Armor Frenzy

Chapter 966: 1 step further

Seven hundred kilometers away, another round of air strikes began.

Although it was only 300 kilometers closer, the accuracy of the electromagnetic gun has been greatly improved. Although it has not reached the level of precision strike, as long as the target is not particularly small, it is still no problem to hit three shots and two shots.

As a result, this wave of air strikes lasted for an extraordinarily long time, and each gun needed to spend some time to accurately observe and aim until it was aimed at the target, so that the density of air strikes was much lower than the previous two rounds.

This is also one of the shortcomings of the electromagnetic gun. The shortest barrel is 40 to 50 meters long. It cannot be made into a turret like an ordinary naval gun. It can only be placed inside the battleship, and the battleship cannot be aimed without moving.

There are no electromagnetic guns like ordinary naval guns, but the barrel is too short, the speed of the shells is slow, and the range is close.

Some people may say that there is no air resistance in space. After the shell is fired, it can fly indefinitely as long as it does not encounter obstacles. How can there be any effective range?

It can be said in theory, but the accuracy must be considered when the electromagnetic gun is fired. No matter which type of electromagnetic gun, the longer the electromagnetic orbit is, the more stable it is, and the higher the accuracy of the projectile. On the contrary, the accuracy will be reduced accordingly. .

After all, the projectile is a high-speed moving object, and any slight disturbance will eventually be reflected in the accuracy of the hit.

For example, the assembly error of a certain acceleration coil is too high.

Or to put it more bluntly, the so-called effective range is the distance that can be accurately hit after accurate aiming. No matter how far it is, it will be difficult to hit the target due to the accuracy of the sight or external interference during launch.

The assault fleet is indeed equipped with electromagnetic turrets, but the accuracy of that thing is really painful. If you want to hit the target at a distance of more than 700 kilometers, unless it is a blind cat and a mouse.

Because of this, air strikes can only rely on electromagnetic main guns.

The bombardment of the assault fleet stopped after half an hour, and Gao Kai found Ye Han again: "Ye Ye, it was bombed and bombed, and the alien fleet just didn't show up. What do you think the next step should be?"

Ye Han didn't speak, but he was thinking hard in his heart.

Although the fixed-point bombing of the fleet did not turn Callisto into a piece of scorched earth, all visible alien buildings had disappeared. At this point, the bombardment could not be stopped, but the alien fleet still showed no signs of emerging.

The next actions are nothing more than two, one is to cut into the inner side of Callisto and continue to bomb the other side of it, and the other is to decisively launch a landing operation, break into the underground facilities of the aliens, and further test the reaction of the aliens.

The question now is not what to do next, but how to get to the bottom of the aliens.

Having said that, if Gao Kai is inclined to bombing, then there is no need to ask Ye Han's meaning. In this case, Gao Kai's thoughts are very clear. He prefers to stop the bombing and launch the landing operation decisively.

Thinking of this, Ye Han didn't answer and asked, "Old Gao, do you think the Alien Fleet will follow you?"

"How can it be so fast?" Gao Kai said, "Besides, what if it continues? It's so close to the interceptor fleet, let me see, even if they want to come back, they have to finish the fight with the interceptor fleet first."

Ye Han frowned deeper and deeper, nodded and said, "Then log in!"

Now it is not a question of whether the alien fleet wants to fight, but the arrow has to be sent on the string. Neither the alien fleet nor the intercepting fleet can turn back, otherwise the fleet will be passive because of this series of actions and will eventually be defeated by the enemy. Jun slaps his ass.

The collision of the two fleets is unavoidable, and the difference lies not only in the outcome, but also in where they will go after the war.

The interceptor fleet is the best to win. If the interceptor fleet fails, the task of the assault fleet is to force the alien fleet to return.

Aliens like to live underground. Simply bombing Callisto can hardly touch the most sensitive nerves of aliens. In contrast, the effect of directly attacking underground facilities after landing is indeed better than air strikes.

After the decision was made, the fleet immediately launched operations. Gao Kai was in charge of commanding the fleet to cover the landing troops. Ye Han immediately communicated with the resistance organization, telling them that the surface of Callisto that had been bombed by the fleet was ready to land, and asked the resistance organization in an inquiring tone. The idea of ​​landing on Callisto.

After Zeng Rui conveyed Ye Han's meaning to the aliens, several senior members of the resistance organization gathered together and discussed it for a while, and one of them said a few words to Zeng Rui.

There are some subtle changes in Zeng Rui's expression, but this change has no reference significance for human beings. Ye Han can't understand the meaning contained in it, so he can only wait for Zeng Rui to speak.

Zeng Rui thought for a while and said, "Chief, what they mean is that the resistance organization's target is the production line of servants, but they think the possibility of the production line here is very small."

"Where do they think the production line should be?" Ye Han asked.

" Ganymede . " Zeng Rui said .

Ye Han said: "You tell Ganymede is our next target. For the safety of the fleet, we must first take down Callisto, at least we must leave a group of troops to contain the enemy here, and then the fleet Can we continue to attack... Also, what if the production line is on Callisto? Even if it is only 1% possible, we must do 100% of our efforts."

Zeng Rui immediately conveyed Ye Han's meaning, but Ye Han opened another channel to contact the flagship: "Old Gao, I just had an idea, we don't need to stare at Callisto, leave a group of people here, and then Leave two battleships behind, and the main force of the fleet will immediately attack Ganymede, what do you think?"

Gao Kai nodded immediately without thinking: "I think it's okay!"

The orbits of the two satellites Callisto and Ganymede have an average distance of more than 800,000 kilometers, which is twice the distance between the Earth and the Moon. The actual distance between the two satellites is much farther than the orbital distance. With an alien fleet, it does not have the conditions for a sneak attack.

"Then do that!" Ye Han said.

At this time, Zeng Rui had finished communicating with the alien, and Ye Han immediately made a silent gesture to Gao Kai.

Zeng Rui immediately said: "Chief, they agreed, but they asked us to provide air cover, and also hope that the fleet can leave a group of people to assist them, preferably a mix."

Ye Han thought for a while and said: "Tell them, I will arrange the **** battleship, and I will leave the people behind for them. It depends on the specific situation, but you make it clear to them that the key target of the fleet is Ganymede, etc. The strong second fleet is coming, and the remaining battleships and people have to be evacuated."

The demands of the resistance groups can be said to be well-intentioned.

No one dares to say that the production line is not on Callisto, and one of the hidden tasks of the airborne division is to find a way to gain control of the production line, and at least destroy the production line. Even if the resistance organization does not mention this, Ye Han must think about it. Ways to plug people, mixing is even more desirable.

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