Armor Frenzy

Chapter 991: 2 battlefields

The dense light flashed, and the radio immediately exploded: "Liyan No. 9 was shot, repeat, Liyan No. 9 was shot, two people sacrificed and one was seriously injured..."

"The No. 17 Liangyan is out of control, I am No. 17 Liangyan, I lost the left engine..."

"Liyan's two or three cabins have lost pressure and are avoiding, repeating, avoiding..."

In addition to the serious situation of the three Swifts, there are also seven or eight Swifts damaged to varying degrees. Fortunately, the Swifts are fast and flexible, and there are not many landing craft that are directly hit by the light.

After receiving the report, Ye Han immediately shouted on the radio: "Everyone pay attention to avoid it, Liangyan No. 17, how is your situation?"

On the main screen, you can already see a landing craft that fell in a straight line. It must be the Liangyan No. 17. There are also a few landing craft that hid on the back of the transport ship after being damaged. Since it can still fly, the situation should not be serious.

"The situation is very bad, the left engine has broken and failed, and it can't be controlled. Repeat, my boat has lost control!"

"The Liangyan No. 17 abandoned the ship, other ships pay attention to the rescue!" Ye Han roared loudly, and then shouted on the radio, "Every boat pays attention, there is no need to report an emergency, and decide whether to abandon the landing craft!"

After receiving the order to abandon the ship, the armor on the left and right sides and above of Liangyan 17 suddenly exploded, leaving only the chassis and skeleton, and everyone was exposed to the vacuum of the universe.

Without anyone's instructions, the platoon leader who led the team jumped out of the boat first and turned into a free fall to Ganymede.

He was carrying a single-soldier aircraft on his back, but at an altitude of more than 300 kilometers, it made no sense to start the aircraft now.

The soldiers also jumped out one by one, sparsely following the falling Liangyan No. 17.

The Caspian, which was the closest to the Liangyan 17, suddenly sped up, and used its huge hull to block the falling personnel. Then the transport ship opened a hatch, and a servant drilled out of the hatch, rushing towards the sky. The paratroopers waved vigorously.

"Over there!" a soldier shouted in surprise.

The platoon leader saw the hatch, and after a moment of hesitation, he started the aircraft, and he was the first to get into the Caspian Sea.

Transport ships attract more firepower than landing craft. If there is a choice, he is more willing to take other Swifts instead of entering any transport ship-in such a short time, the Caspian has been hit by more than a dozen fine lights, and it continues like this. Several transport ships are afraid to follow in the footsteps of the Red Sea.

In the landing craft, the ship can be abandoned in time, and the individual aircraft can be used to land safely. It is not so easy in the transport ship. The ground firepower surrounding the transport ship is enough for everyone to have a good drink.

But he had no choice, all Swifts were fully loaded and there was no room for extra personnel.

It's not a good idea to be in free fall all the time. The fuel of the individual aircraft is limited. If it keeps falling like this, the speed will definitely not slow down when it falls to the appropriate height. Even if the individual aircraft is activated in time, it may not be able to offset the fall in time. speed.

And so many people scattered in the air will not only attract enemy firepower, but also limit their own firepower output, and there is a risk of being accidentally injured by their own firepower.

"Three hundred kilometers!" Lin Yi reported the height again.

The transport ship flew lower and lower, and the battle around the transport ship became more and more intense. Both the transport ship and the Swift were swaying in the dense jungle of fine light.

The assault ship has always been behind the transport ship, and its position is only a few tens of kilometers higher than the transport ship. The three assault ships have always maintained the most intense firepower and tried their best to cover the transport ship.

For lasers, the effect of distance is very small, no matter whether it is 300 kilometers or 800 kilometers, it is within the effective range, but for electromagnetic guns and ordinary naval guns, the distance is a very serious problem.

As the altitude decreases, the electromagnetic gun also starts to fire. Although it takes one minute, twenty or thirty seconds for the shell to fly over 300 kilometers, it is not like a laser that fires can destroy the target. However, when the laser cannot control the field, the electromagnetic gun is also a Nice addition.

The confrontation between the landing and the anti-landing was in full swing, and the troops on the ground on both sides were not idle. At about the same time as the two sides exchanged fire, the two pilots of the Red Sea arrived at the wreck of the Red Sea.

Thousands of servants were busy inside and out, or carrying weapons and ammunition back and forth, or setting up defensive positions in groups of three or five, building from the outside to the inside, top-down, around the wreck of the Red Sea. three-dimensional defensive position.

Although the Red Sea suffered heavy damage during the fall, its wreckage was still a very solid bunker. In addition, a large number of weapons and ammunition prepared for the servants were still stored in the depths of the spacecraft. It is indeed a very difficult task to directly rely on the Red Sea to establish a defensive position. Nice choice.

The arrival of the two pilots excited the nervously prepared servants. The two were immediately sent to the deepest part of the battleship by the enthusiastic There are several warehouses full of ammunition, but the servants did not have permission to open. .

The two of them opened the hatch without saying a word, and a large number of servants rushed in. After a while, they carried the heavy weapons in reserve.

The warehouse is nothing but a batch of machine guns suitable for the servants, as well as some grenades and a small number of individual rockets, but for the servants who only have rifles, these weapons can indeed play a very important role.

In fact, there are some support firepower on the ship, including a batch of self-propelled mortar howitzers that can be air-dropped, and several 1020 rapid-fire close-up guns placed in different positions.

There's no real heavy firepower, but it's more or less enough to support combat.

But the Red Sea has already been beaten by ground fire, and the rapid-fire guns placed outside the ship must be finished, but I don't know if the heavy mortars are still available.

The time was short, and the two of them did not dare to delay, so they immediately returned to the bridge to check the control system. Only when they arrived at the bridge did they find that the bridge was still in good condition, but the entire bridge was pitch-black, and all the control equipment failed. Weird.

"What shall we do?" asked the co-pilot Ren Zhiwen.

Captain Li Liujie said: "We will act separately. You go to the power cabin to check the reactor and see if the power can be restored. I will go to the gun cabin to see the mortar."

"Okay!" Ren Zhiwen nodded without hesitation, and immediately rushed out of the bridge and disappeared into the darkness.

When the two of them were talking, a large number of enemy troops had already appeared around the Red Sea. The fleet in the air had to give priority to the anti-aircraft firepower, and did not care about supporting the Red Sea. The servants guarding the Red Sea were all in place and were waiting for the enemy to enter. effective range.

Li Liujie didn't leave immediately, he hesitated for a moment and then shouted on the radio, "Is there anyone on this channel? Please answer if you hear me!"

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