Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1044: Advantages of miniaturization

At the same time as the first regiment was fighting the enemy, Ye Han received a notification from the third regiment that the enemy was found in the other main caves one after another, and even contacted, there were mines and explosives in the two passages, but the blaster miscalculated the tunnel. The level of firmness, the explosive pack was a little smaller and failed to collapse the tunnel, and the enemy troops were marching towards the shaft from all directions and levels.

Long Jianguo realized that the situation was not good, and sent all the troops of the third regiment to block the tunnel.

The situation suddenly took a turn for the worse. If the enemy army broke through the blockade, it would not take long for the entire shaft to be occupied. At that time, not only the first and third regiments would be blocked by the enemy, following in the footsteps of multinational troops.

At that time, the possibility of the troops escaping will be infinitely close to zero, and there will no longer be any human land forces near Ganymede. They will be surrounded and have no reinforcements. When the time comes, the result of waiting for this force will be inevitable. It was annihilated.

Only when the strong men break their wrists and leave some people to continue to block, the large army will be withdrawn immediately to avoid the annihilation of the entire army, but the operation has just begun. Is it appropriate to withdraw the army at this time?

Ye Han struggled violently in his heart. At this moment, he suddenly received a communication from Bian Ge: "No. 1, emergency, the enemy has attacked!"

"What?" Ye Han couldn't believe his ears. "What's going on? Where did they get in?"

"In the middle of the giant ship!" While speaking, Bian Ge sent Ye Han the three-dimensional structure diagram of the wreckage of the giant ship.

When Ye Han saw it, he immediately understood the situation.

The place where the enemy attacked was located in the middle of the wreckage of the giant ship, where there should have been a hatch leading to the outside of the ship.

The passage is close to the giant ship, and the distance between the two is not thick enough. There was no problem at first, but the problem was that the enemy expanded the exit of the passage, and just dug the exit outside the cabin door, played a dark crossing, and quietly opened the cabin. The door burst in.

At present, the area near the hatch has been marked with flashing blue, indicating that these areas have been occupied by the enemy, and outside the blue area is red, which represents our own strength.

Ye Han immediately asked, "How is the situation?"

"The enemy has been trapped near the hatch, and we are fully encircling and suppressing it." Bian Ge said.

Ye Han reminded: "You can't relax in other directions. If the enemy can come out from this place, they can attack from other directions!"

"I don't have that many people!"

"I'll give you the reconnaissance battalion and the teaching battalion again, be sure to defend the giant ship!"

"Yes, people are on the ship!"

"Go away, I don't need you to work hard, I want you to keep this retreat!"

"Yes, no matter the cost, hold the retreat!"

After temporarily handing over the reconnaissance battalion and the teaching battalion to the second battalion, Ye Han was left with only the guard battalion commanded by Luo Qi.

The situation was already very dangerous. Ye Han didn't dare to hesitate any longer. He gritted his teeth and made up his mind. He was about to order the first and third regiments to withdraw when suddenly he heard Luo Qi's anxious voice: "Master, there is a situation!"

Ye Han's head is big: "What's the situation?"

"There is a situation at the bottom of the well... It's aliens, they are at the bottom of the well!"

Ye Han immediately connected to the image sent by the mechanical spider. The bottom of the shaft connecting to the airport appeared on the screen. Hundreds of aliens were climbing up the rock wall, like a group of evil spirits crawling out of hell. And there are countless enemies in the airport under the shaft.

The No. 1 passage is at the lower level of the shaft, and the enemy can block the back road of the group as long as they climb up a section, Ye Han's heart is suddenly seized: "One group, one group, all the troops immediately go into the hole, In any case, you must keep a safe distance of 500 meters from the shaft; three regiments and three regiments, your troops must ensure 300 meters, hurry up!"

After receiving this endless order, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly remembered something, and immediately ordered the troops to move forward at any cost.

Xiao Yuan led a regiment into the main hole of the No. 1 passage, without hesitation, launched a charge towards the curve; at the same time, some troops of the third regiment had to charge the enemy, exchanging blood and life for precious space.

After the order was given, Ye Han turned around and looked at Luo Qi: "Single soldier missile, one shot!"

Luo Qi instantly understood: "Where's the nuclear missile? Bring me one!"

Immediately, a soldier handed over a single-soldier rocket launcher. Its launch tube is much thinner than a normal rocket launcher. The front is an ultra-caliber warhead similar to 40 fire, and the side of the warhead is also painted with a light yellow ionizing radiation symbol.

After Luo Qi got the individual missile, he carried it on his shoulders, slightly protruded his upper body out of the hatch, aimed at the bottom of the well, and immediately pulled the trigger.

With a light sound, the booster rocket pushed the 12-ton miniature nuclear bomb to the bottom of the well. Ye Han and Luo Qi left the hatch at the same time and hid in the ship.

A few seconds later, the bottom of the well suddenly exploded with a bright light that could not be seen directly. The 12-ton nuclear explosion instantly destroyed the enemy troops assembled at the bottom of the The explosion not only destroyed the airport, but also produced a strong vibration , many enemies climbing on the rock wall were shaken off by the explosion and fell into the crater left by the nuclear explosion.

At this time, standing next to the hatch and looking down, a huge explosion crater had been blown out at the bottom of the well. The bottom of the crater was melted by the high temperature of the nuclear explosion and turned into a red hot purgatory.

However, apart from the vibration, the high temperature generated by the explosion did not affect the shaft at all. Ye Han immediately realized that he had underestimated the size of the airport.

There is no air here, and the power range of a 12-ton nuclear explosion is only a few hundred meters. How about the shaft... The power of the miniature nuclear bomb is indeed far less than that of ordinary models.

But then again, if it weren't for this low-yield small nuclear bomb, how could Ye Han dare to use a nuclear bomb in a narrow passage? Suspicion of longevity is not such a way to die.

"Haha!" Ye Han couldn't help laughing, "Luo Qi, ask two people to come and watch, the enemy will hit me if they dare, I have a nuclear bomb!" Knowing that the airport is so big, he still asked the troops to withdraw. ? Just drop the nuke directly down!

With this method, it only takes a few people to defend the shaft, and the rest can completely strengthen in other directions, indirectly enhancing their own strength.

"Yes!" Luo Qi also had a beaming look on his face. He shot the missile just now with his own hands. He killed at least thousands of enemy troops with one shot, and maybe even the giant ship below suffered disaster.

Infantry fighting a giant ship, this kind of good luck is not for everyone.

At this moment, Ye Han suddenly heard a heavy muffled sound, and his body fell uncontrollably.

Not only Ye Han, but all the soldiers in the bilge stumbled. Because the gravity here is very low, the fall of the soldiers was surprisingly slow. After the vibration stopped, most of them were still floating in the air.

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