Armor Frenzy

Chapter 839: Part 1 (3)

After the division, Captain Huang took the lead, and a few of us began to collect weapons and ammunition, preparing to fight with the aliens. The supplies and the yin and yang of the air were within the scope of the collection.

The other two groups didn't **** weapons and ammunition from us, but they fought so hard for provisions that they wanted to save more food and drink for themselves.

At the beginning, Captain Huang didn't say anything. Later, he said that the aliens were coming soon, and no matter how much sustenance there was, it would be useless. A few of us were right, and in the end, each of us only left one day's stipend, and the rest was all for those two groups.

Everyone's fight is completely broken, everyone's mood is not very good... At least my comrades around me are very bad, as for Li Wenzhe, he likes what he likes, that kind of people die sooner or later, I was I can't figure it out, if I was blind in the past, I always thought he was a good person.

It took me a long time to realize that it's not that I'm blind, it's that this kind of person is too good at acting and pretending to deceive everyone. If it wasn't for such a thing, he would definitely pretend to be with us. How can you say that life is like a play? He must be the kind of person who plays from start to finish, and it would be a shame not to act in a movie.

Ye Han, who saw these words, was muttering in his heart, what is wrong with this guy, how can he think so much at this time?

Looking back, I realized that it has been a long time since I wrote this paragraph. The tension at the beginning is already in the past tense, and it would be strange not to add a few complaints.

This has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that you can better understand the author's mood at the time, and the disadvantage is that the plot is interrupted, and you will be distracted when you watch it.

Ye Han skipped a few lines and continued to read the diary, only to see Lu Peng write:

The atmosphere on our side is actually quite tragic and solemn. Everyone is holding back their strength, but the aliens on the left and the right are still waiting. The anger in my heart slowly vented, and the determination to work hard began to shake.

After waiting for more than an hour, the aliens finally came. My first reaction was to take a closer look at what they looked like, and then I found that the aliens were not as weird as the sci-fi movies, they were tall and thin. , the most obvious feature is that the knees grow back like a bird...

Seeing this, Ye Han couldn't help sighing.

When the First Fleet expedition to Jupiter, humans knew very little about aliens. Later, humans got the corpses of aliens, and after a comprehensive study of aliens, they found that the knee joints of aliens are actually the same as those of humans. , all bend forward.

But why does Lu Peng have this illusion? That's because aliens have more legs than humans!

Their thigh bones are short, but very muscular, and they are located under the abdomen. After wearing the armor, it looks like a protruding pelvis, so in most cases, it is mistaken for the pelvis.

Aliens are equivalent to the part of the human thigh, which is actually their calf, the reverse knee is actually the ankle joint, and part of the foot bone has been elongated in evolution to form the alien's "calf".

To put it more intuitively, aliens' calves are actually "heels", and their feet are actually forefoot and toes.

Of course, this is to use human habits to analyze the body structure of aliens, which is not scientific at all, and there is no need to put human skeleton structures on aliens.

Ye Han continued to look down, and Lu Peng wrote:

They had surrounded the landing craft for a long time, but they never showed up. As soon as they came out, they had three layers inside and three layers outside.

When the aliens didn't come, I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. When the aliens did come, I really didn't have any thoughts, and I only focused on fighting with the enemy.

In the words of Captain Huang, how can we say that we are also soldiers, do we still have the face to live in the hands of aliens? In this situation, death in battle is the best outcome.

I'll add one more thing, I didn't have any extra thoughts in my mind at that time, but I really thought that death in battle is probably the last honor for those of us.

When we were about to go all out, Li Wenzhe and the others didn't move like nobody else, and so did the four who slipped by.

The aliens were very cautious, but they kept shrinking the encirclement, and it didn't take long for the landing craft to be far away. We were all nervous, as was Captain Huang, but he kept saying, let's calm down, bring the enemy closer and fight , Killing one to save the capital, killing two to earn one, the tone and appearance are very similar to the old eighth road who beat the devil, I can still remember what he looked like at that time.

It was not until the enemy walked more than 50 meters away that Captain Huang fired the first shot, and then we opened fire together. At that time, we knocked down a group of enemies, and I killed at least three.

The aliens moved quickly, but they didn't seem to know how to lie down or other tactical maneuvers. As soon as the gun fired, they all flew up, and the sky was full of chaos, and the buzzing sound disturbed people.

They were very We shot hard, but missed a few targets.

The six people in the back didn't move. Captain Huang was anxious and asked loudly what they wanted to do. I could see that Captain Huang really wanted to shoot them down, but he didn't pull out his hand until the end.

The enemy's offensive was very fierce, and at the same time they launched an attack from the ground, the sky, and our weak firepower could not stop the enemy at all. After a while, they fell on the landing craft.

We were no match for the enemy at all, not even struggling to the death.

At a critical moment, Captain Huang threw himself on the explosive pack, preparing to kill the enemy with some explosives, but nothing happened after the detonator was activated.

Later we learned that it was Li Wenzhe who took advantage of the chaos to dismantle the detonator, and it was too late to put it on again.

I have been thinking, if Li Wenzhe knew what happened later, would he have removed the detonator to save his life.

Before we could find out the truth, the enemy removed the top cover of the landing craft. Captain Huang rushed out with a bunch of grenades to fight the aliens. After the explosion, Captain Huang was seriously injured, and the aliens did not die.

There are so many of them that they can't even fight to death.

We were all desperate. At this moment, those four people suddenly rushed out while we and the aliens were desperate. Li Wenzhe was stunned for a moment, and then ran out, and the six people ran in different directions. While throwing grenades.

They don't even think about it, there are all enemies outside, can they run away? If the aliens hadn't fought back for scratching their tongues, we would have been dead long ago.

But a few of them did disrupt the arrangement of the aliens, plus we kept firing hard, and they really let a few of them escape.

Then the aliens swarmed up, desperately wanting us to be killed, but also to be caught alive, and then there would be no more.

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