Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1051: Solve first and later


Luo Qi gave an order, and a soldier named Ma Ning from the fifth class immediately jumped out of the bunker and rushed into the main cave at an extremely agile speed.

Ma Ning was not rushing in a straight line, but holding a portable bunker as a shield, constantly flipping and moving like a parkour master, stepping on the wall and turning somersaults for a while, as agile as a monkey.

At the same time, the machine gunner of the fifth squad also stood up, jumped out of the cave and quickly fell down, and set up the machine gun in the opposite direction - he had already run out of ammunition, and he had just received the support of friendly forces to regain his combat effectiveness.

The relationship between the main hole and the branch hole is like the main root and the fibrous root. The main hole is not straight, and the fibrous roots are not all connected to the end of the main hole.

The branch hole occupied by Class 5 is in the middle of the No. 5 passage, marked as 507 on the map, which means the seventh branch of No. 5 passage. The branch hole occupied by the enemy is more than 70 meters away, number 508.

The location of the third shift is at 514, and the situation of 514 cannot be seen at 507, and the two parties can only communicate by radio.

In other words, only the branch hole with the front number is connected to the end of the main hole. In places like 507, as long as you rush out, you may be attacked by the enemy on both sides. Therefore, when Maning attracts the enemy, someone must watch the main hole. The other direction is the direction of 506.

Ma Ning's coquettish position immediately attracted the attention of the aliens. A few aliens immediately appeared in 508. He raised his arms and shot Ma Ning a few mercers.

Ma Ning immediately shrank behind the shield. At the same time, the two machine gunners opened fire at the same time, blocking the opening with two long bursts. The aliens who emerged were immediately covered by bullet rain, and they made a **** hole in the blink of an eye.

Before the smoke cleared, a few more aliens emerged from the hole. They pushed aside the bodies of their companions and continued to shoot outwards.

But this time, their target was not Ma Ning, but the five teams behind them. Several mercers hit the bunker in a row, and one of them happened to hit the edge of the shooting hole, almost hitting the shooting hole directly.

The machine gunners immediately responded with the strongest possible attack, killing the enemy again.

After drawing out two waves of enemies in a row, Ma Ning didn't dare to get swayed again, he landed on the ground honestly, put the armor plate in front of him to block himself, and slowly crawled forward little by little.

The two machine gunners in the back held their breath and aimed at the corpse of the alien, waiting for the enemy to appear again.

But this time, the aliens also learned to be good, and they didn't run out in a hurry like before. Everyone first saw the corpses move, and the machine gunner almost pulled the trigger, and then they saw that it was Someone dragged a body into the hole.

The corpse was first dragged into the hole, and then pushed out of the hole. The two corpses were stacked together, and a bunker was actually built.

Seeing this, Luo Qi called the sniper over without saying a word: "Look, can you blast it away?"

"I'll try." The sniper put on high-explosive bombs, aimed at the bunker and fired two shots, immediately smashing the alien's body.

The enemy stopped moving again. For about seven or eight seconds, a group of aliens suddenly rushed out of the cave. They jumped into the main cave as if they had taken the wrong medicine, and opened fire in the direction of the fifth squad.

The machine gunners and the soldiers of the fifth squad immediately returned fire... The soldiers of the third squad did not want to shoot, but the position of the third squad was not in this direction, and they could not see the hole occupied by the enemy.

The relationship between the main hole and the branch hole is the main root and the fibrous root, the branch hole occupied by the fifth class

The enemy's charge frightened Ma Ning. He took off the grenade and threw it forward. The dense bullets generated by the explosion had already knocked down more than a dozen enemies.

Then there were two explosions, thousands of steel **** enveloped the enemy, and after the explosion, no enemy could stand up.

Ma Ning jumped up abruptly, threw off the armor plate and rushed forward. As he rushed, he took off the grenade, rushed to the tunnel entrance occupied by the enemy, and smashed all the remaining grenades in one breath.

Before the grenade exploded, he took off his rifle and rushed into the hole with a shuttle.

Luo Qi jumped up abruptly: "The machine gunner takes cover, the others follow me!" Before he finished speaking, he was already the first to kill 508.

Everyone rushed out of 507. Except for the machine gunner, who turned the gun to aim in the opposite direction, the others rushed to 508. Half of them guarded the entrance of the hole, and the other half continued to rush forward. They crossed 508 to establish a new line of defense against the enemy. The enemy in the depths of the cave... 509 has been unable to contact, and it is very likely that the enemy is also in the hands.

Luo Qi was hesitating whether to attack 508 now and completely annihilate this group of enemy troops. Suddenly, a warning from the machine gunner came from the rear; "Commander Luo, the enemy is coming!"

At the same time as the gunshots exploded, more than a dozen silk lights flew out in the darkness. A soldier from the fifth squad couldn't escape, and several silk lights were sacrificed on the spot.

The soldiers of the fifth squad recalled afterwards that he had every opportunity to dodge, but he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to dodge, and the hardtop blocked the enemy's firepower in front.

The firepower of the three machine guns was fierce, and they did not give the enemy a chance to fire in the second round at all.

At this time, Ye Han had reached the entrance of hole 507, and found that the situation was not right, so he opened his mouth to Luo Qi took the lead and said: "Return to the aid, the defense line is withdrawn to the back of 508, first take down the front branch hole! "

Ye Han was relieved to hear this, and nodded secretly: This kid is not bad, he has made progress!

The 506 direction leads to the end of the main passage, which is closer to the shaft. As long as the enemy in the rear is annihilated, the troops will gain a stable rear and no longer need to be attacked by the enemy on both sides.

It would be even better if we could find a way back to the shaft, and we could call in reinforcements at any time.

The newly formed defense line was immediately withdrawn and relocated to a place less than five meters away from 508, leaving a few people to monitor the enemy nearby, and the others quickly returned to support the enemy attacking from the opposite direction.

When the main force returned to 507, the three machine guns had wiped out all the incoming enemies. Luo Qi pointed to a machine gunner and said, "Go to support 508, and you two will accompany the main force to attack!"

"Yes!" The three said in unison, and a machine gunner turned and ran.

Luo Qi added: "Now divide into groups and divide them into two battle groups with machine guns as the core. One group is responsible for attacking the branch hole, and the other group is responsible for defending the main hole. The two groups take turns to fight to destroy the enemy as soon as possible!"


Seeing Ye Han behind the crowd, Luo Qi quickly asked for instructions: "Master, do you think this is okay?"

"Yes." Ye Han nodded, "I'll emphasize one more point, we have few people, so we don't need to pursue speed too much, and focus on stability."

"Yes, I understand." Luo Qi said.

"Let's start." Ye Han said.

"All attention, one group attacking the second group covering, moving forward..."

A group of soldiers from the fifth class just started to charge, and a group of aliens suddenly rushed out of the 506 direction. Both the enemy and the enemy were in the main passage. A fierce encounter took place in the main passage.

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