Armor Frenzy

Chapter 952: command

Ye Han stared: "Then you said a lot?"

"There are so many people who can't wait to apply!" Xiao Yuan gave you a dull look, "Including me, we have come back from our base alone."

"It's all like you?"

"I'm the only one like this, and the rest are all broken hands and feet." Xiao Yuan said.

Hearing this, Ye Han couldn't help but feel a little worried: "The newly grown hands and feet... are they easy to use?"

Xiao Yuan hurriedly shook his head: "I don't know about this either. I heard that it is similar to the original one, just a little more tender and thinner, and the muscles are not that strong, so I have to start from scratch."

Ye Han nodded understandingly: "It's not surprising... Hey, can you keep up with the training?"

It's not surprising that the newly grown skin is more tender than the old skin, and the incomplete arms and legs grow back, how could it be the same as before?

"I really couldn't keep up when I first came back, but it's much better now." Xiao Yuan said.

Ye Han's face turned black: "I didn't say them, I said you!"

Xiao Yuan giggled: "It's the same, it's much better now."

Ye Han warned: "You can take it easy for me, God is not a joke, no one can save you if something goes wrong!"

Xiao Yuan said helplessly: "Hey, I don't even think about what I said?"

Ye Han was right when he thought about it. Those who failed the physical examination could not even enter the door. Since the above dared to transfer people back, they must have full confidence.

The technology of aliens is awesome... and it seems that there is a certain degree of bonus after localization!

Well, it shows that the laboratory has thoroughly grasped the technology, which is a good phenomenon!

While worrying about the extra leisure, he chatted with Xiao Yuan, and it took a while to stop. From this day, Ye Han and his team officially returned to the base.

After settling down, Ye Han began to understand the situation during this period. It was not because he cared much about current affairs, but because the Jupiter mission was imminent, and returning to the base was a very obvious signal. He felt that it was necessary to understand the current situation.

Through the internal network, he quickly got a batch of documents, that is, there are announcements from the entire army, and there are secrets that are only communicated to the officers and above.

Ye Han typed keywords such as "alien", "Io zero", "negotiation" on the computer, and a stream of documents immediately popped up.

I don’t know if I don’t see it, but I was startled when I saw it. The speed of the people in Beidu was quite fast. The negotiation on the formation of the combined fleet ended just a few days ago. The detailed content has not been announced to the public. I found some negotiating materials, but the confidentiality level of these materials is relatively high, and the rank of the university is just over the line.

Ye Han opened the document and read it carefully. The first thing he saw was the introduction of the negotiation content. The general idea was that after the alien fleet had left Jupiter, the negotiating team and the liberals started urgent consultations, and the two sides reached an agreement on the formation of a coalition army.

To put it simply, this fleet is the common enemy of mankind and the liberals. Based on the principle that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, the two sides decided to fight together.

The following are the specific negotiation terms. Ye Han is not interested in those whitewashed official articles. He directly typed the word "command" in the search box, and the relevant content immediately popped up, arranged in chronological order, and he clicked one by one. Open, look for key content worth seeing.

Unsurprisingly, the two sides fought fiercely over the issue of command. The human side hoped that the resistance organization would hand over the command and be commanded by human generals, but the resistance organization resolutely resisted and refused to agree to it.

Ye Han was speechless, what did the negotiating team do? Even within humans, command authority is a very sensitive issue. How many years has the combined fleet been established? But how is it actually? The Beiyuezhou Fleet and the International Fleet have always been separate, and they have never really unified command.

The problem that cannot be solved by human beings, still want to break up with the aliens to understand? Isn't this bullshit?

He simply skipped this paragraph and looked directly at the results. Not only did humans fail to get the command of the aliens, but instead they aroused the alarm of the resistance organizations, and even refused to act together with humans.

However, the basis of cooperation between the two sides came from the pressure of the alien fleet, so the negotiations were continued, and several consensuses were finally reached.

One is that humans and resistance organizations work together to form a raiding fleet to attack Jupiter, and each side will send as many battleships and soldiers as possible.

Ye Han didn't even bother to take a closer look, and simply ignored it.

The second is to establish a strategic consultation system, to inform each other of strategic plans, and to negotiate and resolve any places that may cause conflicts...

This is a bit interesting. According to the current information, the main task of the assault fleet is to land. This one is nothing more than dividing the responsibilities, so as to avoid wrangling for these bad things on the battlefield.

The third is to establish a tactical notification mechanism to divide their respective areas of action to avoid accidental injuries caused by poor information...

This is actually a refinement of the first article. The previous one is mainly applicable to the pre-war This article is mainly used for actual combat.

The fourth is the identification of personnel on both sides. Humans proposed the positioning of electronic equipment, and the resistance organization took out the positioning of biological beacons. However, the two sides were on guard against each other, and neither of them refused to use the other's method. The final result was to strictly demarcate the task area. Show your identity in time, or you will be beaten to death.

Ye Han searched it carefully, but the document did not mention how to divide the task area, let alone how to control the front line. It is estimated that there is no result yet, or the content is too sensitive and so it was not announced.

He typed the word "weapon" in the search box again. This time, there were very few documents that popped up, and the content was relatively simple. The main idea was that the resistance organization did not give up on the issue of command, and the negotiating team did not give up on the issue of weapons. Jiner, because of the difficulty in transportation, only a part of the firearms were given, and only the guns were given, but the ammunition was not given. All the ammunition transported to Iowei zero was stored in the low-orbit dock. .

There is also an attachment below, which is the type and quantity of weapons provided to the resistance group.

Ye Han owes his hand, and when he opened it, he almost bit his tongue. My dear, there is only one item in such a big list, and the content is 1,000 modified ak47j and 100,000 rounds of bullets.

100,000 rounds of bullets may seem like a lot, but the average gun is only 100 rounds, and it is so deadly that it is not given out.

He suddenly has a kind of daring feet, what is it that is not good to give ak? As far as the alien head is, is it not like a toy with an ak47? And the alien hand, can it be stuffed into the AK's trigger guard?

Thinking of this, he suddenly froze. Yes, humans and aliens are so different in size. Although there are many weapons and equipment available, they can't find anything suitable for aliens, unless the alien's height is reduced to two meters. the following!

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