Armor Frenzy

Chapter 981: It is advisable to chase down the poor with the remaining courage

The strong second fleet only had the advantage, but was not able to win the victory; the Nanzhou fleet completely wiped out the enemy, but paid a huge price, and four destroyers were injured; good.

Only the assault fleet was unscathed, and it was the fastest and closest to the alien giant ship!

The target was getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere on the several assault ships was extremely depressed. From Ye Han to the most ordinary warriors, everyone's heart was in their throats, as if the air was going to freeze.

There are six alien giant ships in total, five of which have already flown away from Ganymede, and only one giant ship that has just taken off is still near Ganymede.

Compared with the assault fleet, it was as slow as a turtle.

At this moment, there is only one voice in Ye Han's heart, that is to kill it, kill it, kill it!

The giant ship rose higher and higher, and the lower part gradually appeared in Ye Han's eyes. Just after seeing the whole picture of the giant ship, a dozen alien warships suddenly appeared below the giant ship, half of them were facing the assault fleet, and the other half were in prison. Hold the ship firmly in the center.

Ye Han gritted his teeth sharply, and snarled sharply with his neck stuck in his throat: "Fire, and shoot all the missiles out for me!"

The assault ship didn't carry many missiles, but Ye Han couldn't take care of that much at this time. The three warships emptied all the missiles in their inventory in one go, and the firepower net formed by more than 600 missiles covered the alien giant ship.

The escorting alien warship quickly intercepted, and the fine light swept across, and the missile exploded without damage. Every time the light of the explosion flashed, Ye Han's heart twitched.

"Electromagnetic gun, also hit me with the electromagnetic gun!"

It is urgent to go to the doctor. At this time, it is not important to be able to hit the target. The important thing is to keep shooting at the target. What if the blind cat hits the mouse and hits it?

Under the precise calculation of the fire control system, the six electromagnetic guns of the three warships fired continuously, smashing a series of shells at the giant ship.

The twin-mounted turrets on each ship also joined the battle, firing more than a dozen nuclear shells.

More than 30 nuclear shells were evenly distributed, and Ye Han kept praying, expecting at least one to hit the target.

At this time, Yaoshan received a communication from Gao Kai: "Ye Ye, how is it? We will be there soon!"

The four destroyers were damaged, but the situation was not serious, and the combat capability was not affected much. It was definitely not a problem to deal with a dozen enemy ships.

"I didn't fight recklessly." Ye Han made a gesture to Lin Yi, and Lin Yi knowingly raised the battleship, preparing to avoid the enemy ship rushing towards him.

"Don't just stare at the spaceship, look at the ground and blow up the airport first!" Gao Kai reminded.

"I didn't find it here." Ye Han said.

During the conversation, the missile group had already encountered the alien warship rushing over. In addition to the fine light flying, a warship did not dodge or evade, and slammed into the missile group with the attitude of a moth to the flame.

The missile control system only knows how to find the target, but it doesn't know how to distinguish the target. In just over a dozen seconds, nearly a hundred missiles slammed into the few alien warships, and the explosions erupted one after another. The alien warship has only a little residue left.

So the second alien warship continued to ram into the missile swarm.

And then the third, the fourth...

A full seven alien warships crashed into the missile group, and more than 400 missiles were detonated.

This is not to mention, the alien warships guarding the giant ship also flew out, and it seemed that they were going to crash into the missile group.

This scene shocked Ye Han and Gao Kai. Martin, who was still fighting with the alien fleet, kept shouting God.

Everyone has a common question in their hearts, what exactly is in that alien giant ship, and the alien fleet would rather risk their lives to protect the giant ship.

There were also changes in the Zhan 2 fleet and the Zhan Guard fleet. After the former left part of the battleships broken, the other battleships turned into birds and beasts, and the goddesses fled in all directions like flowers scattered.

The situation faced by the frigate group is much simpler. They just turn around and run, and they don't even need to be interrupted.

But all the alien warships that dispersed soon turned to the front of Ganymede, apparently trying to protect the giant ship.

Seeing this, Gao Kai strengthened his determination to destroy the giant ship, but if he wanted to deal with the giant ship, he had to deal with the alien fleet first. It would be difficult if all the alien warships gathered near the giant ship.

He hadn't figured out what to do next, but unexpectedly found that the scattered enemy ships did not gather together, but divided into several small groups, chasing after the giant ships that had escaped, but none of the warships flew to Ganymede. On the front, it looks as if the giant ship has been abandoned.

Gao Kai immediately had an idea: "Ye Ye, we won't go there, be careful yourself."

"Ah?" Ye Han was stunned, "Where are you going?"

Gao Kai smiled: "Go after those giant ships that escaped, and Ganymede will be handed over to you."

"What about the frigate?" Ye Han asked.

"Come with me." Gao Kai said, "It's up to you to decide whether to fight or not, just do it!"

Pit father?

Ye Han's whole body is not well, and there are only three assault ships with more than half of the ammunition left. What cover should he use to land?

But Gao Kai didn't care about this matter at all, called the frigate group and left.

Ye Han rubbed his temples, and suddenly remembered the strong second fleet.

But when he found the strong second found that in addition to a few seriously damaged warships left, the main force of the strong second fleet also chased the giant ships.

Really oo you xx!

At this time, the electromagnetic cannonballs had already flown to the vicinity of the giant ship, and some of them hit the giant ship, exploding little invisible flashes on the surface of the giant ship.

The phenomenon of depleted uranium bomb hitting the giant ship is very small, but after penetrating the shell, it burns in the air-filled warship, and the uranium oxide dust drifts everywhere. Many unknown aliens are recruited to repair the warship.

At the same time, Gao Kai established contact with Martin again. The two scheming men got together but rarely did not hit the front. After a few words, they assigned the target and chased the escaped giant ship separately.

By the way, Martin, like Gao Kai, also left all the troop transports in Ganymede before leaving, and left a message to Albert, the paratrooper chief, asking him to discuss anything with Ye Han.

On the surface, it is fully delegating power, but in fact it means letting go and no matter how much you want to toss.

Ye Han was helpless, and Albert also collapsed.

Unlike Ye Han, Albert must obey Martin's orders instead of having an independent command like Ye Han.

After being abandoned by Martin, Albert, who did not understand the situation at all, immediately contacted Ye Han, hoping to reach an agreement on Ganymede.

But although the communication was connected, the remaining missiles just flew near the giant ship, and Ye Han didn't have time to talk to him at all.

So sad Albert could only wait patiently.

Seeing that the remaining alien warships crashed into the missile group one by one, the missiles exploded in groups, and after the last missile exploded, there was still one alien warship left.

Ye Han, who was already mentally prepared, couldn't help sighing. Fortunately, the missiles were not wasted in vain. After all, they killed several enemy ships.

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