Armor Frenzy

Chapter 156: road see road news

Although it was impossible to arrive in time after successfully receiving the police, this incident was still used by the Northern Capital as a negative teaching material to spread across the country.

Since then, the attacks of giant insects in Montenegro have intensified. Rumors are like a gust of wind blowing the towns and villages. Countless residents of villages and towns fled their homes. Countless residents of counties abandoned their family businesses in a hurry. Stop flowing.

Trucks, cars, SUVs, motorcycles, tractors, even bicycles and hiking...

Although the government acted very fast and declared a state of emergency almost at the same time as the news spread, the response speed of the administrative department was still a step slower. The torrent army of refugees had already embarked on an expedition to leave their homes. Search rural villages in remote areas and evacuate uninformed people from danger zones.

Despite the efforts of various places, hundreds of villages, more than 100 townships, seven counties and two cities have been attacked by ant colonies, more than one million refugees have been evacuated from their homes, and more than 100,000 people have suffered. No matter the scale of the disaster or the number of victims, They are far more than Jingjiang.

The Jingjiang incident was the trigger for the war between humans and giant insects, but the retreat of Montenegro was the main reason for Beidu's determination to eradicate the ant colony.

During that time, Ye Han followed Long Jianguo to deal with the giant ants, until he found an effective way to fight the giant ants, and the giant ants' expansion was stopped under the counterattack of the military.

Every city and county located in an ant-occupied area has people stranded who are unwilling to leave. Due to its special geographical location, Yonghe County has the highest number of stranded counties in the seven counties, and the power station on the Yonghe Dam has been operating normally. In operation, more than two-thirds of the electricity is used to maintain a defense grid more than three kilometers long between the two rivers.

The power grid blocked the southeast direction of Yonghe County, where there is no river, and blocked the rampant ant colony, so that the vast majority of people who stayed in the county survived the ant plague.

The armored vehicle was galloping fast, and after ten minutes, Huya couldn't hold his breath any longer: "Ye Pai, we have already driven 30 kilometers. Where is the highway?"

Ye Han suddenly woke up: "How far did the battalion commander say?"

"Twenty kilometers."

"Isn't it?" Ye Han called up the electronic map, and before he could see the problem, the veteran said, "Ye platoon, the battalion commander seems to be talking about straight-line distances!"

Ye Han found the coordinates of the location during the conversation, then found the highway, and counted the squares between the two places, and it turned out to be more than 20.

Re-measure the county road on the map, and the final result is 61 kilometers, almost three times the straight-line distance!

Ye Han suddenly raised his head, looked at the veteran and immediately lowered his head to measure the highway. This time, he was right, it was indeed more than 40 kilometers.

"Go ahead." Ye Han said, "The battalion commander must have been negligent."

After another half an hour, Hu Ya finally saw the highway in front of him, and excitedly rushed over with the accelerator.

As the distance got closer, the situation on the highway became clearer and clearer. Ye Han saw hundreds of vehicles of various types parked on the road, many of which had burned to the bone; the guardrails on both sides of the highway Dilapidated, overturned cars are everywhere under the roadbed, and several burn marks can be found up and down the road shoulder.

Ye Han's eyes passed through the broken car window and saw a vague figure in the overturned car.

He couldn't count, and he didn't want to count the time since Montenegro's Great Retreat. All he knew was that the victims in the car had already turned into unclaimed carrion corpses, and the situation on the road might have been even more serious.

The armored vehicle approached the expressway, and a few hundred meters away, they saw the bridge hole at the junction of the country road and the expressway.

Hu Ya was very frustrated: "Ye Pai, we don't have a highway on this road!"

"Veteran, where is the nearest entrance?"

The veteran's fingers moved on the map: "Two kilometers to the west, or five kilometers to the east."

"Which side is the closest to our road?"

"West!" the old soldier replied.

"Huya, go west!"

"Okay!" Huya agreed, driving forward, and after passing through the bridge hole under the expressway, he drove another three-level highway parallel to the expressway within two or three hundred meters.

The veteran looked back and said, "Ye Pai, there are also cars on the road here!"

Ye Han pointed the camera at the highway and saw many abandoned vehicles: "Where does this highway lead to?"

"Mirror River!"

"No wonder." Ye Han sighed, "Hu Ya, don't go west, turn around and head east."

The road leading to Jingjiang? Jingjiang was the first place to go to war with the giant insects, so he was too busy to take care of himself, how could he have the energy to take care of the refugees?

Although the experience of these refugees was very tragic, Ye Han felt that their behavior was not worthy of sympathy at all. The insect disaster in Jingjiang is a well-known thing in the whole country, but they still ran to Jingjiang. ?

If you don't die, you won't die. When disaster strikes, you need to be calm and calm, instead of crowding up when you see a road. Look at the number of vehicles on the road. Even if those people realize that Jingjiang is a road of no return, they may not turn around and return. Space, maybe it is because there is no way to there are so many cars left on the road.

"We're not going to the high speed anymore?" Hu Ya asked suspiciously.

"If you don't go up, just go this way." Ye Han said.

Although there are some abandoned vehicles on this third-class highway, the number is far less than that of the expressway, and they are all heading towards Yonghe County, and there are no corpses left in the cars.

The dusty car body told Ye Han that they had stayed here for a long time, and these vehicles that had lost their owners had to stay here until everything returned to normal before they could be cleared out of the road.

The armored vehicles gradually moved forward, and the vehicles left on the highway changed from dense to sparse, and eventually disappeared. Ye Han estimated that either no one fled in this direction, or the people behind realized that they could not take this road, and probably not. When a group of vehicles blocked the road again, Huya was instructed to find a place to drive on the expressway and drive to Yongjiang County at a speed of nearly 100 kilometers per hour.

Although there are still some vehicles on the road, all of them can't be beaten by Huya. If they can't avoid them, they will hit them head-on. Anyway, the mechanical strength of private cars is far less than that of armored vehicles.

Even the vibration during the impact was too severe, and the sound made the ears very uncomfortable. Ye Han and the veteran had to use seat belts to tie themselves to the seats and find something to put in their ears.

In order to get to Yongjiang as soon as possible, Huya also fought hard.

After running the actual distance of 40 kilometers for more than 40 minutes, Ye Han finally saw Yongjiang City, and he immediately ordered Huya to slow down.

The Yongjiang River has not yet been breached by giant ants. The two rivers have played a great role. How can the highway across the river be unimpeded? The serial works of Huo are all available at for mobile phone users, please go to read.

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