Armor Frenzy

Chapter 973: key point

The fleet's bombing operation was very smooth, but Gao Kai believed that the non-resistance of the aliens made the fleet very passive, because all the enemies fled underground, and it was difficult for the bombing to turn out the underground bunkers hidden in the dark, and only blow up the ground buildings. Not much different from wasting ammo.

If you can accurately locate the underground bunkers, at least it can cause a little loss to the enemy.

However, the situation was not as smooth as Gao Kai thought. When the fleet flew directly above the front of Callisto, it suddenly found that a crater was a bit strange.

Several warships noticed the crater at the same time, and invariably aimed the camera there, and accidentally found that there was an oversized chrysanthemum gate at the bottom of the crater.

The observers immediately realized that this was where the alien battleship entered and exited Callisto, and quickly reported the situation to the flagship.

Gao Kai, who received the news, was stunned. He could never have imagined that huge warships could also enter and exit through the chrysanthemum gate, so the larger chrysanthemum gate was placed in the crater, just like Callisto growing chrysanthemums.

Gao Kai felt a chill and didn't dare to think about it any longer. He categorically ordered the fleet to focus fire and knock down the alien's underground base first. Under that oversized chrysanthemum gate, it must be the alien's lair on Callisto.

The artillery fire of the air attack stopped for a moment because of Gao Kai's order, and all the warships adjusted their positions at the same time, aiming the muzzle at the crater.

Gao Kai gave an order, all the warships fired at the same time, and the shells fell into the crater one by one.

He is still not sure whether the base of the aliens is under the Ju Gate, otherwise, it will not be cannonballs, but nuclear bombs will be thrown directly on it.

The first round of cannonballs landed in an instant, and the cannonballs that fell outside the chrysanthemum gate immediately exploded the dust in the sky, but there was no turbulence that accurately hit the chrysanthemum gate, and it penetrated the chrysanthemum gate silently like a sharp knife cutting butter.

The battleship immediately detected gas at the bottom of the crater, but there was a chrysanthemum gate blocking it. No one knew what happened after the shell penetrated the chrysanthemum gate, and the chrysanthemum gate did not shrink like a balloon.

A thought flashed in Gao Kai's mind immediately, since this thing is alive, it is probably useless to just pierce a few holes, it must hurt the vital point or exceed a certain limit to cause the chrysanthemum gate to leak.

"Go on!" Gao Kai said without hesitation.

At this time, the ground of a small plain near the crater suddenly opened from below, and dozens of thin lights shot up into the sky. The battleships that were about to fire were shot on board. On average, each battleship was assigned several thin lights.

The accident happened so suddenly that no one had time to react. When the helmsman avoided it subconsciously, Xiao Guang had already hit the battleship.

Everyone's heart jumped to their throats, but they were only startled. Gao Kai quickly ordered the fleet to retreat, and asked about the situation of the battleship while retreating.

Very fortunately, all ships were fine, at most minor scratches.

Gao Kai let out a sigh of relief and was very happy.

The luck of the fleet is both accidental and inevitable. The inevitable reason is that the height of the fleet has been stuck at 700 kilometers, just beyond the range of the fine light, and the most armored bow is facing Callisto; the accidental factor is the alien People spread the fire, and if all the fine light was focused on one target, the consequences were unpredictable.

While heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Kai, who had lingering fears, was furious, pointing at the plain on the screen and roaring: "Blow it down for me!"

The fleet immediately fine-tuned the attitude of the battleship and fired the electromagnetic gun at the plain. The shells had just been fired. Gao Kai called the combat staff and issued a separate order to launch nuclear bombs at the crater.

Nuclear bombs are either fired by missiles or by ordinary naval guns. They have nothing to do with electromagnetic guns, and they don't need to adjust their posture, which does not affect the bombardment of the fleet on the plains.

A nuclear artillery shell was immediately loaded into the cannon, the turret turned rapidly, and was quickly fired after being precisely aimed with the help of the fire control system.

The aliens were not to be outdone, and the fine light from the small plain came one after another, and the two sides fought a gun battle over a distance of more than 700 kilometers.

The counterattack of the aliens can be said to be fierce, but the air-to-ground has a natural advantage, and the range of the thin light is limited, the threat to the fleet is pitiful, but human shells do not have this problem, and they fall on the plain one by one. , and it didn't take long to kill several giant insects.

That's right, it's a giant bug. The thin light is not emitted from mechanical equipment, but from a special kind of bug. Anyone who sees this scene can't understand how the aliens transformed the bug into life. arms.

What's more, thinking of the fine light on the alien battleship, how did the aliens press the bug on the battleship?

The speed of the shells fired by ordinary naval guns is too slow. It took a long time for you to come and go here, and the nuclear shells over there fell into the crater, hitting the chrysanthemum gates impartially and triggering the fuze.

The chrysanthemum gate could not stop the tungsten alloy shells of the electromagnetic gun, but it could stop the nuclear shells fired by the ordinary naval guns. As a result, the shells failed to smash into the ground as planned by Gao Detonated directly outside the chrysanthemum gate .

The nuclear bomb exploded in an instant, a strong flash lit up the sky and the earth, and the flames rushed out of the crater, just like a super volcano suddenly erupted, the surrounding of the crater shook violently, the flames rushed into the sky dozens of kilometers high, and the fine light on the plain was interrupted on the spot.

The fleet took the opportunity to increase its firepower, and it didn't take long to destroy the air defense positions on the plain.

At this time, the nuclear explosion in the crater was also coming to an end, and it was barely possible to observe the situation inside.

The surface material inside the crater has been melted by the nuclear explosion, and the molten material like magma can be seen flowing slowly along the mountain body everywhere.

The chrysanthemum gate at the bottom had completely disappeared, leaving only a charred black hole in which nothing could be seen clearly.

The battle was suspended due to the nuclear explosion. Gao Kai first ordered a flare into the cave, and then told Lu Zuo to notify the landing troops on the back of Callisto to be careful of the ambush below the plain.

It was the same naval gun just now, but the nuclear bomb was replaced by a flare. After the gun was ejected, it went straight east to the hole. Under the accurate calculation of the fire control system, it still accurately fell into the crater after flying more than 700 kilometers. The whole process is long. up to four minutes.

A blazing white light suddenly illuminated the bottom of the pit, and it fell down the huge cave that went straight up and down. It didn't suddenly go out until it hit something after a few seconds.

There was silence in the bridge, and Gao Kai looked tangled: "One more nuclear bomb, hit more accurately!"

There is likely to be an alien warship in that hole, and Gao Kai didn't want to leave hidden dangers for the warships remaining on Callisto.

The third cannon shot out of the chamber and turned into a streamer that fell into the hole. The fleet continued to wait on the track. After nearly four minutes, the streamer formed by the cannonball entered the hole.

The stream of light flashed away, and the bottom of the cave returned to darkness, but after only a short moment, a strong light suddenly rose from the bottom of the pit.

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