Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1186: Bug Man's Breakthrough

Professor Qin was very satisfied: "You can think about it.

Ye Han sighed: "In this case, can I think about it? But Xiaoting's side..."

"Xiaoting, I will persuade me, you don't need to worry about it." Professor Qin said.

"That's not what I meant... Forget it, you can do whatever you want." Ye Han gave up the last struggle and left the training ground in despair.

Professor Qin didn't feel good in his heart, but in the current situation, the moon is safer.

After Professor Qin left the base, he immediately went home and persuaded Bai Xiaoting. Bai Xiaoting refused at first. It wasn't because she didn't want to go to the moon, or because she didn't want to leave Ye Han. The child was too young to be in a low-gravity environment like the moon. Future growth is unfavorable, and even if the cells fuse, it cannot offset the effects of low gravity.

And the earth is really too dangerous, far less peaceful than Beiyuezhou. Professor Qin persuaded and persuaded hard, repeatedly ensuring the safety of cell fusion, and called Ye Han back to talk about the recent situation again. Bai Xiaoting.

Two days later, Ye Han reluctantly bid farewell to his wife and children. Bai Xiaoting followed Professor Qin's experimental group to leave Qiongzhou by boat. Two days later, the experimental group arrived in Borneo, and all the personnel took the orbital elevator to leave the earth.

The orbital elevator returned to Earth half a month ago, but the location of the ladder island is too dangerous, and it may be raided by insects at any time, and the area of ​​the ladder island is small, aliens can attack from all directions at the same time, comprehensive defense requires A large number of troops and fleets, from a defensive point of view, guarding the island is definitely a loss of money.

So Beidu made a decisive decision and made a decision to abandon the ladder island and relocate the rail elevator.

Out of defensive considerations, Beidu finally decided to place the orbital elevator on the west side of Borneo, only ten kilometers away from the coast.

For the safety of the orbital elevator, the military decided to build a large military base around the orbital elevator. In addition to protecting the orbital elevator, this base will also become the largest logistics supply base on Borneo.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that Beidu’s intention to build a military base here is not so simple. Although the southern operation has achieved a decisive victory, Beidu needs time to consolidate the fruits of victory, and there are several large islands and small islands on the west and south sides of Borneo. Although the military has not occupied these islands at present, judging from the current international situation, these islands are in the pockets of the Northern Capital sooner or later. This base can just radiate the nearby islands and form a complete defense chain.

After the return of the orbital elevator, the earth-moon traffic that had been interrupted for many times was finally restored.

In the recent period, the main task of the orbital elevator is the transportation of materials between the earth and the moon. The relocation of personnel is only incidental. Basically, they are all relocated from the earth to the moon. Among them, only one-fourth of the technical personnel are in various fields, and the rest are from Martyrs of the military who are eligible to move to Beiyuezhou.

Bai Xiaoting and the two children belonged to the former. If Ye Han did not have the qualifications to relocate in exchange for his military exploits, even if Professor Qin was willing to take Bai Xiaoting away, Bai Xiaoting and the children would not even want to take a step closer to the rail elevator.

Of course, not all military martyrs are willing to move to the moon. Many people think that such a desolate place on the moon is not suitable for survival at all. Once there is a problem in Beiyuezhou, everyone will die. It is better to stay on the earth, even if the earth is in danger One point, at least you can escape when danger comes, unlike the moon, breaking Beiyuezhou is a dead end.

There are still some old people who hold on to the idea of ​​falling leaves returning to their roots, and are unwilling to even leave their hometown, leaving the earth? Don't even think about it!

Because the relocation and resettlement of the martyrs belonged to the martyrs, Ye Han and the whole teacher took time to participate in it as much as possible, so there were quite a few people who were sent away during this time, but Ye Han did not expect that he would be so fast. Send the wife away.

In the next period of time, the First Airborne Division ended the rest and began to replenish personnel, enrich the skeleton, and training became the top priority of the entire division. Ye Han soaked in the training ground with the soldiers every day, doing his best to let the newly transferred in The personnel are integrated into the group of a division.

Many of the officers and men who were transferred to the First Division were from the troops going south, and several of them were from Buha Island.

The ability to transfer the personnel of the island guards into the airborne division not only shows the status of the airborne division in the military, but also shows that even if the military has not completely controlled the three islands in the South China Sea, it will not be too far from complete control.

Ye Han was curious about the situation on Buha Island, and called a few soldiers to ask around. Unexpectedly, he actually asked something different.

After a lapse of two months, Buha Island has become a huge military camp. The density of troops guarding the island is astonishing. No matter the coast or the island, there are bunkers and dark forts everywhere. The experimental area is completely isolated, and only a few heavily guarded roads can This series of actions by the military is obviously aimed at the insect people, but the insect people on the island have no dissatisfaction, and the hundred people who are determined to restore their human identity A number of worms do not hear anything outside the window. In order to secure the hearts of the military, they even decompose and absorb all the second-generation worms as experimental materials.

In the words of worms, the second-generation worms are completely manipulated by aliens, and they do not agree with the identity of human beings in their hearts, so there is no need to stay.

Under the investment of the bug people regardless of the cost, they really let them tinker with a lot of things.

The first batch of achievements of the worms was to successfully clone a group of worms. These worms were small in size and had extremely fast metabolisms. They neither grew nor had intelligence. They were good materials for reversal experiments.

Because of this, the experts sent by Beidu to Buha Island almost fell out with the bugmen.

The second step is to study how to turn these little bugmen back into human beings. It is said that the bugmen have thought of many ways. Every day experimental bugmen die in experiments, but the corpses cannot be wasted, and they are directly decomposed and recycled.

Before these warriors left Buha Island, they heard that a breakthrough had been made in the insect-man experiment.

Hearing this, Ye Han almost didn't jump up. It took only two months to make a breakthrough. In a few months, Carlos will not change back to human?

But after listening carefully, I realized that this is not the case at all. The bug man did not change back to a human, but turned the six-legged experimental bug man into two legs... It's true that there are fewer bug legs, but the bug man is still a bug Humans, and the structure of the worm's legs is not suitable for bipedal standing, and the genes must be modified to make the only two remaining worm legs grow thicker, and even the ends of the worm limbs have to grow a structure similar to feet.

In a word, the insect man's experiment could not yield results for a while, but the experts on the island benefited a lot from the insect man's experiment.

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