Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1035: fire suppression

The Liangshan fleet arrived over the No. 1 airport, slowly decelerating and suspending.

Ye Han took a deep breath: "Colonel Jason, I need your full cover!"

"no problem."

"Very good." Ye Han switched the channel, "Attention to all units, Xiao Yuan, one regiment and one battalion will board the boat immediately, and other units are ready to support landing at any time, Duan Zhiyang?"


"The fleet is under your command. Once an abnormality is found, the fire must be decisively cut off. The multinational force is unreliable. Do you understand what I mean?"


"Who has questions?"


"Shut up everyone who is fighting for the mission!"


"Is there any problem? Very good, one regiment and one battalion, let's go!"

With an order, all the officers and soldiers of the first regiment and one battalion, led by Xiao Yuan, took nine landing craft to leave the Liangshan, and rushed towards Ganymede like an arrow from the side.

Xiao Yuan is currently only the acting head of a regiment, and his real position is actually a battalion commander. If everything goes well, Ye Han will be promoted to division commander after the war, and Xiao Yuan will have the opportunity to go further.

The height of the fleet is more than 700 kilometers, and it takes about ten minutes for Swift to reach the ground. As Swift flies farther and farther, all eyes on the multinational fleet and Liangshan fleet are fixed on the ground, and all weapons that can point to Ganymede are all pointed. On the ground, always be alert to ground movements.

"Three hundred kilometers!" Li Gaoyun loudly reported the height of Swift, and the atmosphere in the bridge immediately became tense.

The fine light can shoot warships 600 kilometers away, but it is difficult to hit Swift at this distance, and the danger zone for Swift is below 300 kilometers.

Ye Han immediately issued a new order: "Xiao Yuan, the formation spreads out to level off, and when descending slowly, be careful to avoid it!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the nine Swifts dispersed immediately, and quickly changed from falling to level flight. The soldiers in the boat kept their eyes on the ground in various ways.

"Two hundred and ninety...two hundred and eighty...two hundred and forty...there is a situation, there is a situation on the ground!"

Everyone's eyes focused on the main screen at the same time, only to see a light worm burrowing out of the ground in an open space near the No. 1 airport.

Almost at the same time, the twenty-four warships of the multinational fleet and the Liangshan fleet opened fire together. Dozens of lasers hit the poor light worm on the ground at the same time. Insects turned into a mass of coke.

Then another light worm climbed to the ground, and the two fleets staged another tacit salvo.

The scale of the two consecutive salvos was not small, but the result was only two light worms. Of course, the aliens could not be frightened. They changed their strategy and dozens of light worms drilled out of the ground at the same time.

The two fleets were well-trained and immediately allocated targets according to their own habits. The laser beams originally concentrated at one point immediately dispersed and destroyed their respective targets separately.

This time, although some beams were superimposed, the number was not large. In just three or four seconds, the light worms that drilled out of the ground were dead.

At the end of the trial, the aliens no longer send out dozens or hundreds of light worms, but thousands of them at a time, and the distribution of these light worms is very uneven, some places only have three or two, and some places are good dozens.

Most of them surround the No. 1 airport, some are located around the No. 2 airport, and some are scattered in areas far away from the airport. In short, no pattern can be found.

Seeing this scene, Ye Han's first reaction was to shout on the radio, "Avoid, avoid immediately!"

Without Ye Han's order, the nine Swifts below had already begun to evade, and various evasive actions were smooth and smooth.

At the same time, the two fleets worked together again, and dense lasers fell from the sky, constantly sweeping away the emerging light worms.

However, before the first batch of light worms were cleared, the second batch of light worms emerged, and in a blink of an eye, thousands of light worms emerged from the cover, poking their butts and getting ready to shoot.

Although the firepower of the two fleets is strong, they do not have the ability to deal with thousands of light worms at the same time.

Ye Han secretly screamed, and immediately ordered the landing craft to rise.

In addition to lasers, the Liangshan fleet does not have any weapons that can quickly destroy the target. The best way to keep the landing craft is to raise the altitude.

The reaction of the multinational fleet was the other extreme. Their lasers immediately turned to the small target with only a few light worms. At the same time, dozens of swift black shadows flashed past the battleship. Ye Han did not see until these shadows flew far away. To that last wave of hypervelocity missiles flying at full speed.

The initial speed of this thing is no different from that of ordinary missiles, but the fuel tank of this missile is much larger than that of ordinary missiles. The acceleration time is long, and the speed is naturally faster. The speed per second exceeds ten kilometers in only half a minute, exceeding the depleted uranium bombs fired by electromagnetic guns. .

In just over a minute, the batch of missiles hit Ganymede, and the nuclear fireballs came one after another, killing more than half of the swarms that had emerged from the ground in a blink of an eye.

At this time, the altitude of the landing craft had returned to 300 kilometers. After witnessing this Ye Han could only order the landing craft to descend again.

Ultra-high-speed missiles are not a secret weapon, and the assault fleet also has similar missiles, but only the capital ships are equipped with a small amount, and there is no assault ship at all.

Duan Zhiyang also wanted to use it just now, but his order was still in his mouth. The missiles of the multinational fleet have been fired. Duan Zhiyang believes that this wave of missiles from the multinational fleet is not a temporary intention, but has been prepared for a long time. In other words, it is the multinational fleet. The situation had long been expected to develop to this point.

But it didn't matter, Ye Han didn't care who shot the missile, nor did he care whether the swarm was destroyed by a laser or a nuclear bomb. He only cared about whether the enemy was completely dead.

The landing craft descended again, and this time the aliens did not waste any more troops, and honestly nestled in the ground without moving.

But to be on the safe side, Ye Han did not dare to let Swift land directly. When the formation was still nearly 100 kilometers away from the ground, Ye Han decisively ordered the troops to leave the ship.

More than 200 officers and soldiers from the first battalion of the regiment quickly jumped out of the landing craft, and fell to the No. 1 airport with their flight bags on their backs like parachuting.

The soldiers' falling speed is not fast, and they are relatively close to the ground. If the enemy launches a counterattack at this time, it is likely to cause serious casualties to the troops.

The multinational fleet also worked hard to rescue its own troops, and regardless of whether the enemy climbed to the ground or not, it directly fired a round of nuclear bombs at several key areas on the ground... They and Ganymede were facing the enemy for several days. The situation on the ground already has a certain understanding.

A minute and a half later, the bomb hit the ground.

At this time, Xiao Yuan's battalion was still at an altitude of more than 60 kilometers. One after another strong light flashed, and the magnificent flames on the ground were in full bloom. Everyone, including Xiao Yuan, would slam into it in a second. The illusion of a nuclear explosion, if you don't witness it with your own eyes, it's hard for anyone to imagine how spectacular it is when dozens of nuclear bombs explode at the same time.

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