Armor Frenzy

Chapter 960: empty road

Captain Zhong's words aroused Ye Han's vigilance. Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the whereabouts of the army involved the military's secrets. Ye Han felt that it was necessary to check the bottom of this Captain Zhong.

It is said that the above can arrange for someone with the surname Zhong to come over, this person should be very reliable!

"If you want me to say that it's not necessary at all." Captain Zhong rubbed the soles of his feet. "The island is full of missiles, artillery, and several warships. It would be too wasteful to put so many people on it."

Ye Han shrugged and didn't answer, Captain Zhong seemed to understand that his words had crossed the line, and changed the subject rationally.

The two chatted a few more words, and stopped when Captain Zhong took the initiative to leave.

In the next few days, Captain Zhong seemed to avoid Ye Han intentionally, and the two hardly met again.

Ye Han didn't bother to investigate, so he just reported his suspicions to his superiors.

On December 13, 2029, after more than 80 hours of uninterrupted sailing, the fleet finally arrived at Ti Island this morning.

When the troops set off, Ye Han was worried about whether there would be bad weather such as storms on the way, but his worries were superfluous, it was almost the end of the year, and as soon as he saw it, this sea area was the most calm during this period of time. .

After the fleet arrived, the Yuzhu received the port call notification immediately, which surprised Captain Zhong for a while... He didn't come back to Ti Island for the first time, and he had never been treated like this before.

Ye Han had already informed the entire army to prepare for disembarkation. When the Yuzhu arrived at the port, everyone stayed in the car in the cargo hold and waited silently.

There was a sudden noise in the cargo hold, the thick bulkhead slowly opened, and the bright sunlight penetrated into the cargo hold, and the lights on the top of the cabin suddenly became dispensable.

"Let's go!" Ye Han gave an order, and the No. 1 car took the lead out of the cabin, towering into the clouds... No, the rail elevator that pierced the sky immediately caught everyone's eyes.

Anyone who sees it for the first time will be shocked by his majesty, even if Ye Han has seen a similar scene on Io Zero, he is not exempt.

The cable of the earth orbit elevator is much thicker than that of Io Zero, and the ground facilities are extremely complete. The eight platforms are facing each other, and even the sky train is much stronger than those on Io Zero.

The change of the sky train is not only a technical improvement, but also directly related to the diameter of the cable - a thicker cable means a stronger pulling force, and the carrying capacity of the sky train has been greatly improved.

The military did not give this unit any time to rest. The 2,000-strong team of hundreds of military vehicles drove out of the ro-ro ship and immediately followed the directions to the platform. , and move the equipment on the car to the sky train at the fastest speed.

Twenty minutes later, all the supplies were transported, and a team of more than 2,000 people plus equipment filled four trains. Everyone strictly obeyed Ye Han's orders, and all of them stayed in the trains and waited for departure.

At this time, another fleet came over the sea, and one of the cruise ships with the stars and stripes was given priority to dock. After a while, a group of heavily armed American soldiers was added to the dock.

Ye Han roughly estimated that the number of American soldiers was more than that of the Airborne Division. The exact number of soldiers could not be seen, but it was between 2,500 and 3,000.

He couldn't help but be stunned, why did Lao Mei put all her money into the Jupiter mission?

The next cruise ship to call is from England. The total number is not as many as the US military, but it is not less than 2,000.

With so many ships on the sea, Ye Han suddenly had a bad premonition.

As expected, the fleet that just arrived was filled with troops from various member states of the base group.

The more than a dozen member states of the Al Qaeda Group have sent at least a few hundred people here, and the total strength is at least 20,000 people.

Ye Han always thought that the main force of the sneak attack plan was the resistance organization, and the airborne division just followed the occasion. Now seeing the troops dispatched by al-Qaeda, he suddenly realized how determined the countries were - the orbital airborne troops are the essence of the whole army, the base The group will never just pick a unit and send it over to deal with errands.

While thinking about it, the sky train received an instruction to start. Ye Han's No. 3 car started with the No. 7 car on the opposite side. The two trains soon converged on the cable and climbed up at an extremely stable speed.

The self-use sky train is no longer a fully enclosed stuffy tank, but is equipped with many round portholes like ordinary trains, through which you can see the scene in all directions.

The soldiers squeezed to the porthole and looked out curiously. As the height increased, the huge ladder island became smaller and smaller in everyone's sight, and became more and more inconspicuous. The blue sea gradually occupied everyone's field of vision.

I don't know if it is an illusion of the eyes, the horizon seems to be getting more and more curved.

Ten minutes after departure several meteors falling from the horizon caught the attention of the soldiers, but after a while, a parachute opened behind Meteor's butt, and everyone realized that it was not a meteor at all. , but a train car dropped from space.

The soldiers watched the carriages get lower and lower, and finally fell to the sea in the distance. Several recovery boats immediately set off from the island and rushed to salvage the carriages.

The same thought popped into many people's minds: How many times have these trains been thrown?

They are not curious about the answer, but are worried about potential safety hazards after repeated use of the train... a bit unfounded, but it is human nature.

The **** drama of the accident was not staged. After more than four hours, the train arrived at the low-rail terminal on time.

Because the earth's gravity is relatively strong, the low-orbit terminal of the earth-orbit elevator is located at an altitude of more than 700 kilometers, which is much higher than that of Io Zero.

The design of the low-rail terminal is similar, except that it is much larger. After the train stopped, Ye Han immediately organized the troops to transfer to transportation boats. The team of more than 1,000 people filled more than 40 transportation boats.

After waiting patiently for a period of time, the transportation boat jumped out of the airport, accelerated in the same roller coaster style, and the transportation boat turned into level flight, and soon merged with the assault boat that came to meet it.

The assault ship is a new type of landing ship redesigned for the Jupiter mission. It does not have the ability to land on planets, and its tonnage is average. It can only be regarded as a medium-sized warship.

The military can build a large assault ship that can carry an entire airborne division, but such an assault ship will be a large battleship comparable to an air carrier. It is too eye-catching, and if something goes wrong, it will lose a whole one. division.

Medium-sized ships can not only reduce the difficulty and cycle of construction, but more importantly, don't have to put all the eggs in one basket, so as not to let aliens end up in one pot.

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