Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1042: head-on

With an order, the whole regiment acted under the command of Xiao Yuan and quickly blocked the branch holes where they were located. The armor plates on the back were put together, and immediately turned into a row of bunkers with a height of more than one person and a width of seven or eight meters, which just cut off the main hole.

There are also reserved shooting ports on the bunker. First, a few machine gunners are lying behind the bunker, and the jet-black barrels are inserted into the lower shooting holes; then a few soldiers are crouching between the machine gunners, and the barrels are inserted into the middle shooting holes. Finally a row of fighters stepped on the machine gunners, with the barrels mounted on the upper firing holes.

There are three layers, upper, middle and lower, squeeze exactly one row.

Two other squads were arranged behind the bunker. One row prepared a large number of grenades, and the other row held grenade launchers. The two rows of people could cross the bunker and throw grenades at the enemy at any time.

Everything was ready. The second batch of mechanical spiders had already encountered the enemy at a distance of 130 meters. This time, they were all farther away in the main cave. The mechanical spiders finally took pictures of the enemy's situation.

The enemy is still the noble army composed of servants and people, who swarmed in densely, and the number almost blocked the passage.

The enemy army was extremely fast and unaffected by the low gravity at all, and the mechanical spider was overwhelmed by the charging aliens in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yuan's heart skipped a beat: "All units pay attention, if you find an enemy, fire immediately!"

He was very fortunate in his heart, fortunately, the main passage had a small arc at a point more than 70 meters in front of the bunker. If there was no such curve, there would have been a long fight with the aliens, and there would have been time to build a bunker?

The enemy quickly crossed a distance of dozens of meters, and the forward rushed through the curve and appeared in a series of eyes.

A company leader squeezed a word out of his teeth: "Hit!"

Several soldiers immediately opened fire, knocking the first few enemies to the ground... The soldiers had a tacit understanding, and did not fire randomly because of the appearance of the enemy, but only some people fired, and a few enemies came to kill a few, That is, don't let the enemy go and don't waste ammunition.

Blood splattered, and several aliens fell lightly, their hands and feet twitching from time to time.

Everyone was ready to shoot, but there was no movement behind the curve.

All the mechanical spiders that were put into the main hole were destroyed by the aliens. Xiao Yuan didn’t know what happened to the enemy. He was about to put a few more spiders there, and suddenly a few extremely fast aliens jumped out from behind the curve!

Like quadrupeds, they land on their hands and feet at the same time, jump up and down in the passage, jump to the wall on the ground for a while, and even hang upside down on the ceiling of the cave, with incredible flexibility and amazing speed.

This time, there is no need for the company commander to give another order, and several soldiers shoot again, but the enemy's "tactical movements" are too agile, and they fail to kill the enemy immediately. The enemy fell to the ground.

Without the assistance of the biochip, the only countermeasure for the soldiers to face this situation is to shoot the enemy to death, but the biochip can capture the enemy's movements, slow down and fast forward and predict, it is nothing more than a few more shots. .

Through slow playback, it can be found that the reason why the enemy's movements are so agile is because the enemy's hands and feet are inserted into the wall, so that they can find a strong support point and are no longer troubled by the slow movement caused by low gravity.

The enemy who was shot was like a broken sack that was punched, knocked into the air by the momentum of the bullet, and floated out for several meters before falling slowly.

The soldiers were afraid that the enemy would not be completely dead, so they were shot several times in succession. The enemy would have a hole in his body after being shot. At the same time, he would float back due to the momentum of the bullet. The bullet was brought back to the curve, and then it hit the wall and fell slowly.

The soldiers who saw this scene were all stunned, why did they play like this? Talent!

The second round of testing still ended with the victory of the human beings. The noble army suddenly realized that these new human beings were more difficult to deal with than the previous ones, so a few seconds later, a large number of enemy troops suddenly poured out of the curve.

If the main cave is likened to a sewer, then the noble army at this time is the sewage that opens the gate.

The soldiers on the blocking line immediately opened fire with full force, the rifle machine guns rang out, and the beating shells jumped out of the gun chambers, forming a string in the air.

The enemy's striker was immediately dealt a devastating blow, and those who were shot could fall to the ground when they jumped up. Those enemies who died directly on the wall were actually hanging on the wall and on the ceiling of the cave. The scene was indescribably strange.

The noble army's charge is very brave, but the cave is too narrow and too restrictive. No amount of troops can be deployed. They can only fight in the main cave, which is only seven or eight meters wide. It is not suitable for large troops to charge at all. Perfect for humans to take advantage of firepower.

After the soldiers finished firing one magazine, they replaced the other one immediately. The machine guns were also fired one by one, and the dense rain of bullets blocked the main The charge of the noble army was struggling in the rain of bullets, and it became more and more difficult. The more corpses are like thrombus blocking the artery, a little silt up the main hole that is not wide.

Some enemy troops found that the situation was not right, gave up the advantage of fast maneuvering, and raised their arms to fight back with silk light, but the number of aliens who can face humans directly is too small, even hitting cover is useless, and once they raise their arms, they lose speed. Mobility, on the contrary, has become a stumbling block for other aliens like corpses.

For various reasons, the encounter had to be stopped after only a few minutes because the main hole was blocked.

Faced with such a strange situation, Xiao Yuan wanted to order the troops to blow up the corpses that blocked the main cave, giving the enemy a chance to continue charging.

While hesitating, the noble army has already taken action. Several lines of silk light swept up and down in the main cave, cutting the piled corpses into pieces. The pile of corpses turned into pieces in the blink of an eye. Blocked main hole.

Immediately, another wave of enemy troops rushed out of the curve. This time, the noble army did not dare to use any more flexible tactics, and honestly hid behind the curve and shot with silk light.

They don't show their bodies at all, at most they only stretch out their arms, and the shooting frequency of the human side also slows down. Only when they see a moving arm will they shoot.

After a while, the soldiers wounded more than a dozen arms, and the enemy fell silent again, and did not move for a while.

Xiao Yuan felt uneasy, and quickly put a few mechanical spiders over to investigate the situation.

The speed of the spider was very fast, and it quickly climbed over a distance of more than 70 meters. When it reached the corner, only one spider climbed into the corner, and the others found a place to hide.

Regardless of the main hole or the branch hole, the walls, the ground and the roof are all very flat, and there is nowhere to hide before the battle begins. But now the ground is full of corpses, and some fist-sized spiders have a place to hide.

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