Armor Frenzy

Chapter 983: go overboard

The assault fleet has been advancing, but until now, the distance from the giant ship is still about 1,000 kilometers.

The reason is very simple. Although the giant ship was blown up by a nuclear bomb, it can be said to be severely damaged, but the giant ship did not lose power, but kept moving.

However, the assault fleet has cleared the last obstacle, and the demise of the giant ship is just around the corner.

Through the optical equipment on the battleship, Ye Han can observe the situation of the giant ship very clearly.

The gap on the giant ship has long stopped blowing air. The gap is quiet and there is no pipe damage. There are a group of very small ice-white spaceships flying away from the giant ship. It is estimated that they are alien lifeboats. .

Looking at the direction of the group of lifeboats, it seems that they want to fly back to Ganymede.

Ye Han immediately made a decision in his heart, don't worry about those small boats, get rid of the giant ships first.

At this moment, a voice suddenly entered Ye Han's ear: "Master Ye, do you have time?"

Hearing this voice, Ye Han remembered Albert who was left by him, so he showed a very sincere smile and said, "Just a little time, only a little... What do you call it?"

"I'm Commodore Albert."

"Mr. Commodore, hello." Ye Han said very perfunctorily.

The first impression of Albert was really bad.

Albert knew what Ye Han was doing, so his attitude was very calm: "We must discuss the landing issue, the sooner the better."

Ye Han nodded happily: "No problem, but I still need a little time here. Why don't you do this? You can continue to attack Ganymede's back and prepare for the landing first, how about it?"

"I think it's better to divide the landing area before the air strike." Albert insisted.

Ye Han didn't want to talk to him about these useless things, and immediately agreed: "Speak straight, what do you think."

"The front belongs to us, the back belongs to you."

"Yes." Ye Han nodded in agreement without hesitation, and Albert was startled when he heard the answer.

Before Martin had a very unpleasant fight with Gao Kai over this matter, how could he be so happy when he changed someone?

Albert was afraid that Ye Han would go back and said quickly, "That's it."

Ye Han pouted, thinking that ghosts rarely fight with you.

The alien fleet didn't show up before, and it's okay to fight for the credit. Now that the alien fleet has appeared, there is no need to fight for Ganymede at all.

Lin Yi suddenly reminded: "Master, Airport!"

Ye Han looked at the screen, and sure enough, he saw the airport in front of Ganymede, one big and one small.

Although he had just reached an agreement with Albert, how could Ye Han leave the targets he discovered to outsiders?

He turned around immediately and said, "Blow up the giant ship first and then bomb the airport."

"No!" Albert's eyes almost didn't come out, "The positive goal must be left to you, you have just promised."

Ye Han shrugged indifferently: "Okay, come over now, but it's your responsibility to have alien warships flying out!"

Albert's expression stiffened and he sighed helplessly.

Ye Han won a game, but did not show the joy of victory, but showed a thoughtful look. After a few seconds, he suddenly said: "Get me the Nanzhou number, right now!"

"Yes!" The communications staff officer agreed and immediately connected to the Nanzhou.

Gao Kai appeared on the screen: "Ye Ye, what's the matter?"

Ye Han said solemnly, "Old Gao, have we gone a bit too far?"

"What do you mean? Ganymede or an alien fleet?"

"All." Ye Han said, "I don't know what those giant ships are carrying, but they must be very important. If we shoot down all the giant ships and land on Ganymede in an all-round way, we can still bring back the alien fleet. ?"

If the alien fleet is completely destroyed, Ganymede is gone, and the alien fleet will no longer need to return to support, and will only jump over the wall and attack the earth directly.

Gao Kai immediately calmed down when he heard it: "Yes, you are right, you can't kill the giant ship, at least not now, but you can't leave it alone... In this way, I suggest Ganymede to control the scale of the landing, and you must leave a little bit for the enemy. Hope... it's not right, it's not enough, in short, do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand." Ye Han nodded, "Keep the pressure, but don't let go."

"That's right, that's what I meant!" Gao Kai's eyes lit up, "I'm the same here, I'll follow them and chase them away, I don't believe they won't come back!"

"What about the Americans?" Ye Han asked.

"I'll communicate." Gao Kai said.

Ye Han reminded: "You'd better hurry up, that Albert is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Don't worry, I'll contact you right away." Gao Kai waved his hand and cut off the communication.

Ye Han let out a long sigh, and there was a little worry in his heart.

South Island.

After the communication was interrupted, Gao Kai immediately contacted Martin. After the communication was connected, Gao Kai explained the situation bluntly: "General We can pursue the giant ship, but I think it is best to keep a distance, we must keep Pressure, but you can't chase it too hard, let alone hurt or sink."

He was not worried at all about not being able to catch up, only worried about whether he was chasing too tightly.

The warships of both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of human warships is that the firepower is fast and the speed is long, but the acceleration and deceleration are time-consuming; the maximum speed of alien warships is relatively slow, but the acceleration and deceleration performance is much better than that of human warships.

So catching up with the alien battleship is not a problem, the problem is how to catch up without a trace, so that the aliens can't see that humans are deliberately releasing water.

Martin is also a sensible person: "General Gao, let's think about it. I think it's best to act like it, so that the enemy can't see the flaws, such as hurting a ship or something."

"It's not impossible, but it must be well planned... I suggest reporting the situation to the coalition headquarters and letting the superiors have an idea." Gao Kai said.

The Coalition Command is a command center jointly established by Beidu and the Base Group. On the surface, it is the highest command of all armed forces in the world, but neither Beidu nor Washington want to give up their military power, so this nominal command is fundamentally There is no command authority, and the main task is actually to coordinate the actions of the two sides.

The position is embarrassing, but it's not enough without such a place.

"Okay." Martin nodded in agreement.

He has been in command of the space fleet for a long time, but he has little real combat experience. Faced with this situation, he really doesn't know how to grasp the limits.

Martin is like this, so why not Gao Kai?

The two of them reached an agreement and reported to the earth separately... It's also interesting to say, the two of them have no intention of cooperation, but there seems to be an invisible big hand, which finally brought them together.

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