in the depths of the spider cave.

Are there more biochemical experiments performed by aliens on humans? Without the foundation laid by these experiments, how could it be so easy for aliens who landed on Earth to combine humans and bugs?

Ye Han is not the kind of temperament that can go to the horns when encountering things, but this incident made him have to think deeply - the aliens have been using human beings for biochemical experiments, what is their ultimate goal?

Combining humans and bugs, ultimately turning humans into alien slaves?

Or use worms to fight against humans and reap the benefits of fishermen?

Or even say, first let humans and bugs combine, and then completely strip human civilization, turning humans into wild beasts that drink blood?

He had just read it in his diary. Lu Peng said that the aliens regarded the scrapped reactors as treasures. In other words, although the technological level of aliens was much higher than that of humans, human civilization also had merit. If If aliens defeat human beings, it is also necessary to absorb human civilization.

This matter has nothing to do with the protection of human civilization. It is that aliens want to absorb the achievements of civilization that are beneficial to them. Most of the civilization achievements of human beings will be abandoned by aliens. Aliens can look at it. There must be very few high-end techs!

So, will aliens spare humans in order to absorb human technology?

Ye Han didn't know, but he instinctively told him that aliens couldn't have any kindness to human beings, and most human beings would not have a good end. It would be great to keep a group of scientific and technological elites, and once they lost their use value , the fate of these tech elites is not much better.

The best result, I am afraid, is like Lu Peng, who is turned into a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

It's hard for Ye Han to imagine how he would react if he had the same experience.

Turning to the next page, there are many meaningless lines on the page, and after a few lines are the scribbled words:

The last piece of human flesh fell off, and we all turned into monsters. From this day on, everything became different. Aliens no longer kept us in closed rooms, but took us into dungeons , gave us some normal accommodation, but the food was still so bad.

Zeng Rui said that this is because aliens have already transformed us, and our bodies are no longer afraid of alien microorganisms, so aliens dare to release us.

Although there is no warning, we all feel that this is not a good thing.

Sure enough, not long after we left the isolation house, the aliens separated us and took us away one by one. I don't know where the aliens took the others, only that they took me to a corner of the city, where there was a The fully enclosed warehouse is full of human belongings. Few are still in good condition. Most of them are broken and broken, and they are piled together like an oversized garbage heap.

It was only later that I realized that the aliens meant for me to distinguish these things, to categorize them.

Here's your chance!

The aliens found a lot of things, which basically came from the Shuwan, and there were also a lot of weapons and equipment, but I could see that they took away all the weapons they knew, but they definitely didn't expect that human's The weapons are far more than those kinds of firearms.

I deliberately misclassified things and wanted to hide a few mines, but for some reason, aliens seem to be able to read minds, no matter how much I mess up, they can pick out the weapons right away, and after a few times I understand , it's useless to play this kind of cleverness with aliens, there is really no way, I can only cooperate.

It's really sad, I was still fighting with aliens at first, now what? I am a a slave, a walking dead with a mind.

The opportunity came, this time it really came, I found a nuclear bomb in the garbage dump, and it looked intact, the moment I saw it, my heart almost jumped out!

It's incredible, I've become like this, and I can still feel my heartbeat.

In order not to attract the attention of the aliens, I deliberately did not look over there, and they did not pay attention to the nuclear bomb!

If the aliens knew what that was, they wouldn't have put a nuke in the garbage dump, so lucky, my only thought right now is to die with the enemy.

Time for revenge!

The last line of writing is very large and the handwriting is also very heavy. There is half a page of paper behind this line.

Before, even if the date was different, it was a blank line at most, and the blank page had never appeared before, and Ye Han couldn't help showing a bit of surprise in his eyes.

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