Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1014: Sound source

"There is a situation!" The programmer didn't have to think about it, and immediately shouted on the radio, reminding everyone that this was not an accidental touch, but a real alarm.

Several programmers determined the location of the sound source at the fastest speed. They just determined that the sound source was located on the left side of the Dead Sea. A similar sound source was also found on the other side of the South China Sea and triggered an alarm.

It was not an accident, this was definitely not an accident, but another counterattack by the enemy!

Ye Han's heart was full of alarm bells, and he shouted loudly: "All units pay attention, strictly guard against -"

His attitude is unprecedentedly solemn. Aliens are good at digging holes, and it is not surprising to dig tunnels close to the base, but the last wave was a ground attack, and this wave was changed to underground, which shows that the enemy is very aware of the advantages and disadvantages between the enemy and us. Therefore, the choice of underground excavation is likely to resist artillery bombardment!

No, not just shelling, but also air strikes from warships, as long as you hide underground, you can avoid human heavy weapons, thus greatly reducing the casualties of the noble army!

The plan is not as fast as the change, and Ye Han quickly made a decision in his heart: "One regiment and two regiments, the troops will postpone their departure!"

"One group understands!"

"Second regiment understands!"

"Monitoring team, report the latest situation at any time!"


After issuing several orders one after another, Ye Han let out a long breath, glanced at the satellite image, and suddenly felt an indescribable irritability in his heart.

The enemy is coming too fast!

It's not that Ye Han didn't think about the current situation, but it was because he thought about it carefully that he was more aware of the hidden worries behind the attack.

Thinking about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that when the monitoring network heard the abnormality underground, the position of the enemy was not far from the encirclement.

Aliens are good at digging, but if they want to dig under the eyes of the defenders, they can't just dig anywhere. This means that the enemy's excavation operation has not just begun. According to Ye Han's estimation, the excavation has already begun before the last round of attack has ended.

If there was no need to dig tunnels, would the offensive of the noble army have already begun?

The allied forces of humans and resistance organizations successfully landed, and it was strange that the nobles were not in a hurry, and it was not surprising that they launched continuous and continuous attacks on the base.

But the premise of all this is that the coalition army is strictly guarded and does not take one step out of the base area.

But what is the current situation? It was the coalition army that had just landed, and the main force of the servants took the initiative to break the siege of the noble army; it was the noble army that surrounded and wiped out most of the defended coalition forces; all the underground bunkers inside the base area were blown up; it was the troops of the base group. The interior of Ganymede has been invaded!

To put it bluntly, the coalition forces have already established a firm foothold on the surface of Ganymede, but they have not shown any intention to continue to develop underground. At this time, the first target of the noble army should be Albert's landing force, even if the noble army There is no shortage of people, and there is no need to draw troops from the vicinity of the base, so it is necessary to deal with the main force of the servants who are advancing bravely.

The noble army has indeed been working hard to stop the main force of the servant army, but the effect is limited. No matter how you look at it, the top priority is to concentrate more superior forces and defeat the main force of the servant army in one fell swoop.

But the choice of the noble army is to attack the base!

So what is the intention of the noble army? Cut off the back road of the main force of the servant army? Cut off the base's support for the servants? Or are there other ulterior motives?

Ye Han had a headache. He couldn't accurately judge the enemy's intentions if he couldn't find a reason. Now all he could do was stop the soldiers and cover them with the water.

So after careful consideration, Ye Han issued a new order again: "One regiment and two regiments, I am No. 1, I order you to organize manpower immediately, place nuclear mines outside the encirclement, keep a distance, and execute it."

Although Ye Han's order did not explain the reason, Xiao Yuan and Bian Ge realized that Ye Han was an enemy of the underground excavation. The two agreed in unison, and immediately arranged for people to execute the order.

Soon, more than a dozen squads operating in squads rushed out of the encirclement and placed nuclear mines about 1,300 meters away from the encirclement, and there was a sufficient safety distance between any two nuclear mines.

As long as these mines are detonated, the vibrations generated by the explosion can hardly be said to destroy the enemy's underground transportation network.

Just when the various teams were in full swing, Ye Han suddenly received a report from the monitoring team: "No. 1, an abnormality was found on the outside of the Dead Sea. The sound source was 20 meters deep and 40 meters away. The depth is rising, and the speed is very fast!"

Without waiting for Ye Han to speak, the monitoring team reported again: "Outside the Nanhai, the sound source is 18 meters deep, and the distance is 75. It is tunneling upwards!"

"The inside of the Sand Sea, at a depth of 14 meters, at a distance of 55, parallel excavation..."

Ye Han was a little stunned. Why was there no movement before, and suddenly there were so many abnormal sound sources?

How did he know that this was actually the result of the monitoring team completing the optimized combination of monitoring to improve monitoring efficiency.

The continuous reporting by the monitoring team made Ye Han realize that the situation was wrong, and quickly called up the floor plan of the base. The monitoring team had already marked the location and heading direction of all sound sources on the map.

He immediately noticed that all the sound sources were within 100 meters from the battleship, and the depth was within 20 meters, and all the sound sources were pointing towards the battleship!

Ye Han immediately became alert: "All units pay attention, prepare for battle!"

The satellite image can only see the ground, the enemy goes underground, Ye Han can no longer grasp the battle situation as before, but this image shows the underground situation in front of Ye Han, giving him a basis for judging the enemy's situation.

At this time, the various groups that went out had completed the minelaying task. If the sound source was not too close to the battleship, he would have detonated a few nuclear mines immediately to give the enemy some color.

Just after the order was issued, the monitoring team reported again: "Report, the sound source of No. 4 in the direction of the Shahai has disappeared!"

Ye Han suddenly made a clever call: "Where did the sound source disappear?"

"Thirty meters outside of the Sand Sea, six to eight meters deep."

Ye Han's eyes just fell to the position where the sound source disappeared, and the voice of the monitoring team reappeared: "Report, the sound of No. 2 in the direction of the Dead Sea has disappeared, the distance is 26 meters, and the depth is six to eight meters!"

"Report, the South China Sea..."

"Report, Red Sea..."

All the reports are similar, all the sound sources disappear, the distance is within 30 meters, and the depth is all six to eight meters!

Ye Han almost heard the alarm in his mind, he immediately shouted on the radio: "All attention..."

He had just shouted these words, when a dozen earthbags suddenly bulged on the outside of the Sea of ​​Trees, and there were also bulges in other directions, seven or eight in the front and back, and a dozen or so on the inside. The noble army had not yet emerged from the ground. , posing as if to surround the Sea of ​​Trees!

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