Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1029: collision

At the end of the communication, Ye Han left the bridge, and the fleet was business as usual.

However, only two hours later, Ye Han received an emergency call from the bridge again: "Commander, Commander Gao's communication, please come to the bridge immediately!"

Ye Han was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly floated out: "You said you didn't say anything?"

"No, I just say let you get to the bridge as soon as possible."

Ye Han's unease became stronger, and he rushed to the bridge as quickly as possible: "Old Gao, what's the situation?"

Gao Kai said solemnly, "The interceptor fleet has caught fire with the alien fleet."

Ye Han's heart seemed to skip a beat: "When did it happen?"

I had been looking forward to this day for a long time, but the interceptor fleet really fought with the alien fleet, and Ye Han began to worry about the interceptor fleet.

"Half an hour ago, I just found the battlefield." Gao Kai said.

The plan of the interception fleet is to block the alien fleet near the orbit of Mars. Even the orbit of Mars closest to Jupiter is 3.5 AU, which is more than 500 million kilometers, nearly 29 light minutes.

And the intercepting fleet is not in the direction of Jupiter, the straight-line distance between the two sides must be more than four astronomical units, almost thirty-four light minutes.

In other words, the two sides had started exchanging fire more than half an hour ago, but the scene of the exchange of fire had not reached Jupiter until now... Presumably, Gao Kai had just received the news of the exchange of fire between the fleets, and it was directly from the intercepting fleet.

Ye Han couldn't wait to say: "Send me a copy!"

"no problem!"

As soon as the voice fell, the communications staff shouted loudly: "Received a video signal!"

Ye Han immediately said, "Go to the main screen!"

The picture on the main screen changed, turning into a pitch-black cosmic space. As soon as the picture appeared, an extremely conspicuous light group exploded on the right side.

Luo Qi was secretly shocked, and asked uncertainly, "Is this a nuclear bomb? Was it used so quickly?"

"Don't talk!" Ye Han raised a finger.

The camera is too far away, and the picture is not very clear. Even the ice-white alien warships can't be seen clearly, let alone the dark human warships. If it weren't for the bursts of light on the screen from time to time, you wouldn't be able to see this scene at all. In the dark starry sky, two fleets of different civilizations are strangling together, fighting to the death for their respective destiny.

"Can't you zoom in a little more?" Bian Ge asked anxiously.

"I can't." Li Gaoyun shook her head.

The Nanzhou has the telescope with the highest multiplier of the assault fleet. The pictures captured by the Nanzhou are so blurry that it is hard to say whether the optical equipment on other ships can capture the picture.

Bian Ge was furious: "Isn't this the more anxious the more you look at it?"

Ye Han said quietly: "I'm more anxious if I don't see it."

Bian Ge's face pulled the elder: "I don't watch it, call me again when there is a result."

Ye Han nodded in agreement: "Well, you go back to rest first."

"Report!" Luo Qi raised his arm, "Master, I also want to wait for the result."

"Yes, others can also leave." Ye Han said.

People think differently, Ye Han is more anxious than seeing, while Bian Ge and Luo Qi are not bothering.

With Ye Han's approval, the bridge officer and the command officer walked halfway.

Ye Han couldn't manage so much, all his thoughts were on the battle screen, and he could not wait to put his eyes on it.

But the picture is too monotonous, Ye Han couldn't help asking: "Old Gao, can't you be more clear?"

"No." Gao Kai's answer was neat and tidy.

"Alas!" Ye Han couldn't help sighing, feeling the pain in his heart.

If you are not near Jupiter, you can also find a way to receive the communication signal of the intercepting fleet and listen to the sounds on the battlefield, but the radiation intensity near Jupiter is too high, and the radio waves from the intercepting fleet are already very weak after flying over four AU , it is simply impossible to penetrate the radiation belts near Jupiter.

Not to mention the signal of the intercepting fleet, that is, the inside of the assault fleet needs laser communication support, not to mention the signal from 600 million kilometers away?

Ye Han suddenly felt that Bian Ge's kind of invisible is also a good choice.

His anxiety was all on his face, Li Gaoyun hesitated and said, "Master, how long do you think this battle will last?"

"It's hard to say." Ye Han shook his head slightly, "It shouldn't take long."

"Why?" Li Gaoyun asked curiously.

"Because it didn't last long." Ye Han said.

It is not the first time that the human fleet and the alien fleet have dealt with each other. The battles between the two sides have been counted. No matter which battle, the battleships of the two sides will not be facing each other for a long time.

Li Gaoyun continued to look for words: "Master, can we go back after the interception fleet is over?"

Ye Han smiled: "Probably, as long as we win the alien fleet, we will first bomb Ganymede, then Europa and Callisto, and then return to the voyage after the aliens are wiped out!"

"That feeling is good!" Li Gaoyun's eyes showed a bit of hatred, "I have been waiting for this day!"

Ye Han took Li Gaoyun's expression in his eyes and kept it in his heart, but he didn't ask a You don't need to ask to know that Li Gaoyun must have lost her relatives under the insect's mouth, and it is right to hate aliens ——In the ten years of the insect plague, the population of the whole country has dropped from 1.4 billion to 800 million, and the loss ratio is as high as 44%. In detail, no one has lost their lives to the insect population. When it comes to aliens, which one is not a national enemy hatred?

Every time the military expands, countless enthusiastic young people volunteer to join the army. It is undeniable that many people join the army because of the favorable treatment of soldiers and their family members, but more of them are still to avenge their relatives and friends.

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who is picked out of the army today can tell an unforgettable history of blood and tears, and Li Gaoyun is just one of them.

The picture remained the same, but the frequency of the light clusters suddenly increased sharply. This abnormal situation immediately caught Ye Han's attention, but if he couldn't see clearly, he couldn't see clearly.

At this time, Ye Han heard Gao Kai's voice: "Ye Ye, I just received a briefing from the earth."

"What did you say?" Ye Han hurriedly asked.

"At 15:42 on May 27, the interceptor fleet exchanged fire with the alien fleet, and the battle is still ongoing."

"It's over?" Ye Han was stunned.

"It's over!" Gao Kai was helpless, "From the battlefield to the earth and then from the earth to us, it takes a little time to be normal."

Ye Han really wanted to close the picture on the screen, just like Bian Ge, out of sight and out of mind.

"Also!" Gao Kai said again, "The above also said that in order to put pressure on the alien fleet, I hope that the raid fleet will kill another giant ship, and it is emphasized that only one can be killed."

"Is there any need to ask, the Saturn ship must be hit with the Saturn ship!" Ye Han was so angry that he thought, can you stop panting when you talk?

Gao Kai readily agreed: "Okay, just the Saturn, I will contact the strong second fleet immediately!"

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