Armor Frenzy

Chapter 770: Alien Phantom (3)

Ye Han's eyes stared at the boss: "It really exploded?"

"Ah?" Liu Bin looked horrified, "Didn't you say that?"

"Fuck me. Whatever you say!" Ye Han punched the roof of the car, "Quick, let's go!"

The driver stepped on the accelerator, and the armored vehicle suddenly accelerated into the road.

Liu Bin was almost knocked over by a sharp turn, and grabbed the handrail beside him: "Captain?" Can such a thing be said casually?

"Don't talk so much, prepare to fight!" Ye Han took off his rifle, quickly checked the ammunition, and put it on his back again.

He wanted to see that Yankee's joke was true, but he didn't expect the explosion to be so violent, and the explosion effect was very similar to the cloud bomb, which was really unexpected.

The convoy was speeding all the way down the passage, and it didn't take long before they saw an overturned armored vehicle ahead, and there were several impact marks on the flat wall. Looking through the side of the armored vehicle, you can see that there is a cave not far ahead, and the ground of the cave is full of corpses of giant ants.

The armored vehicle was in front, blocking most of the passage, and the driver immediately slowed down to avoid collision.

Seeing this, Ye Han roared, "Break away!"

"Yes!" The driver agreed, but the speed of the car was still decreasing, and it almost stopped when it came to the armored car blocking the road, and then the front of the car pushed the side of the armored car with full power, like an angry bull. The armored vehicle moved forward and did not stop until it pushed the armored vehicle in the way into the cave.

The cave was in a mess, all the open flames had been extinguished, and only some insect shells had a dark red glow like charcoal.

As soon as the armored vehicle entered the cave, the monitoring equipment immediately called the police, and the driver shouted: "Captain, the carbon monoxide exceeds the standard, the oxygen content is low, and the temperature is high!"

Ye Han immediately ordered: "No one is allowed to leave the car, Zhang Ruo shouts a few words."

Zhang Ruo immediately called the U.S. military on the radio, and received a response quickly. After a while, he raised his head to report: "Chief, the American is not a big problem. It's because the armored vehicle was damaged a lot."

"Ask them what the **** is going on and where the aliens are."

Zhang Ruoma asked, and quickly said suspiciously, "Boss, they said they didn't find aliens."

"How is that possible?" Ye Han didn't believe it at all. "Without aliens, what did they let them explode like this?"

"They said that something vomited by the giant ants exploded." Zhang Ruo looked puzzled.

"Damn, what do ants spit out besides formic acid? Could it be that spider ants spit gasoline?" Liu Bin said angrily.

Ye Han turned back suddenly: "Yes, it is formic acid, formic acid steam can explode!"

"Ah? Can this thing still explode?" Liu Bin couldn't help being stunned.

He knew that formic acid had something to do with ants, but he really didn't know that formic acid could explode.

"Don't ask these useless questions." Ye Han said, "Tell them not to get out of the car for the time being, and let them contact the friendly forces themselves."

Zhang Ruoma got busy, and Ye Han said again: "Ask them again, where did the ants come from."

Zhang Ruo said a few words at a very fast speed, then shut up and listened for a while: "Chief, they said that the two holes on the opposite side come out the most."

"Ready to go." Ye Han said.

"Don't wait for the Americans?" Liu Bin couldn't help asking.

"Failures are more than failures." Ye Han commented angrily, "If they could find the aliens, they would have waited until now?"

"Wait!" Zhang Ruo suddenly called out, putting his palms on his ears and listening carefully, "Head, they said that the two teams of US troops here are reinforcements, and there is another team ahead, and that team was the first to exchange fire with spider ants. The troops... they also said that aliens were found ahead!"

Several people in the car couldn't help looking at each other, Ye Han said in surprise: "Is this a blocking attack or a surrounding point to help?"

Liu Bin was stunned: "Aliens are learning too fast, right?"

"Don't worry about so many useless things." Ye Hanma put aside his doubts, "Which side?"


"Set off!"

After a period of air convection, the oxygen content in the cavern was close to the normal level. The driver easily started the armored vehicle, and the convoy quickly drove into the designated passage.

There were quite a few half-dead spider ants in the passage. Ye Han didn't care about so many of them.

I don't know how many bugs were crushed and killed. The convoy going downhill passed through two caves, the easel turned a dozen times, and finally found the wreckage of six armored vehicles in the third cave.

Perhaps because of the microwave cannon, there was nothing to find in the cave except for the wreckage, that is, there were no spider ants or aliens.

Ye Han adjusted the angle of the camera, looked around the cave hall, and found that there were only three passages leading into the cave hall, including the one when he came.

He immediately ordered: "Car No. 1 will stay where it is, and the other cars will pass one by one. The microwave cannons are blocked."

Several armored vehicles and horses carried out the Ye Han and other vehicles were all seated, and then the microwave gun of No. 1 car was turned off, and Liu Bin and others got out of the car and got close to the wreckage to observe the situation.

Luo Qi, who was also in the No. 1 car, surrounded the wreckage with a few soldiers and looked left and right like it was.

Observation found that these armored vehicles have been completely scrapped, and neither corpses nor living people could be found inside or outside the vehicles, and not even a single piece of power armor was missing.

A soldier seemed to have found something, and called Luo Qi to look. Luo Qi only glanced at it and jumped up: "Captain, I found something!"

"What did you find?" Liu Bin asked immediately.

"It's an alien!" Luo Qi pointed to the wreckage and said.

Ye Han and Liu Bin Ma leaned over and looked at the wreckage, and they found an arc-shaped cut more than half a meter long.

Liu Bin immediately said, "It's an alien!"

No matter what kind of giant insects have this ability, only the thin light of aliens can cause such cuts.

Ye Han sighed: "Looking at it this way, 80% of Americans have fallen into the hands of aliens."

Judging from the damage of the armored vehicle, the crew in the vehicle is definitely not much better. Ye Han was a little unsure about it before. I don't know if the Americans were captured by aliens or dragged away by spider ants as food rations, but now I found this one. The cut marks prove that aliens have appeared here, and the probability of being captured is obviously higher.

Liu Bin was suspicious: "What are they capturing the Americans for? They are also serving as food rations?"

"This joke is too cold." Luo Qi couldn't help but fight a cold war.

In this world, even the most inexperienced ordinary people have seen giant insects eat people a few times. Luo Qi, as a soldier, has only seen more, so he should not have such a big reaction.

But there are absolutely two completely different concepts of cannibalism by giant insects without intelligence and cannibalism by intelligent aliens. He can accept the former, but absolutely cannot accept the latter.

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