Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1023: Escape Io 3

The huge power of the nuclear explosion emptied the noble army positions on the spot. After the last nuclear bomb exploded, Ye Han made a decisive decision and shouted together on the radio: "Go!"

With an order, all the landing craft started their engines at the same time, and the strong flames ejected gave the landing craft extremely strong power, and the heavy landing craft slowly flew off the ground. high.

Ye Han looked down through the porthole, and the mud and stones from the nuclear explosion flew into the sky like a goddess scattered flowers. Before they fell back, they were like giant walls blocking the formation.

The thin light that was dense like a rain a few minutes ago is now very few. Even if he is not killed by a nuclear explosion, the enemy's sight is blocked by the mud and dust rising into the sky.

Switching to the satellite image, the soil from the nuclear explosion is like a huge mouth that gradually closes. The landing craft formation is flying out of this huge mouth, and it seems that it may be swallowed by this big mouth at any time.

Facing the overwhelming dirt and dust, the soldiers in the landing craft were trembling with fear, watching the massive amount of mud and sand cover the landing craft.

In order to avoid the mud and sand coming towards him, Ye Han had to order the troops to break up the formation and rush out of the siege for the battle.

The original neat formation immediately dispersed, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their abilities, trying to dodge left and right.

Several of the fastest-rising landing craft rushed out of the giant mouth before closing, and the landing craft behind had to dig out against the sand and sand, and the shell of the landing craft was smashed by gravel.

Fortunately, the formation has risen to a certain height, and all that can fly to this position are mud and gravel. Although it looks dangerous, it is actually not the slightest threat.

Finally escaping the obstacles of the sky, the scattered landing craft re-formed into formation and flew to the heights in a hurry.

Although the nuclear explosion destroyed the enemy's position, there were still a large number of enemies far away, and they were only temporarily blocked by the muddy sky. high.

Seeing that the soil in the sky had risen to the highest level and started to fall back slowly, Ye Han suddenly remembered the batch of nuclear mines, and hurriedly told Xiao Yuan and Bian Ge to detonate the nuclear mines.

The buried nuclear mine exploded immediately, and the flash of the explosion actually penetrated through the layers of soil, even on the landing craft.

However, the power of nuclear mines is too small, and the effect of the explosion is far less shocking than that of nuclear artillery shells, and it has almost no effect.

As the formation rose higher and higher, it was inevitably spotted by the enemy in the distance, and a thin light suddenly came from a distance, passing right between the landing craft.

It's not that the noble army is inaccurate, but the formation method of the landing craft is designed by the military for the ground. The position between the boats is changing all the time, and there are several landing craft in a straight line anytime, anywhere.

If you aim at one of the landing craft in the formation alone, the chance of hitting is very high, but once you are greedy for the hit rate and have the idea that there are alternatives for not hitting one, then the chance of hitting will be greatly reduced.

This thin light was like a signal to start a war, and immediately attracted more than a dozen thin lights to attack the formation. In order to avoid the thin light, the landing craft had to disrupt the formation again.

The warships in the air fired in time to eliminate the light worms on the ground. The battle between the two sides only paused for a few minutes before starting again. Ye Han decisively gave up the idea of ​​continuing to rise, and ordered the formation to speed up!

Ganymede's orbital speed is only a little over 2.8 kilometers per second, and the atmosphere is very thin. As long as the formation speed exceeds 2.8 kilometers per second, even if the landing craft is hit by a thin light, the soldiers can rely on the flight bag to stabilize the altitude, even if they cannot fly Io. Third, the height can also be reserved for rescue.

If the landing craft is hit, the soldiers are likely to be attacked by ground fire during the flight around Ganymede. It is hard to say whether they can wait for rescue. The purpose of this is to give everyone an extra reassurance. How much of an effect depends on luck.

After the two assault ships eliminated the light worms that attacked the formation, they began to take precautions against all targets within sight that might threaten the formation. They did play a role in covering the formation for a period of time, until the formation rose to a height of more than ten kilometers. suffered a second round of attacks.

This time, the luck was not as good as before. A landing craft belonging to the Second Regiment was hit by a thin light, and the left engine exploded in the air. The personnel on the boat were not allowed to start the flight bag and fly out of the landing craft.

Ye Han immediately ordered other boats to receive personnel, even if the boat couldn't fit in, it would be better to fall directly outside the boat than to stay here.

Before the scattered soldiers could find a suitable landing craft, another wave of light came up, injuring the second landing craft.

This time everyone panicked, and no one cared about saving people. All the landing craft started maneuvering together, some rolled, climbed, and serpentine. One lucky one grabbed the landing craft, the others were washed away by the flying landing and even one was swept away by the flames in the landing craft engine, the armor was turned into an oven on the spot, and all the equipment All failed, and the people were also half-cooked, rolling and falling to the ground.

Ye Han witnessed all this, and felt as uncomfortable as a knife.

He brought the troops out. He wanted to bring everyone back alive, and to bring everyone back with no difference, although he also knew that this was wishful thinking, and although he had long been used to facing death, he knew and was not used to it. Representing acceptance does not mean insensitive.

If he is just a little soldier, or even a low-level officer, he can be impulsive at this time, to help his comrades, but as the leader of a division, he must consider the safety of the majority, not for the sake of the few. Everyone is buried here.

Very helpless but very practical.

The landing craft continued to rise, and several more landing craft were hit one after another. By the time the noble army ceased fire, Ye Han had lost eight landing craft. It was determined that more than one platoon had been killed, and more than two companies were stranded in Ganymede.

The landing craft had just arrived at a position of 100 kilometers, and Ye Han suddenly ordered an order, asking everyone to leave the landing craft immediately, stay in the air with the flight bag, the landing craft immediately returned, and all the soldiers who were left behind were brought back.

This was a very dangerous order, but no one objected, everyone silently left the landing craft, started the flight bag to maintain the altitude, and watched the landing craft rush towards Ganymede.

The landing craft were supposed to send everyone back to the assault ship, and then figure out a way to bring back those stranded on Ganymede.

But the current altitude of the assault ship is 700 kilometers, and this distance alone will take a while to fly. When the landing craft flies to the place, it is not known how many soldiers will be killed by the enemy.

Ye Han couldn't wait, and the soldiers couldn't wait, so Ye Han gritted his teeth and gave this dangerous order.

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