Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1016: chisel through

The practice of the noble army has indeed played a great role. The interval between the shelling is getting longer and longer, and the casualties caused by the shelling are getting smaller and smaller. Everything seems to be developing in a favorable direction.

However, the advantage of the noble army was originally obtained by the crowd tactics, and the most important feature of the crowd tactics is that there are enough people and fast speed, but now the noble army is taking the initiative to reduce the number of personnel in order to prepare for the shelling. The servants of the road defense line were as stable as Mount Tai, eliminating a large number of attacking noble troops, causing the noble army to make a big oolong that was not worth the loss.

But the noble army had no intention of repenting, and the follow-up troops continued to pour out of the hole, filling in the big pit of fighting for the battleship.

Ye Han felt that something was wrong.

I haven't been in contact with the noble army for a long time, but if you think about it, you can find that the noble army is not as clumsy as the servant army. On the contrary, the commander of the noble army is very keen. The situation... Of course, whether it can be reversed is another matter.

But what about now?

The monotonous refueling tactics have been going on for a while, and the casualties of the noble army are not few. Even if the enemy can't come up with a good solution for a while, at least they should suspend the attack, wait until they find a way to start the war again, and they will never repent. What's the matter with putting people's lives in it?

With the usual urgency of the enemy army, he should have thought of another way, but Ye Han couldn't think of what the enemy was fighting. Could it be that he sacrificed a large number of noble troops just to hold back the troops here? Or is it that every new tactic is arranged with a wave of cannon fodder, and there is no end to the death?

The more Ye Han thought about it, the more stupid he felt, so he quickly drove these unrealistic thoughts out of his mind.

But the more he tried to figure out the enemy's intentions, the less he could grasp the clues. In addition, the main force of the enemy was always hidden underground, and he couldn't even find the basis for judging the enemy's situation.

The monitoring network, which had high hopes, also lost its role in the fierce battle. The continuous explosions covered everything. Except for the heavy explosion, the monitoring network could not hear any other voices at all.

Several programmers tried their best to screen the sound of gunfire, but failed several times.

The situation was out of Ye Han's control, and he began to consider whether to detonate a nuclear mine immediately.

War is a process in which the commander guesses the enemy's intentions. Ye Han can't guess the enemy's thoughts, so he simply finds something to do for the enemy, so that they don't have to think about how to attack the base when they have nothing to do.

Detonating nuclear mines can play a role to some extent, but air-raid shelters and underground bunkers are the only magic weapon to avoid nuclear explosions. With the poor equivalent of nuclear mines, the power near the explosion point is still good, as long as the distance is a little farther, I am afraid that even the shallow burrows will not collapse, let alone the deep burrows, so Ye Han has never made up his mind.

The nuclear mine that was detonated not long ago, its function is not to collapse many underground passages, but to seal off the bunkers after the blasting!

Unless a nuclear bomb is detonated inside the bunker, it is possible to collapse the bunker, but in the current situation, even if Ye Han takes the initiative to attack regardless of the loss, there is no chance to attack the underground bunker.

Just when Ye Han was hesitating, an anxious voice suddenly entered his ear: "No. 1, No. 1, emergency on the Red Sea, emergency on the Red Sea!"

Ye Han was suddenly surprised: "What emergency?"

"The enemy has attacked the battleship!"

"Impossible!" Ye Han almost jumped up and quickly called up the satellite image.

On the satellite map, the noble army near the Red Sea is still attacking with fear of death. The defensive firepower in the Red Sea is still resisting the attack of the noble army. The anxiety in my heart suddenly turned into a big question mark.

"Red Sea, isn't it good where you are? Which direction did you enter?"

"No. 1, the outside didn't come in. The enemy dug through the bottom compartment, and the bottom deck has been lost. Now the enemy has seized the main passage and is attacking the main deck!" said the voice from the Red Sea.

According to the customs of the Navy, the main deck is the layer between the superstructure and the hull, but space warships have no superstructure, so the layer where the bridge is located is called the main deck, above the main deck is the upper deck, and below the main deck. called the lower deck.

To make a more vivid analogy, the main deck class is the ground of the first floor of a high-rise building, upwards are the first, second and third floors, and downwards are negative one negative two negative and so on.

The transport ship provided to the resistance organization is 274 meters long and 36 meters high. There are seven decks in the ship. According to the report of the Red Sea, the enemy has captured the main passage in the Red Sea, cutting off the main deck and the lower deck. the relationship between.

The enemy's next move must be to rely on the main channel to radiate the entire ship, and then remove all the defenders and completely control the Red Sea!

Battleships, their goal is battleships!

Ye Han understood all at once, no wonder the noble army would rather bear losses and continue to use the oil-filling tactics. The attack from the outside is simply a pretense. This is just to drag the attention of the defenders and cover the enemy sneaking under the battleship. Army, create conditions for piercing warships!

They did at least on the Red Sea. However, the Red Sea did not land normally, but almost crashed. The hull structure was severely damaged. This was also the first time the Red Sea was damaged. The reason for the enemy's attack.

The situation of other battleships is much better than that of the Red Sea. Although it is unknown how the enemy used to pierce the bottom of the ship, the remaining seven battleships must last longer than the Red Sea.

Ye Han made a decision in his heart, and immediately ordered on the radio: "Every ship pays attention, pay close attention to the situation on the bottom deck... No, send personnel to the bottom deck immediately, at least one battalion, absolutely cannot allow the enemy to attack the warship, understand no !"

"One group understands!"

"Second regiment understands!"

"Master, I only have one battalion, can I go all out?" Luo Qi asked embarrassedly.

"Go down two companies first, and leave one company above." Ye Han said.

"Yes!" Luo Qi agreed, but he was very unhappy.

There are still a few more battalions tomorrow, so when are they still not allowed to come down?

Ye Han didn't want to do this either, but there were only so many landing craft in his hand. Once all the remaining personnel were called down, if there were not so many landing craft when they needed to be evacuated, would they be able to leave all the extra people here?

If according to Ye Han's true thoughts, the bottom cabin should be handed over to the servants, and all paratroopers must stay on the ridge of the ship. In this way, if the situation is bad, they can be evacuated in time, but he is not worried about the combat effectiveness of the servants. , I really dare not give such an important task to the servants.

He could not wait to say it directly on the radio, and told the troops to withdraw immediately if the situation went bad, but if he really dared to say that, the consequences would definitely be that the army would be shaken and not willing to fight again, and if something unexpected happened, the army would be defeated like a mountain.

At that time, let alone a division commander, even the army commander can't take this responsibility.

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