Armor Frenzy

Chapter 943: release from quarantine

Half an hour later, the nurse hurried to the isolation room, followed by two soldiers in chemical protective suits.

Ye Han was amazed: "What's the situation?"

The nurse's eyes turned into crescents: "Come out, your isolation is lifted!"

Ye Han was almost knocked out by the huge surprise: "Is this relieved?"

He raised his leg and wanted to go out, but the nurse quickly stopped him: "Hey, chief, don't worry, you have to disinfect first!"

Ye Han was startled: "How to eliminate it?"

The two chemical protective suits took a step forward at the same time, and Ye Han immediately turned black.

After being tossed with various disinfection methods by two anti-chemical agents for more than ten minutes, Ye Han, who had changed into a new suit, finally walked out of the isolation room where he had lived for four days, and walked into Director Jiang's office under the guidance of the nurse.

As soon as he entered the door, Director Jiang stood up to greet him politely: "Captain Ye, please take a seat."

Ye Han didn't know how to be polite at all. He sat on the sofa and asked bluntly, "Director Jiang, what is the charter for you to come to me?"

Director Jiang is in his early forties, slightly fat, and has a very friendly face.

She smiled and asked, "How are you feeling these days?"

"There's nothing else but boring." Ye Han told the truth.

Director Jiang smiled: "I have heard from Xiao Zhang about your situation. Because you are the first batch of quarantine personnel to receive clinical injections of immune enhancers, you cannot be allowed to leave for the time being." Xiao Zhang is the nurse named Zhang Shiwen.

"Why not?" Ye Han immediately became anxious.

Director Jiang laughed and said, "Don't worry, just listen to me."

Ye Han resisted and continued to listen, Director Jiang said: "Your isolation can be lifted and you can leave the isolation area, but we have to monitor your situation, so you can't leave for the time being, um, I'll open a single room for you, as long as you don't go to recuperation District, you can go anywhere you want."

"Can someone come to see me?" Ye Han immediately asked.

"Yes, but I recommend limiting exposure time."

Ye Han frowned: "Why? Afraid that I will infect them?"

Director Jiang shook his head: "On the contrary, I'm worried that your immunity is unstable."

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "How about my brothers?"

"I did a test yesterday, and it's all good."

"About me?" Ye Han said.

"Basically." Director Jiang confirmed.

Ye Han finally heard the good news, and leaned into the sofa relaxedly: "Then let's lift the quarantine together, I can still have a company."

Director Jiang stared at Ye Han for a few seconds, and then smiled: "Yes, but you have to go through the procedure. Do you want to wait with me for a while, or go out first?"

Ye Han thought about it and said, "First arrange a place for me, and send my personal belongings as soon as possible."

"No problem." Director Jiang pressed on the phone, "Xiao Zhang, come in."

A few seconds later, there was a knock on the door, and the little nurse Zhang Shiwen opened the door: "Director, are you calling me?"

Director Jiang pointed to Ye Han: "Send it to the convalescent area, and I have arranged it there."

"Oh!" Zhang Shiwen agreed and took Ye Han out of the office.

Zhang Shiwen is a nurse in the isolation area. She cannot leave the isolation area during working hours. She can only hand Ye Han to the guard at the exit, and the guard will send her away.

After leaving the isolation area, the warm sunlight immediately shone on Ye Han. He raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked up at the blue sky. The breeze pointed at him, and suddenly there was an indescribable joy in his heart.

The guard invited Ye Han to the battery car and drove for ten minutes to get there. Only then did Ye Han know that Director Jiang had arranged for him a tropical villa!

At his level, it's not an exaggeration, but he doesn't want to be alone at all. Living alone in such a big place always feels very lonely.

So the first thing he did when he walked into the villa was to call his family. After a few beeps, Ye Han heard a familiar and tired voice: "Hello, who is it?"

Ye Han was so excited that his voice changed: "Xiaoting, it's me..." The words got stuck in her throat before she finished speaking.

Bai Xiaoting was stunned on the spot, took the phone away and looked at the caller ID, Qiongzhou local number, she immediately realized the truth: "Are you back?"

"It's been four days since I came back, and I've been quarantined. I'm only released today. I'll call you when I'm free. I, I, I miss you."

There was a vague sob from the receiver, and Ye Han suddenly panicked: "Hey, don't cry, don't cry!"

Bai Xiaoting wiped away tears: "When are you coming back?"

"There is a situation, and I can't go back for the time being, but you can come here. In this way, I will contact the base immediately and ask the base to send a car to pick you up and your child, okay? I am in the convalescence area of ​​the base hospital, and the top has arranged for me a small villa."

Bai Xiaoting, who is in the villa or not, doesn't care at all, she asked in a low voice, "Can't you come back?"

"Not for now..."

"Then you can send a car." Bai Xiaoting said Ye Han still had a lot of things to say, but after thinking about it, she was not in a hurry for a while: "I'll contact you right away!"

"Well, hang up." Bai Xiaoting hung up on her own initiative, the tears in her eyes suddenly fell as if the thread was broken, and she covered her mouth and cried.

She didn't want to cry, but the tears couldn't stop.

The cry woke the sleeping Xiao Ye Yao, the fat little girl turned over, clumsily got up, and threw her calf into Bai Xiaoting's arms, her mouth showing two rows of small teeth, milky milky voice He stretched out his fleshy little arm: "Mom, mom, hug—"

Bai Xiaoting burst into laughter and gently nodded on her daughter's forehead: "Damn girl." After speaking, she hugged Ye Yao in her arms.

Xiao Yeyao arched in her mother's arms, stepped on Bai Xiaoting's thigh and stood up, jumping up and down, cheering vigorously.

Bai Xiaoting hurriedly put the child on the bed: "Go, stay there, mom will take you to find dad later."

Xiao Ye Yao clapped her hands and laughed, "Dad, Daddy..."

It was because Ye Yao's voice was too loud, which made Ye Bin noisy too. Little Ye Bin hadn't slept enough yet, so he rolled over and got up. The first thing he did was sit there and cry.

The two children laughed and cried, making Bai Xiaoting's brain aches after the quarrel. She quickly checked whether the child was urinating or not. After dealing with the two children, she warned, "You two can play by yourself." After speaking, she began to pack her things.

It's not easy to take a child out of the house, such as baby bottles, milk powder, small clothes, wet wipes and diapers, and everything that can be used.

If you start from scratch, it would take half an hour to pack so many things, but Bai Xiaoting is very aware of the crisis. In order to prevent accidents, she always has a large bag that can be carried on her back. Get in and get ready to go.

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