Armor Frenzy

Chapter 750: shredded cocoon

The armor-piercing warhead of the individual rocket penetrated the shell of the car in the sound of the explosion, and the belly of the car worm exploded violently, collapsing through the worm's belly shell, and the huge car worm finally rolled over and fell to the ground, completely incapacitated.

The gunshots stopped, the explosions died down, and everyone stared at the car bug with a rotten stomach. It was difficult to calm down, and everyone's breathing was as heavy as thunder.

The American and French teams officially joined forces, but the atmosphere after the joining was very awkward.

Constantine wanted to carry out Thomas's order immediately, but felt that the situation at hand was not suitable for doing so. After much thought, Constantine finally announced the dismissal of Bruno's command position in front of a dozen French soldiers, and then the two armies joined forces. Soldier one, continue to explore alien warships.

The French soldiers disapproved of Thomas' orders, but fortunately, Bruno knew the basics and restrained the French soldiers to obey the orders. This did not cause a conflict between the two armies, and the exploration operation continued.

Although Constantine dismissed Bruno, the French soldiers still followed Bruno's lead. Constantine did not insist, turning a blind eye to the French soldiers.

With the lessons of the car bug, everyone is a lot more cautious in the next actions, especially when exploring the cabin, they are all careful and careful.

According to the reports of Bruno and others, Constantine believed that the cabins filled with mucus were likely to be cabins specially used for car bugs, and their functions were similar to horse stables. In the subsequent operations, they found several bug stables, but they were not found any more. Any car bug.

Not just car bugs, but no living creatures were found until the entire ship was searched.

It took the two ** teams more than three hours to finally search the remnant ship and finally summarize the situation. They found a total of 14 alien corpses, one car bug (killed), and various unknown functions. Alien items don't count.

Constantine also took the soldiers to find the cab of the alien spacecraft, but all the equipment was completely destroyed, not to mention that humans do not understand alien equipment, just understand, I am afraid that they have no ability to repair those equipment.

The same situation also happened in several other important cabins, but only the cockpit can be recognized, and no one knows what the function of the other damaged cabins is.

However, after the data was compiled, Constantine carefully calculated based on the layout of the cabin, and calculated that this warship could carry at least 500 to 700 aliens, and there were only 12 visible corpses, so where did the other aliens go? already?

Not only Constantine in the front had doubts, but Thomas in the back was equally puzzled.

Since he couldn't think of a reason, he simply called a group of staff to brainstorm and see if he could find useful clues.

After some discussion, something was really discussed - according to the situation in the alien battleship, there must be more than one car bug domesticated by the aliens, but only one was found in the battleship, so the aliens are very Possibly leaving in a buggy.

The staff members believe that the aliens who have just arrived are unlikely to control the ant colony as soon as they land, and although the car bug is powerful, it has no advantage in the face of thousands of giant ants. In addition, the car bug is good at digging holes. The odds are high that aliens burrowed away in car bugs.

The car worm is so big, and the hole dug out is not small. If the hole left by the car worm can be found near the accident site, it is not impossible to track the aliens.

With the mentality of a dead horse being a living horse doctor, Thomas gave Constantine an order to search for the burrow. Constantine immediately mobilized the combined forces of the two countries and prepared to conduct a dragnet search near the battleship.

The forest is full of giant ants, and the search must be carried out smoothly by armored vehicles and poisonous smoke bombs. Constantine and his American soldiers set off directly by helicopter in order to seize the time. The armored vehicles will take several hours to arrive. Initially The search must be carried out by the French.

But because of Thomas' orders, the relationship between the two sides was very tense, and Constantine could not bear the consequences of disobeying again.

In order to prevent the French soldiers from grinding foreign jobs, Constantine promised the French soldiers that as long as they cooperated well, they would help Bruno to intercede after returning, and he skillfully explained a lot of things like making up for his faults. The enthusiasm of the French army was mobilized and a preliminary search was launched.

Constantine and his U.S. soldiers were not idle either. They carried poisonous smoke bombs to search. Although it was not safe to ride in an armored vehicle, the possibility of being attacked by giant ants was not high.

Armored vehicles are already boarding the advance al-Qaeda, and it only takes an hour or so to be vacant, and walking around is like killing time.

It's a pity that the soldiers circled around the battleship, but they couldn't find any clues.

The lush vegetation in the rainforest makes it difficult to move, and the car bugs are so large that they should leave very obvious traces when they leave.

But it has been more than two months since the alien battleship The plants in the rainforest grow rapidly, let alone more than two months, even two weeks, it is difficult to find any traces ascend to the sky.

The news ahead could not be concealed. The news of the deadlock in the search operation was quickly learned by the Djibouti command center, as well as the Chinese base not far away.

Soon after, the Chinese side took the initiative to provide a clue: According to the experience of the Fengcheng incident, the car bug was likely to leave the bottom of the alien battleship.

So Constantine and the others had to return to the alien battleship, and carefully check the bottom cabin again, especially those places that might be the exit, which is the top priority of the search.

In addition, Thomas transferred the two closest teams to support Constantine. After the troops were in place, the search force doubled immediately.

Thomas even considered asking the Chinese side to join in, but as soon as the idea entered his mind, he was immediately rejected by him.

Just kidding, if the Chinese side is pulled into the field at this time, wouldn't the previous rejection be useless?

An hour later, the transport plane arrived as scheduled and dropped the armored vehicle near the alien warship.

Shortly after the plane returned, the torrential rain arrived as scheduled, and the search operation was forced to abort. All the armored vehicles returned, and the armored vehicles were directly blasted through the shell of the battleship. It was a solid bunker that was easy to defend and difficult to attack. rain.

During the rainstorm, the ant colony launched several waves of offensives, but they were all defeated by the strong defense of the poisonous smoke bombs.

At the same time, the two troops that received the aid order were moving towards Constantine, one of which was the Italian troops located more than 60 kilometers to the southwest.

The Italians had just had lunch when they received the order, and were trying to find a hiding place before the rainstorm came. The Italians who received the order were not moved at all, and they quickly found a spacious cave.

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