Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1183: important information

After leaving the whirlpool of Buha Island, Ye Han's mood suddenly relaxed like a taut violin string, and the exhaustion accumulated for several days poured out together, and the whole body felt that something was wrong.

After sleeping with the head covered, all the exhaustion disappeared, and the spirit of the whole person was different.

He doesn't think about anything now, just looking forward to returning to Qiongzhou to reunite with his relatives, it's like an arrow to return, and this is not only Ye Han's wish, but also the common expectation of everyone.

It's been more than a year since I left, and there are so many things going on in the middle. Who can not care about home?

But the more anxious you are, the more you can't go back. After the supply ship left Buha Island, it did not return directly to Qiongzhou, but first took the route of Borneo, then sailed to Luzon Island, and stopped on several small islands in the middle. Toss back and forth several times.

Everyone was anxious, but they couldn't interfere with the supply ship's mission. They wanted to change a ship, but found that the ship heading north either couldn't catch up, or was as slow as the supply ship.

No way, although the first stage of the southward plan was a success, but the first stage was only to occupy the three islands. It claimed to have completely occupied the three islands. In fact, the control over the three islands was only superficial.

In order to completely control the three islands, the military is taking the time to replenish troops to the three islands. Every day, a large number of ships sail to the three islands, and they all reach them at the fastest speed.

But the return flight is not so urgent, and the speed of the return flight is naturally not as fast as when it is going straight down. Stop-and-go is the norm, and it is normal to carry personnel and equipment.

I heard that a troop found the old treasury on the island, but it was only when the treasury was blown up that it was found that it had been emptied long ago, and the mice had to burst into tears.

However, the treasury or something was not on the search list of Beidu. Minerals, timber and various natural resources were the goals of Beidu, but the time it took to occupy the three islands was too short, and it was not enough to search for materials for a while.

From Buha Island to Qiongzhou, it only took more than 60 hours to sail at full speed, but after seven days of tossing back and forth, the supply ship officially sailed into the South China Sea.

I thought it would be possible to fly directly to Qiongzhou, but I didn't expect to stop at the port on several islands and reefs in the South China Sea for a while.

It was at this time that Ye Han received the news that the negotiation on Buha Island had ended, and Beidu also received information that the bugmen had been refusing to disclose.

Ye Han was incredulous for a while. He couldn't figure out what conditions the negotiating team had agreed to, so that the insect man gave the information.

But continue to look down, the end of the message actually attached the information content!

Ye Han's whole person is not good, how can such important information be disclosed casually?

After reading the information, Ye Han found out that the information provided by the insect man was completely different from what he thought.

He thought that what the worms provided was the kind of intelligence that involved military secrets, the location of alien bases or alien military plans, but in fact it didn't matter at all. The content of the information was that the aliens had split!

According to the insect man, long before the aliens landed, they had already split into several groups. The specific reason is not very clear. It seems that something went wrong with the high-level aliens.

Due to internal divisions, the alien African group and the South American group are almost inseparable from each other.

The bug people who landed on Buha Island and New Guinea belonged to the African group. This is because the development of the African group has always been better than that of the South American group, so they acted as the vanguard against humans.

The bug people didn't know the situation of the South American group, but according to the bug people's understanding, the South American group was weak, and couldn't jump out to make trouble for a while.

And this is just an alien who has landed on the earth. The alien who has not landed is not in the same mind as the alien on the earth. The former focuses on occupying the earth and rises again based on the earth, while the latter thinks that occupying the earth is not so easy. , space is the root of the re-emergence.

The military would like to know the specific situation of the Alien Outer Space Group, but it is a pity that the bugmen don't even know the situation of the South American Group, let alone the Outer Space Group.

In addition to these, the worms also provided some scattered information, the specific content is unknown, but the military has carefully analyzed the information.

The analysis believes that the aliens split between May and July of 23 years. There is nothing special about this time, but it is of extraordinary significance to Ye Han and all the human warriors who participated in the expedition.

Because that time happened to be the time period when the raiding fleet counterattacked Jupiter, it is likely that the raiding fleet inadvertently killed the high-level aliens, which inadvertently led to the internal division of the aliens.

There is also a view that aliens are at war with humans, and it is impossible to split at this juncture.

But this is considered from the perspective of human beings. Since the war between humans and aliens, human beings have always been in a passive defensive position. Several expeditions have not achieved much results, and they have lost their soldiers until the storm fleet is born. , before giving the alien a heavy blow.

The comprehensive judgment shows that although the resistance of human beings is tenacious, they are always weak in this war. The psychological advantages of aliens are not generally large, and division is not impossible.

However, the intelligence services are very cautious. They believe that although the aliens may split, the split may also be a smokescreen released by the aliens.

Moreover, the various groups of aliens have broken bones and tendons. When formulating a battle plan, all alien groups must be taken into consideration.

Ye Han was speechless when he saw this, this is really two skins on the human mouth, and the pros and cons made them finish.

To be Ye Han is very disappointed with the information provided by the bug people. Even if there is no information from the Outer Space Group, more dry goods from the African Group and the South American Group will do. .

It is true that the alien split is indeed an important piece of information, but it has little to do with combat. It may play a certain role in future wars, but it has little impact on the current situation.

To put it badly, this is a tasteless piece of information. No wonder Beidu made this information public without saying a word... It can't be said that it is completely useless. At least through this information, it can be confirmed that the assault fleet killed the alien high-level, It has indeed achieved unprecedented brilliant results.

Hmm... not right!

Ye Han suddenly thought of another possibility. It is not a secret that the bugmen landed on Buha Island, nor is it a secret that the troops going southward landed on Buha Island, and the negotiations between the two sides are estimated to be hidden from those who have a heart... Could it be that the information provided by the bugmen is more than this? Why, in order to cover up more important information, Beidu deliberately disclosed this information that, no matter how important it seemed, was actually useless?


But then again, what exactly is Beidu trying to hide?

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