Armor Frenzy

Chapter 764: get out of danger

Liu Bin was disappointed and was about to pull a tall man out of his own fighters when the American pilot pulled a black man in a shirt out of the crowd, patted his chest and strongly recommended it to Liu Bin, assuring that he would be fine.

Liu Bin didn't think much about it, and let the black man enter the cockpit to replace Ye Han.

The black man smiled brightly, showing his mouth full of white teeth, rubbing his hands excitedly and getting into the cockpit.

Ye Han brushed past the black man and glanced at the black man in surprise, always feeling that the smile of the black man was not quite right.

But the black man took over the plane immediately after he sat down, and his movements were very proficient.

Ye Han's doubts disappeared immediately, and he immediately forgot about it. With the assistance of Liu Bin, he put the power armor on his body.

The armors thrown away by the soldiers are all the most common models. Ye Han's armor is a tailor-made command model. The communication function is very powerful, and the price is much higher than ordinary armor.

After putting on the armor, the system started automatically, and after a few seconds it entered the working state. Ye Han immediately contacted the space fleet: "671 call 451, please answer when you receive it!"

"451 received, 671 please speak!"

"451, my department is flying north by helicopter, and the target is southern Sudan. We need to drop fuel supplies!"

"671, our ship has no aviation fuel reserves!"

"671 understand, it's over."

When the communication was over, Ye Han switched the communication frequency and continued to call: "671 calls Tiangong, please answer when you receive it!"

"Tiangong received it, please speak."

Ye Han briefly explained the current situation, and finally talked about the fuel problem, and asked Tiangong to contact the Qiongzhou base.

The training ground and launch site of the Marine Corps are in Qiongzhou. Ye Han is very familiar with the situation there. There is absolutely no technical problem in launching a batch of aviation fuel with the returnable spacecraft.

In addition, Ye Han also applied to the base to launch 20 sets of power armor with the ship - the troops have to stay in Africa for a while, how can they do without equipment?

Hearing that Ye Han threw 20 sets of power armor, Huo Qiang almost had a heart attack, and he kept scolding the prodigal.

With the gradual maturity of technology, the cost of power armor has indeed dropped a lot in recent years. The problem is that the price of this thing is still above 10 million, and it has not dropped to the point where it can be thrown away casually.

But after jumping and jumping, after knowing the details, Huo Qiang had no choice but to accept this irritating fact.

Today is not an era of war when there is a shortage of this and that, and it is not an era when people can sacrifice their lives to protect equipment. Now human life is more expensive than equipment. Under any circumstances, the safety of soldiers cannot be ignored because of equipment.

This is the progress of the humanities, but also the inevitable development.

The Qiongzhou base mobilized materials at the fastest speed. In addition to fuel and power armor, some supplies were also placed on the spacecraft.

Not only that, the military is also actively contacting the US military to study how to save the survivors.

The plane's arrival in southern Sudan is only the first step to escape. There is still a straight-line distance of 2,000 kilometers from Djibouti. Even if the airdrop fuel is in place, there is no possibility of flying back to Djibouti.

During the consultation process, the two sides came up with two rescue plans.

First, after obtaining fuel in South Sudan, continue to fly to the northeast, along the southern border of the Sahara Desert all the way east, and drop by air at intervals until the plane returns to Djibouti, or directly to the Red Sea coast in eastern Sudan, by A warship sent by the navy was brought back to Djibouti.

The second is to find a suitable landing site, and Djibouti will send a transport plane to take the survivors on the helicopter back to Djibouti.

The No. 1 plan is too complicated, and both sides are inclined to the No. 2 plan. After the two armies reached an agreement, they immediately looked for a suitable site for the landing of the transport plane in southern Sudan.

The U.S. side quickly found a road suitable for landing and notified the helicopter of the road coordinates.

This section of the road is within the range of the helicopter, and the helicopter does not need to continue to transfer. The airdrop that Ye Han applied for was also cancelled by the military.

Later, the space battleship began to clear the nearby giant insects in preparation for the landing of the plane.

The rescue problem was solved, Ye Han was very relieved, and began to care about the situation of Moro Bida.

It can be seen from satellite images that the Morrobida Airport is still occupied by spider ants, all buildings are shrouded in flames, and the airport and the base of the multinational force are finished together.

Looking at the spider cave, the firepower of the counterattack can no longer be seen in the cave, but there is a burning armored vehicle at the entrance of the cave.

Ye Han couldn't help but sigh that it took only half a day for the bugs to completely end the results that the multinational forces had worked hard for more than a month. Is this a victory for the bugs, or did the aliens lock in the victory?

Two hours later, the helicopter finally arrived near the road and landed on the sand on the side of the road.

Through the night vision device on the armor, you can see that there are giant ant corpses everywhere near the road, and there are many on the These are giant insects that the space fleet has just killed, in order to protect the transport aircraft To ensure safety, Ye Han personally led the team off the plane and went to the road to clean up the corpses.

This place is relatively barren, and the limited resources cannot support a few bugs. With the space fleet escorting, there is no need to worry about giant insect attacks.

Seven minutes after the helicopter landed, there was a low roar of engines from the sky, and a few minutes later, the transport plane successfully landed on the road.

Before the transport plane stopped, the American soldiers on the helicopter immediately jumped off the plane and rushed towards the transport plane like a swarm.

Seeing this, Ye Han quickly told Liu Bin to lead the team and ordered everyone to board the plane immediately.

More than 70 people rushed to the transport plane, the transport plane opened the tailgate, and everyone rushed in... Soon after, the transport plane took off and flew to Djibouti in the dark.

At around eleven o'clock in the night, the transport plane landed at the U.S. military's Djibouti airport. The vehicles dispatched by the Chinese base were already waiting at the airport. Ye Han and others were picked up as soon as they got off the plane.

Returning to his home base, the driver sent Ye Han directly to Zhuang Bo's dormitory. Zhuang Bo inquired about the entire operation in detail, and also mentioned the power armor that was thrown away, and asked Ye Han if it was possible to retrieve the armor.

This is not what Zhuang Bo meant, but a domestic idea.

However, the plan never kept up with the changes. The base received a notification from the U.S. military early the next morning that the multinational troops trapped in the spider cave were attacked by spider ants on both sides, and had run out of ammunition and food. The troops in the cave could not get the airdrops at all.

The US hoped that China could send troops to help, but Zhuang Bo politely refused.

Just kidding, there are only a few people, and more than 20 sets of power armor have been thrown. Counting Ye Han and Liu Bin, there are only nine marines with equipment. What can they do to fight the overwhelming spider ants?

not in good shape

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