Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1008: Cannonball, cannonball!

The charging servants are not much better. They do know human weapons better than the noble army, but they know a little bit more, and no one knows that it is a cannonball with a lot of steel balls.

In a dazed time, several shells fell on the nobles, immediately clearing a large area of ​​the nobles' front line, and a missed shell fell behind the front line, and immediately stopped the charging waves and cut them off. As for the casualties of the servants who suddenly discovered that the enemy in front was dead and wounded, few of them were able to stand up.

Faced with this situation, Ye Han and others who were watching were also stunned, but they quickly figured out the reason.

It's nothing but an environmental issue.

The mass of a 120mm high-explosive mortar shell is about 16 kilograms, the explosive charge is about 4 kilograms, and the explosive power range can reach 1,000 square meters!

The above is the explosion data on Earth, so what about Ganymede?

The gravitational force here is less than one-sixth that of the earth, and the atmosphere is thin and there is almost no air resistance. The steel ball that explodes and collapses can fly faster and farther. It is obviously just the most common 120 shells, which just blows out the effect of heavy artillery. One cannonball flattened half a football field, and just looking at the effect of the explosion is simply maddening.

However, although the coverage area is large, there are fewer deaths and more injuries, and most of the fallen nobles still maintain their combat effectiveness.

But a large number of artillery shells fell on the heads of the nobles, and each shell leveled at least half a football field. Countless steel **** ravaged the battlefield, and the steel **** covered the front line over and over again. Covered by steel balls, regardless of the casualties, they were repeatedly penetrated by steel **** in the continuous shelling. The minor injuries immediately turned into serious injuries, and the serious injuries died in an instant. The killing effect was extremely good.

In fact, the power range of each cannonball is larger than the area of ​​a football field, but the charging noble army is densely packed with people, and the servants are covered with thick carapace. Various reasons weaken the power of the explosion. There is an illusion that only half a football field can be bombed.

After the first two waves of cannonballs emptied the standing noble army, the power of the remaining cannonballs was fully reflected, and the greatly expanded strike range was beyond the expectations of both the enemy and us. A fool to death.

The effect of the shelling was unexpectedly good, and the servants immediately seized this rare fighter plane. Countless servants rushed out from behind the battleship and rushed towards the noble army at the fastest speed in their lives.

Ye Han also saw the opportunity and ordered the artillery fire to extend to the rear of the noble army in time, and ordered the troops to disperse the impact points as much as possible to maximize the lethality of the artillery shells.

Although the noble army tried its best to maintain the front line, it also brought heavy casualties to the servants, but with the cooperation of artillery and servants, the defense line of the noble army inevitably collapsed.

The noble army did not show weakness, and manipulated the light worms to fire violently at the incoming servants. Every fine light swept across, and it was able to sweep down all the servants on a fan.

The charging servants immediately changed their tactics. Some threw themselves on the ground, crawling forward with their whole body clinging to the ground; some jumped up and down, constantly using the terrain to cover themselves; way to avoid the light.

There is no way to avoid the fine light 100%, but there are always lucky servants who dodge the crosscut of the fine light.

This continued until the cannonball hit the head of the light bug.

The steel ball had limited power and could not penetrate the shell of the light worm, but the servants who controlled the light worm did not have such a solid shell. The amount of light was instantly reduced by more than half, and the pressure on the entire front was lightened.

The servants took the opportunity to charge, and a moment later, a large group of servants arrived. A burst of guns killed the remaining noble army, and it was logical to take over hundreds of light worms... These light worms should be the first resistance organization on Ganymede. A batch of harvest!

The light worm is just a kind of bug, without the ability to distinguish the enemy from the enemy, or the light worm is just a living weapon. When to fire and in what direction to fire are all determined by the servants who control the light worm.

Taking over this batch of light worms is equivalent to capturing a batch of heavy artillery, which is also equivalent to adding a batch of heavy firepower to the servants. The servants in front immediately manipulate the light worms to turn, and hundreds of light worms are aimed at the follow-up noble army. The thin light above suddenly swept across the thousands of troops and swept the countless noble troops to the ground.

The subsequent noble army fell badly, and was killed by a thin light. The light worm's originally round belly lost a whole lot of weight. If it was fat at the beginning, it is now slightly fat at most.

Luo Qi, who witnessed this scene from the rear, was stunned: "I'll go, how did this worm lose weight so fast?"

Ye Han twitched the corners of his mouth: "Where do you think the fine light came from?"

Luo Qi was startled: "You mean energy conversion stored fat is converted into fine light energy? Impossible, right?" He has little knowledge, but he knows what energy conservation is.

Ye Han corrected: "It's not fat transformation, but a mixed transformation of chemical substances. The light worm's stomach is not fat, but two kinds of chemical substances, which are usually divided into two sacs and stored in the stomach, and squeezed into a reaction chamber when they are used. It can release energy to emit fine light, and the emission process is similar to that of chemical lasers.”

"And this?" Luo Qi's eyes widened in surprise, "There is a laser in the butt, which is so amazing!"

Ye Han rolled his eyes: "Fantastic fart, light worms are originally artificial creatures, okay? Also, that thing is called a light-emitting device, and it's under the belly, not in the butt!"

Luo Qi smiled awkwardly: "Hey, I thought that thing had a long **** in it!"

Ye Han shook his head helplessly, and didn't speak any further.

This matter is no secret to the high-level human beings, but it is an out-and-out military secret to ordinary people and middle and lower-level officers.

Speaking of light worms, we have to start with the Fengcheng incident in 2026. At that time, the military seized several broken alien battleships, and found the light-generating device from the wreckage of the battleship. The military named this set of equipment as Thin light generator.

Studies have found that this thing is very similar to a chemical laser. As long as a specific chemical substance is sent into the reaction cavity, a beam of thin light with extremely strong cutting force can be generated. From a human point of view, this thing is a relatively special kind of laser. laser weapon.

These two chemicals were also found in the wreckage of the battleship, and the amount was very small but the energy contained was very high.

In order to study the characteristics of fine light in depth, the military conducted a lot of experiments, and it didn't take long for the seized chemicals to be used.

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