Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1057: roundabout attack

Ye Han couldn't help but feel a chill, if the resistance organization knew that the servants were born of bugs, would they collectively kill themselves to thank the world?

After thinking about it, I felt that it was impossible. To aliens, fat worms are equivalent to the mechanical equipment in human beings. To use an inappropriate analogy, whose test tube baby is called mother?

These fat worms are very important to the resistance organization, but they have no meaning to human beings. Beidu has secretly ordered Ye Han many times, isn't he afraid that this thing will fall into the hands of the resistance organization?

No one has realized that aliens use giant insects to produce servants. This thing is not small, but it is much smaller than the human production line, and it is convenient and fast to carry. And a fat worm is a complete production line. With the biochemical technology of aliens, as long as one falls into the hands of the resistance organization... No, there is no need to get the fat worm, as long as the gene of the fat worm is obtained, it will not take long. Can breed large groups of fat worms.

Thinking of this, Ye Han can't help but feel a little depressed. Unless the resistance organization can't meet the fat worm, as long as it does, it will not worry about not getting the fat worm gene. If you think about it in this way, the resistance organization will only get the fat worm sooner or later. matter.

But in the blink of an eye, he was full of blood and resurrected. What if the resistance organization got the fat bug gene? All the transport ships were destroyed, and the servants did not have the ability to return to Ganymede at all, unless they stayed here and competed with the alien nobles for Ganymede...

Alien Rush internal friction or something, the most exciting!

Although he already had some guesses in his heart, but there was really no evidence to support it, Ye Han naturally wouldn't make unfounded nonsense. After a few words with the brigadier general, he turned the page.

At this time, the troops had completed the defensive arrangement under the command of Ouyang Ping. Ouyang Ping was now learning and selling, and directly took the tactics of the Italian army and set up bunkers on the left and right sides of the north channel...that is, the negative eighth channel.

In fact, the passage is not in the north of Ganymede at all. It is called so because it goes all the way down when it comes, and it is called south to north, so there is nothing wrong with it.

The passages in other directions are also marked as east, west and west according to human habits.

Ouyang Ping knew that the enemy's army was strong, so he deliberately arranged more manpower, with a platoon on the left and right, and also organized grenade launchers and sniper guns separately to prepare for the enemy's strong attack.

The reason why it was commanded by Ouyang Ping was because Ye Han didn't make it clear when he explained the task, and handed the task to two battalion commanders. The two had no affiliation, and it was not suitable for anyone to lead the other, so they just got together and discussed it. , Ouyang Ping grabbed a combat mission for the teaching battalion on the grounds that Luo Qi's troops had been fighting for a long time and were relatively tired.

Ye Han checked it out in person, and after confirming that there was no problem with the line of defense, his heart dropped a little.

At this time, the enemy had entered the negative eighth passage and was about to attack the cave. Everyone's nerves began to tighten. Even the Italian army was worried that something might go wrong, so they selected some people on the grounds of chakra and placed them on the left and right of the north passage. .

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the Italian army is not on vacation at all, but they are afraid that the Chinese side will not be able to stop the impact of the aliens.

This kind of careful thinking is also normal. Even if everyone is unhappy, no one will take the initiative to break it.

The enemy quickly entered Channel Negative No. 8, and the spiders along the way were all destroyed by aliens. According to the interval between the destruction of the spiders, Ye Han roughly calculated the time when the enemy arrived in the cave, and issued a battle warning to the troops in advance.

The troops immediately prepared for battle. When the charging enemy appeared within sight, gunshots erupted from behind the bunker, and the crossfire formed in the left and right directions completely sealed the entrance of the hole, sweeping away all enemy forces in sight. Falling to the ground, any enemy who dared to rush out of the North Passage would not survive even a second on average, and the corpses of the fallen aliens soon piled up in the hole.

In order to prevent the corpses from being used by the enemy, the demolition soldiers immediately used grenades to blow up the piles of corpses, re-exposing the hidden aliens to the muzzle of the gun.

At the same time as the battle in the North Passage, there were also enemy figures in other directions. Obviously, the aliens did not intend to attack the North Passage only, and manpower was also arranged in other directions.

However, Ye Han believes that the possibility of the enemy's equal distribution of troops is very low. There are so many enemies gathered in the north channel, and 80% of the other directions are feint delays, so as to prevent humans from concentrating all troops on the north channel.

The aliens' tactics really don't have any bright spots. They just know that they keep rushing and rushing. The soldiers just need to keep their jobs and keep shooting to kill the enemy.

It's a bit stupid for the aliens to do this. Ye Han always felt that the enemy should not be so stupid. It would be good if he kept fighting like this. It wouldn't take long to kill all the incoming enemy troops.

What kind of war is this? It is simply queuing to die, and queuing to be shot is better than this one.

At the height of the battle, the rock wall on the left side of the North Passage suddenly collapsed, and a giant insect covered in heavy armor suddenly jumped out of the dust.

The accident happened too suddenly. The Italian army gathered here was knocked down by a dozen giant insects. The giant insect's sharp long legs stabbed killed seven or eight dead sons .

The Italian army woke up like a dream, and immediately shot at the giant insect. The bullets fell on the giant insect with sparks, but they couldn't penetrate the heavy insect shell.

To make matters worse, a group of aliens flashed behind the giant worm. As soon as they appeared, they fired all-out fire at the human warriors in sight, and the closest Italian troops were shot down one after another.

It's not that the aliens don't want to shoot the human warriors in the distance, but that the smoke and dust in the sky blocked their vision and made it impossible for them to see the situation in the distance.

It was this small accident that gave mankind a chance to reverse the situation. The soldiers who were resting nearby instinctively picked up their weapons and shot, knocking down the aliens who rushed into the cave one by one.

There were also some fighters on the left line of defense that turned their guns, and the fighters in both directions immediately formed crossfire.

But that giant bug was so annoying, it could completely block human bullets no matter where it moved, it was like a moving cover.

At this time, several snipers fired, and the 20mm high-explosive bomb hit the giant insect from several directions, but only a few small pits were cut in the carapace, and there was no sign of piercing at all.

When a Demoman saw this, he slammed the explosive pack, and the explosive pack passed over the back of the giant bug and landed on the other side of the giant bug, right in the middle of a group of aliens.

With a muffled sound, the aliens hiding behind the giant insect exploded, and the giant insect was overturned on the spot by the explosion, and the cave that had been hidden behind the giant insect was finally exposed.

The soldiers were immediately divided into three waves. The first wave continued to block the northern passage to prevent the enemy from rushing into the cave; the second wave fired into the newly opened hole, blocking the subsequent enemy troops in the hole; the third wave The soldiers who were located near the giant worm, or who were blocked by the giant worm, all aimed at the giant worm's belly and fired, but the sparks were still flying, and they couldn't penetrate the shell at all.

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