Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1033: break up

Ye Han sneered disdainfully: "If you find it, you will find it. The servants are all fired. Does it make sense to say this now?"

Gao Kai added: "Their findings are more than that. I don't know what the specifics are. In short, Washington took the initiative to consult with them. I hope we can rescue the trapped troops, if not all the troops in Albert's hands are trapped in it. It's really hard to survive, it's no wonder they can come over and beg us."

Ye Han was suspicious: "Don't even say anything you found, isn't it fooling us to save people?"

"Probably not." Gao Kai said, "Washington paid a big price to save them."

"That's even more suspicious. If it's really as valuable as they say, does Washington still use so many benefits to the top?" Ye Han retorted.

Gao Kai sighed: "Is it interesting for you to come with me? The order is with me now, so you can say whether to implement it or not."

"I obey the order." Ye Han replied without hesitation, "But when I act, it's up to me, and it's up to me how to act."

"What do you need to say? The command must not be handed over." Gao Kai said, "When do you plan to start?"

Ye Han thought for a while and said, "We'll talk about it when the battleship arrives."

Gao Kai was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "Callisto?"

Ye Han nodded: "I don't believe in the Yankees." In terms of fleets, their own is more reliable.

"Okay, you hurry up and prepare. If you need anything, just tell the Yankees. Even if you can't come up with it now, you can make an IOU." Gao Kai said understandingly.

There are not many six warships, but covering the landing should be enough. After all, the protagonist this time is the strong second fleet. If you want to rescue the trapped troops, you will need necessary fire support.

Ye Han grinned without a smile, and really thought about Gao Kai's suggestion carefully, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of anything he needed from the Yankee.

The fleet still needs a little time, but it does not affect the preparations for the landing, but Ye Han hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to temporarily hide the landing order, so that the unknowing guys could be happy for another day.

Ye Han thought very well, but he did not expect that just after the communication with the Nanzhou ship ended, Albert came to the door and asked Ye Han to immediately send troops to rescue the trapped people.

Ye Han didn't fight when he saw Albert's anger, but there was an order on it and he couldn't refuse it, so he found a reason that sounded very plausible: "Your Excellency General, my troops have suffered a lot and need time to repair. More importantly, my landing craft have suffered heavy losses, and I have to wait for the fleet left at Callisto to arrive before I can get enough landing craft."

The implication is that the fleet will not start operations until it arrives.

Albert has long since become an ant on a hot pot and refused to step back at all: "Mr. Master, I have enough landing capsules here, you and your warriors can use our landing capsules to airborne!"

"Sorry, your landing capsule is too dangerous, we have not received training in this regard." Ye Han rejected without hesitation.

Albert's eyes blushed immediately: "Mr. Division Commander, my troops have been trapped for more than ten hours, and my boys can't wait any longer!"

"Sorry, I'm very willing to help your boys, but I must first ensure that my boys land safely!" Ye Han's answer was tit-for-tat, not giving in at all.

Albert was almost mad: "Then tell me when you can start!"

"We must wait until the fleet arrives." Ye Han said.

"Mr. Teacher, I have to remind you that this is an order from Beidu to you, and you can't go against it!" Albert blushed and had a thick belly, looking like he wanted to get out of the screen.

Ye Han laughed dumbly: "My superior gave me an order, but I also have to remind you that my superior only ordered me to rescue the trapped boys, but did not mention when to start the rescue, so I have enough It's time to prepare. Your Excellency General, I will never mess with the lives of the soldiers. I will decide how to act, and how to act is also my decision. You can never interfere with my command!"

"I don't care about your command, I only care when you start to act!"

"Wow, we agreed, didn't we?"

Albert almost had a brain hemorrhage; "Is there something wrong with your brain?"

"You have a problem with your brain. You said that you don't care about my command. In this case, please stop pointing fingers at my command. I'm still saying that, when I start to say, you only need to provide me with Detailed information, the more detailed the better!" Ye Han said with a smile.

"Damn, I'm going to sue you against the coalition forces, and I will definitely sue you against the coalition forces!" Albert went berserk.

Ye Han chuckled: "That's your freedom, but I have to remind you again that we already have an agreement not to interfere with each other's command, and to let me act according to your will is to let me obey your command, you better think clearly Talk again, ok?"

Albert took a few deep restrained his anger and squeezed out a few words from his teeth: "Okay, I was impulsive, so Mr. Commander, when will your fleet arrive?"

Ye Han shrugged; "It should be almost the time tomorrow, let your boys hold on for another day."

Albert's face was even more gloomy: "One more day? Do you know how many young men will go to see God after another day?"

Ye Han couldn't help rolling his eyes: "I only know that if I don't wait for this day, my boy will see God earlier than your boy. Give up, I will never let my people exchange their lives for yours."

Albert looked fierce: "I hope you don't regret it."

"Definitely not." Ye Han said calmly.

The two sides parted unhappily, but Ye Han felt refreshed.

It was not until noon the next day that Ye Han conveyed the order to land on Ganymede again to the fleet. The relaxed atmosphere disappeared immediately. From officers at all levels to the most common soldiers, they all became nervous and began to overhaul the landing craft and power armor. Preparations in all aspects Work is well organized.

In view of the painful experience of the first landing and the lessons of the multinational troops trapped underground, Ye Han believes that the troops must carry enough ammunition, weapons suitable for tunnel operations should be carried first, and the number of nuclear weapons should also reach a certain proportion.

If it weren't for the fact that the actual situation did not allow it, Ye Han wished that one person would launch a nuclear mine and hang it under his neck as a glorious bomb.

A few hours later, the 1st and 2nd regiments of the Airborne Division, as well as the direct troops of the division, all made preparations for the airborne, but there were only about 20 landing craft, and they could only transport one regiment at a time. Perform this task.

Later that day, the six battleships and the Mengshan arrived at Ganymede after two days of full-speed flight. After the seven battleships replenished their ammunition supplies, they all headed to the front of Ganymede.

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