Armor Frenzy

Chapter 923: Do it with all your might

Entering the center of the earth is definitely good news, and it can even be said to be another milestone in the cooperation between the two parties. However, no matter whether the advance base or the earth, no one is as excited as they imagined, but is very worried about the situation of the center of the earth.

After all, it is the center of Io Zero, the core area of ​​alien forces. If the resistance organization makes an accident, the advance base will not be able to rescue it at all.

To put it negatively, now we can only pin our hopes on the integrity of the Resistance!

However, so far, the cooperation between the two parties has not gone wrong. Unless there is a major change, the possibility of the resistance organization changing is not high.

From this day on, the human technical team officially settled in the center of the earth and carried out comprehensive and meticulous research on planetary engines.

A long time later, this day was recorded as an important page in the history of human spaceflight, but when historical events happened, no one realized that they were making history.

Also from this day onwards, planetary engine research has become the top priority of Beidu. Everyone is paying attention to the small base in the center of Io. The seeds have been planted, but no one knows if they can wait until they bloom one day.

One of Ye Han's most important tasks every day is to keep in touch with the geocentric base, inquire about the base's situation and research progress, and then send engineering vehicles every once in a while to deliver the supplies needed by the geocentric base. , at the same time retrieve the domestic garbage and written research data of the geocentric base, and maintain the communication relay equipment along the way.

As the saying goes, water towers come first, Ye Han is in the advance base, and he can get in touch with the latest research data every day, but the more he understands the situation of the center of the earth, the more he is stunned.

Ye Han had long known that Io had more than one planetary engine, but he never imagined that there were more than 70 planetary engines installed in the center of the earth, the largest diameter of 97 kilometers, the smallest diameter of more than 30 kilometer.

According to the information provided by the resistance organization, most of the planetary engines have been damaged during the long interstellar voyage. There are only a dozen of them that can still work today, and they are all models of more than 30 kilometers. All other medium and large models have been scrapped.

In order to avoid long dreams, the geocentric base immediately put into intensive surveying and mapping work. It is planned to record the data of a complete engine as it is, and the rest will be discussed later.

In the next period of time, Ye Han will receive a large amount of surveying and mapping data every day, as well as various alloy composition tables and other peripheral data, and also receive a few scrapped engine parts every few days.

These parts were picked up from scrapped engines, and the main purpose of sending them back to the forward base was to find out what the alloys were like, such as mechanical strength, melting point boiling point, tensile or compressive resistance, and so on.

The research team hopes to use these data to analyze the role of these parts in the planetary engine.

At the beginning, they were still small parts that were picked up. It didn’t take long for them to be the edges and corners cut from large parts. In order to facilitate the researchers to cut the parts, Beiyuezhou also specially sent a batch of high-power laser cutting equipment.

Ye Han is very strange. Could it be that the resistance organization just doesn't care about it, and the research team just randomly cuts around?

Only after I asked the geocentric base did I know that the resistance organization didn’t take those abandoned planetary engines to heart at all. It’s fine to do whatever the research team does, but the complete engine is different. accompanied by people.

If it weren't for the large size of the scrapped engines, the research team even wanted to get a few back.

The resistance organization's heart is too big, Ye Han can't help but be stunned, this is so special, don't you feel bad for selling Ye Tian!

He couldn't help but wonder, if it was replaced by an alien noble, I am afraid that even the scrapped planetary engine would be impossible for humans to see, let alone send someone to study it at zero distance.

In order to speed up the research, Beidu has dispatched additional manpower three times, bringing the number of permanent residents of the geocentric base to more than 60, which greatly accelerated the progress of the surveying and mapping of planetary engines, not only small engines, but also those scrapped medium and large machines. within the range.

Although the level of the research team is not bad, the technology contained in the planetary engine far exceeds the level of human technology. To study the planetary engine with the existing technical strength of mankind is like studying modern precision machinery with the technology of the industrial revolution, and the possibility of immediate results is very high. Small, the main purpose of the research is to take advantage of this rare opportunity to retain the data of the planetary engine, and then organize people to study it slowly.

And although there is a huge gap in the models of planetary engines, the principles should be common. The results of research on small machines may also be applied to medium and large machines, so Beidu believes that it is necessary to retain the data of medium and large machines.

A large number of additional personnel have invested in a large number of equipment, and the progress of the research work is amazing, but after the surveying and mapping work is completed, the research progress suddenly stagnates.

It's not that the research group doesn't want to continue, but that they don't understand the principle of planetary engines at all, and they don't know where to start. Therefore, analyzing the metal composition has become the main work of the research group.

But knowing the metal composition can only mean that the research direction has been found. If you want to make an alloy, you must carry out a lot of After the experiment is successful, you have to figure out the industrial production process. The workload inside It is so big that even the national finances may not be able to afford it.

It is impossible to study alien alloys comprehensively, but some metals with special properties have attracted Beidu's attention. In order to understand the process of these alloys, Beidu first coordinated with the resistance organization through negotiation channels, hoping to get some alloys. It's a pity that the resistance organization has no such concept at all, and the formula or something has never been heard of.

In desperation, Beidu could only start to organize human research, and successively established Beiyuezhou Special Metal Research Laboratory, Qiongzhou Special Metal Research Center and Beidu Special Metal Research Institute.

Ye Han also has his own opinion on this matter. He feels that it is better to ask the resistance organization to start with the alien nobles. Although half of the alien aristocrats have not been able to find out on Io, but their residences, personal belongings, etc. are still there, right? Maybe you can find something useful out of it.

Ye Han handed over his opinion, and the negotiating team also communicated with the resistance organization, but for some reason, the resistance organization refused the proposal very firmly, saying that the nobles took everything they could bring before they left, and they did not bring it with them. It was also destroyed by members of the militant resistance group, so the resistance group did not have anything related to the nobles in their hands.

Just as the engine research is gradually deadlocked, the biochemical research has obtained the first result since the cooperation.

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