Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1039: dangerous place

At 7:51 pm on May 28, 2030, Xiao Yuan led his team to the bottom of the giant ship, and several soldiers guarding the bottom cabin quickly surrounded.

Xiao Yuan asked, "Where is the passage?"

A clever warrior immediately pointed to the corner of the bilge: "There!"

Xiao Yuan lightly jumped to start the flight bag, and flew over and landed lightly.

It was a square hatch with four wide openings, no less than four meters in length and width. There were six corpses in power armor neatly placed on one side of the hatch, and there were several alien corpses under the hatch. The warriors are stacking the bodies of the aliens together, as if they were planning to build a bunker.

Xiao Yuan's mouth twitched, but he didn't stop the soldiers' creativity.

Not to mention a few aliens, no matter how necessary, even the remains of one's own people can't be soft-hearted.

Behind the bunker is the battleship shell with a thickness of more than three meters, and beyond the giant ship, the hatch is facing the vertical inner wall of the shaft, and there is a gap of more than ten meters wide between the door and the wall.

Xiao Yuan jumped out of the bunker, landed on the edge of the hatch, and looked down cautiously, only to see darkness.

He immediately remembered that this was an alien's airport. The underground airport space that could accommodate giant ships was definitely not small, and it was not surprising that the following situation could not be seen - the effective observation range of night vision devices in this environment is only a few One hundred meters, in other words, the distance between the hatch and the ground is far more than a few hundred meters.

According to the previous routine, he should take out a light stick and throw it down at this time, so that the luminosity in the hole can be increased several times, and the observation range of the night vision device can also be expanded several times.

But this place is the territory of aliens. Throwing a glow stick is like reporting a message to the aliens. It's really not a good idea... Although the enemy knows that another group of humans is coming, they don't know where to enter the hole right now!

Xiao Yuan took a few steps back and waved his hand cautiously: "Let's start."

The signal soldiers behind Xiao Yuan immediately conveyed the order, and the soldiers immediately excited the mechanical spiders in their hands. Dozens of mechanical spiders stretched their limbs together, and quickly climbed out of the hatch under the control of the soldiers. The edge suddenly squatted down, and the eight mechanical legs suddenly bounced outwards and threw themselves towards the rock wall facing the hatch.

A mechanical spider bouncing is nothing, but it is a swarm of dozens of spiders, and the scene of a large group of mechanical spiders flying over the sky is spectacular.

Moreover, all spiders spread their spider legs when flying through the gap, and close them together until they touch the rock wall. After their toes touch the rock wall, they immediately clasp the rough wall, and at the same time, they bend their joints to counteract the impact.

Dozens of mechanical spiders all squatted on the wall in a very short period of time. In a blink of an eye, there were a group of crouching little guys on the wall. Only two spiders failed to hold the wall. One of them was lucky. After sliding down a distance, it was supported by another mechanical spider, and the other fell directly into the vast darkness and did not know where to go.

Xiao Yuan immediately asked, "Whose?"

"Report, mine!" A soldier stood up.

"Give me the picture now!"

"Yes!" The soldier agreed, and quickly sent the image of the fallen spider to Xiao Yuan.

Through the spider's electronic eyes, it can be found that this unfortunate little guy is still falling, and it is rolling while falling, and the picture sent back keeps spinning, and it is impossible to see what it is.

However, this little trouble does not bother anyone. Xiao Yuan activates the adjustment function in the biochip to offset the rotation in the video. Although the picture is still a little shaky, he can finally see it clearly.

The reason why the biochip has such a function is to stabilize the sight of the soldiers when the airborne is out of control, so as not to be completely dizzy by the rotating world in front of them. Xiao Yuan learns to use it, just to offset the rotation in the picture.

However, what is offset is only the rotation. Because the light in the cave is too dark, the scene captured by the high-definition electronic eyes of the mechanical spider is inevitably blurred, and it can only roughly see the situation on the screen.

Fortunately, Xiao Yuan didn't expect to see anything useful. He counted the time when the spider fell, and made a few gestures to the soldiers beside him.

The signal soldiers immediately conveyed the order, and the soldiers immediately manipulated the spiders to crawl down, spreading out as they climbed.

Half a minute later, a soldier suddenly said, "Report, a passage was found on the wall!"

Xiao Yuantou said without turning back: "Take the location down, enter one!"

Immediately, a soldier manipulated the mechanical spider to drill into the passage on the wall of the well, and another spider remained on the wall outside the passage, acting as a repeater there.

The environment in the cave is extremely complex, the transmission of radio waves is limited by terrain, and the communication distance is very limited, so repeaters must be placed in key positions to ensure smooth communication.

Soon, the soldiers found several passages on the wall of the well. Although no aliens were found in all passages, they reminded Xiao Yuan that there are so many holes in the The difficulty of the rescue mission is far beyond imagination. Even if the trapped friendly forces are successfully rescued, it is still unknown whether the giant ship can be safely withdrawn.

At this time, the fallen spider finally landed, and the last picture returned was the bottom of the shaft with corpses lying all over the place, including aliens and humans, as well as a few servants carrying corpses.

Xiao Yuan immediately realized that the multinational force must have a fierce confrontation with the aliens at the bottom of the well, and the result of the confrontation ended in the defeat of the multinational force.

Judging from the data, the multinational force did indeed leave a group of broken troops in the shaft. The question now is what happened to these people in the end, the whole army was wiped out, or where did they withdraw.

There is also the fact that the landing mechanical spider must have attracted the attention of the aliens, which is also a very difficult problem.

Xiao Yuan retracted his thoughts and switched the communication frequency to the command channel: "Senior, the situation is very bad, I need support!"

"You said." Ye Han replied.

"There are passages in the wall of the well, I need more spiders!"

"No problem, are there any passages on the map?"

"No, the multinational forces fought with aliens at the bottom of the well. I guess they probably fell directly to the bottom of the well and didn't find any problems with the wall of the well."

"How many channels are there?"

"A lot, I met five in just 600 meters." Xiao Yuan said, "I dropped a spider here, and it took 124 seconds to reach the bottom of the well. I calculated that the depth of the shaft is about ten kilometers, which should not be too low. in three digits."

"What's your opinion?" Ye Han asked.

Xiao Yuan said: "We don't have so many people guarding it. I suggest to check it first. If there is no abnormality, first install an explosive bag and detonate it with a sensor. The power can blow up the passageway."

"Okay, I will hand over this matter to the third regiment. You can continue to perform the task and report any problems in time."


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