Armor Frenzy

Chapter 955: Qiongzhou Adaptation (2)

The soldiers' disapproval can only show that he simply does not have the ability to be this division commander.

Even if Huo Qiangken stood up for him and subdued the dissatisfied voices, he was only soft on the surface, and he must still look down on him in all kinds of ways. With such a team on the battlefield, it would not be wrong to be shot.

At that time, his division commander will not only be disliked by the soldiers, but will also be abandoned by his superiors. The soldiers will take the initiative to find officers they trust and feel reliable, and will naturally form small circles.

If there are such highly prestigious officers in the army, it is not impossible to have a real and anonymous division commander.

At that time, I am afraid that even Huo Qiang will have to think carefully about how to clean up this mess. The solution above must be to transfer him away and reappoint a teacher who is enough to convince the public.

If you want to sit firmly in this position, speaking with strength is the only way out.

After sending off a group of old generals headed by Huo Qiang, Qiao Wei did not return to the rostrum, but went straight to the front of the queue and shouted with all his strength, "The officers above the major stay, and the others continue to train!"

Dozens of people immediately came out of the queue, and if they gathered together, they could at least make up a platoon!

Qiao Wei calmed down: "I don't have so many problems. Since I caught up today, let's have a small meeting here." He took out the folder from his satchel, opened it and called, "Ye Han?"

"Arrived!" Ye Han in the crowd raised his hand.

Qiao Wei took out a document: "Deputy commander and first regiment commander of the Airborne Division, this is your letter of appointment."

Everyone looked at Ye Han together, and no one objected to this appointment.

The earliest motorized infantry, the first group to land on Beiyuezhou, and participated in all the expeditions to Jupiter, no matter who read Ye Han's resume, they must write a big word of service.

Many people present secretly held grievances for Ye Han. The most qualified person in the base to be this division commander was Ye Han. A division commander was parachuted from above, and the deputy division commander was obviously to appease Ye Han's emotions.

What do you think above? Worried that Ye Han's prestige is too high on the hill?

Qiao Wei took out the second document: "Bian Ge!"

Bian Ge came out more and more, took the appointment letter and approached Ye Han, staring angrily: "I knew it!"

Others don't know what he said, Ye Han's heart is clear.

He was Bian Ge's subordinate at the beginning. When he met with Mi Wei a while ago, his rank was the same, and his position is now the same.

Ye Han smiled: "Come on, where is this going, sooner or later, I have to climb on top of you!"

Bian Ge pouted with disgust on his face.

He only returned to Earth not long ago, and he did not spend a few days on Io after all the calculations. Thinking about it now, the top must have brought him back for the formation of the airborne division... The most important reason for Bian Ge's failure to be selected for the Marine Corps was that the brain wave control was not enough. Now, with the biochip, brain wave control is no longer possible. Not limited by selection.

Qiao Wei also smiled and continued: "Long Jianguo, the third regiment leader, hasn't come to report yet?"

"It's not here!" Ye Han shouted, only to realize who Qiao Wei was calling, his eyes lit up, acquaintances, this is it!

The surname Long is uncommon, and the possibility of the same name is very low.

Qiao Wei added: "Chief of Staff Ma Hui, Deputy Chief of Staff Shen Hao, there are only so many officers above the regiment, and no officers below the regiment have been appointed for the time being. After you go back, think about it and report the suitable candidates. Three Like me, the regiment leader has just arrived, and he must not understand the situation, so Deputy Master Ye has to work hard and help the third regiment build an air."

"No problem." Ye Han happily agreed.

Qiao Wei added: "Those who think they are capable can also recommend themselves. In addition to the three main regiments, the directly affiliated teaching team, air defense battalion, guard battalion, support battalion, communication battalion, and reconnaissance battalion have not yet arrived. Welcome to Deputy Division Commander Ye. It was recommended by Captain Bian, and others are welcome to recommend themselves. I hope to put up the shelf as soon as possible, and try boldly in terms of candidates. If they are not suitable, they can be replaced.

"Clear!" Everyone answered in unison.

Qiao Wei was very satisfied with everyone's attitude, put away the folder and said, "That's all for now... Oh, by the way, the task of the teaching team is to be stationed in Io Zero. It's best to arrange a few people who are familiar with the situation. Okay, The two heads remain, and the others continue to train and disband!"

The crowd dispersed, leaving only three people at the scene.

Qiao Wei straight to the point: "Do you know what I mean by leaving you behind?"

Bian Ge raised his eyebrows: "Dismount?"

Qiao Wei chuckled: "Of course not, let's be honest, I really don't know much about the army, but I know you two are familiar with the army, and each has a direct line. In a word, I need your prestige and experience."

Ye Hanxin said that this was a showdown, right? He tilted his head to look at Bian Ge, just in time to meet Bian Ge's gaze.

Bian Ge turned back as if nothing had happened, and twitched the corners of his mouth: "No problem, you are the boss."

Ye Han also nodded: "I don't need to be against Qiao Wei is still satisfied, and smiled: "If there is anything wrong with me, I hope you can bring it up directly, no matter what the contradiction, can be resolved through negotiation. "

Bian Ge agreed, and Ye Han continued to nod, feeling a very strange feeling in his heart, thinking that this person was more like a businessman or politician.

"Okay, let's be here today." After that, he waved his hand and turned to leave.

Ye Han watched Qiao Wei's figure and showed a playful smile: "This person is a bit interesting."

"Where did you go?" Bian Ge squinted at Ye Han, "You've been outside for a few years now. I've been in the northern defense line for several years, and I've heard of him a long time ago."

Ye Han suddenly became interested: "What do you mean?"

Bian Ge scratched the back of his head: "I heard that you have a lot of wrists, or else you might have climbed to the board so quickly."

Ye Han frowned: "What about ability?"

"Not bad." Bian Ge said, "The Western Front has been in his hands for two years, and he has never heard of anything going wrong."

Ye Han breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm relieved if my ability is qualified."

Bian Ge laughed and hugged Ye Han's shoulder: "What are you thinking, you don't even think about what time it is now, no matter how bad it is, it's impossible to send a straw bag over."

Ye Han snorted twice: "The straw bag is just a straw bag. It's great if you don't take him to play. I'm most afraid of a bad guy who is not capable and self-righteous."

"Haha, you think too much!" Bian Ge smiled and patted Ye Han on the shoulder, and the two turned towards the training ground.

Today's training is not over yet, and giving up halfway is not a good habit.

Not long after the two returned to the team, a man suddenly ran out of the dormitory and trotted all the way to the training ground. No one paid attention to him at first. When they got close, they realized that it was Qiao Wei!

Ye Han couldn't help revealing a few surprises, this person is a bit interesting!

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