Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1173: The style is wrong here

Ye Han couldn't help but have a question in his mind, did the battle just now really leave such a heavy psychological shadow on the insect people?

There was another question that he couldn't understand. With so many worms rushing to the top of the mountain, wouldn't they be afraid that he would provoke an aerial attack and directly destroy the hotel on the top of the mountain?

The brain circuits of the worm really cannot be speculated with ordinary people's thinking.

Luo Qi watched the last wave of worms enter the hotel, and immediately said to Ye Han, "Master, they're all in."

"Go up the mountain, be careful, check every villa carefully, don't leave hidden dangers." Ye Han said.

The reason why Lishan was not allowed to level all the villas was because the angle of the hillside was relatively large, and the upward attack was not good for the human side. If all the villas were collapsed again, the attacking troops would completely lose their cover.

"Yes!" With a wave of Luo Qi's hand, the soldiers immediately rushed to the coconut grove, but as soon as they got close to the coconut grove, they slowed down and stepped into the coconut grove cautiously. All places where people could hide should be pointed with guns first to ensure that there were no problems. Keep going.

In a word, even if the speed is a little slower, safety must be the priority.

The coconut groves that had just been flattened by shells were safe enough, but the original coconut grove had turned into an open field with bumps and pits. The insects on the top of the mountain were condescending, and the situation on the open ground could be seen clearly at a glance.

If they charge from these places, everyone will be exposed to the sight of the bug people.

So far, I haven't found any weapons for the bugmen to hit the mountain from the top of the mountain hotel, but I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case, there is no harm in being cautious.

The troops stopped when they rushed to the edge of the coconut grove. There is still a little distance between here and the foot of the mountain. Soldiers with long-range weapons such as snipers and machine gunners took cover on the spot. The others took the shortest distance and rushed to the foot of the mountain at the fastest speed. .

Afterwards, the soldiers entered the villa as a team, and from the outside to the inside, gradually eliminated the bugmen hidden in the villa... Regardless of Ye Han or Luo Qi, they didn't believe that the bugmen would obediently withdraw, and it was normal to leave a hand when they left.

However, after entering several villas one after another, the soldiers found nothing except some old bloodstains. Ye Han, who received the reward, was stunned for a while, but quickly realized that those bloodstains were probably left by pirates.

Although he was very contemptuous of the profession of pirates, Ye Han felt very uncomfortable when he thought that all the pirates here were slaughtered by bugmen.

This kind of mentality is probably similar to dog lovers who see unrelated people abusing dogs, and parents who see news that their parents are abusing children.

Although nothing was found, Ye Han still strictly ordered the troops to be vigilant and could not relax on any villa. In this way, the troops pushed all the way from the foot of the mountain to the hotel near the top of the mountain, checked all the villas, and finally relied on the villa. , completely surrounded by the hilltop hotel.

It was not until this time that Ye Han and Luo Qi rushed to the mountain unhurriedly and chose a villa that looked the strongest to serve as the temporary headquarters.

Several drones approached the hotel from different directions. From the images sent back, it can be found that the upper and lower doors and windows of the hotel are closed, and all windows are blocked by curtains. Even the glass doors of the hotel lobby are tightly covered by sheets. In fact, the drone circled the hotel a few times, but couldn't find a chance to spy.

Ye Han looked at the image of the hotel, and his teeth hurt: "Luo Qi, did you bring the spider?"

"Bring it, five!" Luo Qi quickly replied.

"Let it go out and see the effect."


Luo Qi immediately complied, and the five mechanical spiders were released from different directions and by different means.

Two of them were sent to the rooftop by the rotorcraft, two were put into the sewers by the soldiers, and the last one swaggered up to the hotel lobby.

Luo Qi couldn't help but ask: "Master, if it doesn't work... Are you considering a strong attack?"

Ye Han thought about it carefully for a moment, and finally shook his head: "I don't think about it for the time being."

It is not difficult to attack, the roof, lobby and windows of the hotel are all good places to break through. The problem is that he has no useful information except the architectural drawings of the hotel, and he does not know what the bugmen have done in the hotel.

It's definitely the most unreliable choice to enter with such a black eye.

Ye Han first adjusted the image to the direction of the lobby, and the angle of view followed the mechanical spider approaching the lobby.

Luo Qi shouted on the radio: "Sniper, break the door glass."


A gunshot rang out, and a coin-sized hole was pierced through the glass, but the glass showed no signs of breaking.

Luo Qi couldn't help but hurt: "What's the use of hitting the middle? First hit the corners and then hit the middle. Don't you know how to hit the windshield?"

"Received!" The sniper was even more painful, how many shots did he have to shoot through the glass? Might as well just hit a grenade!

Thinking like this, he didn't dare to say it, otherwise Luo Qi would have to be peeled off when he turned around.

"Wait a minute." Ye Han stopped, "Don't be so troublesome, press the muzzle down and shoot another The sniper is a little confused: "Master, where is the pressure? "

"The spider can see it when it gets closer," Ye Han said.

The sniper suddenly realized, "Understood!" After saying that, he aimed at the lower edge of the glass door and fired another shot.

There is still a hole in the glass, and there is also a hole in the sheet behind the glass. The mechanical spider hidden nearby immediately rushed out, directly approached the hole of the gun, and swayed the electronic eye to find the best viewing angle.

Through the lens, Ye Han finally saw the situation in the lobby - there are purple-red biological tissues everywhere on the walls, floors and ceilings. The shapes of these biological tissues are very irregular and it is difficult to describe them in words. They are connected by fascia-like things, and there are blood vessels-like things in the fascia.

There is a flesh ball-like biological tissue directly opposite the gate. On its surface, there is a blood hole the size of the mouth of a bowl, and blood is slowly flowing out of the hole.

Ye Han couldn't help but gasped.

He didn't know what the hotel lobby originally looked like, but the decoration of a five-star hotel was definitely not much different. Now it looks like it can't be associated with a five-star hotel anyway.

Moreover, I felt that something was wrong, and I couldn't remember what was wrong for a while.

Adjust the angle of the camera and continue to observe the situation on the left and right sides, but no matter how you look, you can only see those weird biological tissues, and not a single bug was found.

Ye Han frowned, he finally figured out what was wrong, the style of painting here was wrong!

After dealing with aliens for such a long time, he is very aware of the biochemical style of aliens with giant vines and giant insects as the carrier, but these creatures in the hotel lobby are exposed to the air in a grand manner, no matter how you look at them. Alien style.

Did aliens develop new biological means?

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