Armor Frenzy

Chapter 912: cultural invasion

The military delegation and the technical delegation were put into work one after another, and Ye Han and his soldiers were not busy either. After leaving the manpower to guard the base, the others had to follow the two delegations to protect the safety of the delegates.

The so-called personal protection is actually a pretense. The real purpose of sending the Marines out is to buy time after the danger comes.

However, Ye Han only had seven subordinates, and the two delegations had more than 20 people, and dozens of technical experts were queuing up for the airborne. The pressure of the guards was not too great.

Beidu is also aware of this, so all the marines who stayed in Beiyuezhou were sent to Io Zero, but it took time on the road and could not be in place for a while.

In this case, the military delegation offered not to **** them. They were also soldiers and had the ability to protect themselves. The expert group needed the protection of marines even more.

Therefore, the **** force was heavily tilted towards technical experts. Fortunately, the credit of the resistance organization was not bad.

The engineering ships sent by Beiyuezhou arrived at Iowei Zero at a rate of one every two to three days, bringing a large amount of supplies that Ye Han desperately needed, and the advance base was completed at an extremely fast speed.

After the base was initially formed, Lin Yi drove the Yushan to airborne, and the landing section of the Yushan officially became part of the base.

After several rounds of expansion of the base, the final base was enough to accommodate 300 people working and living, the ammunition in reserve could last at least a week of high-intensity operations, and the supplies could last at least half a year.

The Advance Base is not only the residence of the delegation, but also a window for publicity. Ye Han is a layman in terms of publicity, but all the political workers are experts. Under the strong suggestion of the political work team, Beidu ordered Yushan, Tianhe and others. The following engineering ships removed the main screen of the bridge and sent it to the forward base. The next day, these screens were hung on the outer wall of the base.

From now on, as long as there are aliens approaching the base, these screens will start up by themselves, playing all kinds of earth scenery in a loop.

Aliens are not interested in the scenery of the earth, but they like human cities very much. Aliens who live underground all year round are especially envious of human high-rise buildings. Every day the big screen is crowded with aliens.

So the political work team adjusted the content of the broadcast in time, focusing on the human city scenery, and later added the relics of civilization, the underwater world and so on.

The political work team did this after some investigation. They learned from the resistance organization that the servants did not know what entertainment was, let alone the concept of entertainment, so they came up with this idea, but they did not expect the effect to be surprisingly good.

Gradually, the large screens of the base spread among the aliens, and more and more aliens came here. The political work team felt that the time was ripe and began to include private goods in the broadcast content.

First, I put on a few concerts to test the water, such as classical rock folk symphony, vocal instrument music folk music orchestra, various styles and genres took turns to go into battle, which shocked the aliens.

Not only does music know no borders, it has no astral borders!

Observation found that aliens have a high degree of acceptance of classical and soothing music, and reject rock and rap and other noisy things, so the political work team immediately adjusted the content of the broadcast to maximize the retention of the audience.

In order to strengthen the publicity effect, Beidu also specially recorded a batch of songs sung in alien languages. The lyrics were all translated by Zeng Rui. The awkward pronunciation and eccentric tone tortured the musicians on earth to death, if not for aliens The language album is a political task decided by Yi Ge himself, and the tormented musicians have long given up.

It's a pity that the alien language album failed in the end. It's not that the musicians didn't work hard, but the pronunciation of the alien language was too weird, and it didn't match the human music at all.

But you can't create a special kind of music that doesn't conform to human aesthetics in order to fit the alien language, right?

It's not impossible to do this, because the hearing range of aliens is much wider than that of humans... But there is no problem in creating them, and no one can guarantee whether they will sound good or not.

In the end, the matter was over, the political work team still played those mature music, and there was an endless stream of aliens who came to the base to listen to music every day.

The political work team was not satisfied with the achievements already made, but made persistent efforts to launch the Walkman business to aliens in a timely manner, adopting the method of hunger marketing, giving out limited MP3s to aliens who have always listened to music, and providing music download and charging services.

The reason why the gift was given in limited quantities was to create inequality among the aliens, but Ye Han never understood the benefits of doing so.

The acceptance of music by the aliens is the success of the political work group, and it also reminds the northern capital.

Beidu has come up with a cultural expansion plan in the shortest possible time. The content is to use human culture as the core and advance base as the carrier to assimilate aliens with human culture!

Anyone who knows this plan will be amazed. After all, the political work group has successfully recommended music to It is not impossible to continue to erode aliens with human culture and human values.

So after the success of the music, Qianjin Base began to work as a part-time movie theater, and put two classic feature films to test the water.

The dubbing of these two films is done by Zeng Rui alone, and the voices of the characters are different and very simple, just use the voice changing software to tune it.

As a result, the aliens are not very cold, and they don't like feature films at all.

Beidu believes that this is the result of too many differences in civilization. It is best to put a few movies that aliens like to see and hear first, and then gradually popularize human culture, and then put those with more connotation.

But what kind of movies do aliens like?

The political work group got inspiration from the music, and played two more musicals to test the water, but the results still did not improve. In a hurry, they simply brought all kinds of movies and played them to see which one the aliens liked. .

It turned out that aliens actually like to watch fantasy movies the most. Whether it is magic, fantasy, sci-fi or martial arts, as long as they are not related to reality, they are very popular, and the less involved love, the more popular.

This is an astonishing discovery!

The analysis believes that aliens do not understand human living habits, and the servants do not distinguish between males and females, so there is no market for drama films at all, and all kinds of fantasy films can be enjoyed even if they do not understand, and it is normal to be popular.

The movie screened at the advance base also caused several episodes. First, after watching the martial arts movie, the aliens expressed admiration for the ability of human beings to fly and escape; second, after watching the magic movie, most aliens thought that there was a There are several kinds of intelligent creatures coexisting; the funniest thing is that after watching the Star Wars series, the resistance organization took the initiative to find the political work group, and carefully asked whether human beings were a branch of a powerful cosmic civilization.

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