Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1074: refreshed

Duan Zhiyang conveyed Ye Han's meaning to the multinational fleet at the first time, but after so long, only 400 people were rescued in the end, which was much lower than the psychological expectations of the multinational fleet. Jason expressed a strong protest to Duan Zhiyang on behalf of the multinational fleet. .

Duan Zhiyang ignored him at all, and replied sternly: "Your life is life, but our life is not life? You are so great, why don't you go down by yourself?"

After that, he didn't give Jason a chance to talk back at all, and cut off the communication directly. After a while, Duan Zhiyang briefly explained the situation.

Ye Han appreciated Duan Zhiyang's tough response, and commented rudely: "It doesn't hurt to stand and talk, no need to answer!"

Duan Zhiyang said again: "They didn't promise anything."

"Don't agree? Then let their people stay here, let's withdraw our own." Ye Han said.

The rescue of more than 400 people from the ground has already done the best and righteousness. Does it mean that you have to throw your whole life here to be considered as doing your best?

Before the two of them finished speaking, Ye Han suddenly received a communication from the multinational fleet.

He couldn't help but chuckle: "Look, the complainant is here!"

Duan Zhiyang also smiled: "Then they found the wrong person."

"Okay, arrange the landing craft to come down, and pay attention to cover."

"it is good."

After cutting off the communication, Ye Han unhurriedly agreed to the communication request of the multinational fleet.

As soon as the communication was connected, William's old face appeared, and he roared all the time. His expression was as if he had eaten 800 catties of Huanglian, and his attitude was as if he had just been wheeled over rice by a dozen strong men, even if it was separated by a distance. The screen and the distance of hundreds of kilometers can also feel his full of grief and grief.

Ye Han pouted indifferently: "Come here with someone who can speak human language."

William turned his head in confusion and said a few words, and Senjie came out with a sullen face: "Mr. division commander, the general is very dissatisfied with the behavior of your army, you must give the general a reasonable explanation, and..."

"And your grandma?" Ye Han's mouth was dirty, and he could not wait to scold, "Why should I explain to him?"

"Mr. Teacher, as a friendly army..."

"You deserve to die as a friend, right? You tell me, yes or no?" Ye Han at this time was like an angry tyrannosaurus.

"Mr. Master, the rescue mission has been approved by Beidu, and you must carry out Beidu's orders." Jason insisted.

"But I am the commander at the scene." Ye Han didn't flinch, "I have already executed the order, and I have rescued people. Now, I must be responsible for my troops, ask your general, if you want to save people Why didn't he come down by himself? Do you know that my people died more than 400 people, and they were rescued only by replacing them one by one. What do you want me to do? Your people are people, but ours are not. ? My people are not obliged to sacrifice their lives for you."

Jason looked like he was holding back his anger: "I will answer your words truthfully."

"I don't care if you add oil and vinegar, and—" Ye Han raised a **** coldly, "fuckyou."

Jason's face was ashen, but before he could speak, Ye Han cut off the communication, twisted his neck and exhaled, and shouted, "Cool, refreshed!"

Long Jianguo couldn't help laughing: "Not only, but also refreshed!"

"Also!" Ye Han laughed, but quickly put it away, "Swearing at him is a piece of shit, it's not that easy to forget about this account."

"Then what do you want to do? Bring that William to court-martial?"

Ye Han sighed, "I think so." But just thinking about it, it is impossible for a military court in the US military to try him. Even if he goes to court, 99% of the time he will be acquitted.

As for extradition, you don't have to think about it. It would be nice if the Americans didn't give medals to that **** William.

The troops in the shaft left one after another, but the landing craft took some time to land. The troops gathered more and more on the flattened crater, and the Chinese troops and the multinational troops were clearly distinguished.

Many American soldiers knelt on the ground as soon as they got out of the shaft, and kept drawing crosses on their foreheads and chests.

The French and Italians weren't much better either, as if it was God's work for them to escape from the ground.

The Chinese soldiers stood in groups of five in groups of three, pointing and watching the excitement.

Judging by the urination of these animals, they must be laughing at the foreign appearances of these alien soldiers... Well, foreign soldiers and foreign appearances really match!

However, while the foreign soldier thanked God for his guidance, he did not forget the real hero. After praying, a French soldier stood up, looked around the Chinese soldiers who were walking towards the nearest distance, and extended his right hand in a friendly way to say a few words.

Whether the soldiers understood Ye Han did not know, anyway Ye Han only understood the word "thank you".

Next, the American soldiers and the Italian soldiers took turns on the field, thanking the Chinese soldiers in various languages ​​and Look at their grateful posture, if there is no armor to block them, they may be able to take off their pants on the spot. I agree with each other... But the taste of the Chinese soldiers is not so heavy, and the troops of these three countries are not the kind of mixed troops that men and women eat and live together. It is estimated that no one dares to accept such warm thanks.

More and more foreign soldiers joined the thank-you team, and the soldiers accepted their thanks generously.

Well, although William's **** is not a thing, the soldiers finally have a little conscience and know what gratitude is.

Even the brigadier general and Reynolds pulled a US military major to find Ye Han, and you expressed gratitude every word.

Ye Han hurriedly interrupted without hearing a few words, saying that now is not the time to speak, and it is best to gather the troops quickly and wait for the arrival of the landing craft.

Immediately, Ye Han called Long Jianguo and Xiao Yuan, who had just come up from below, to his side: "Hurry up and collect the troops, it's still not safe, send a few more sentinels inside and outside the crater, and count the losses by the way. "

"Yes!" The two agreed together and immediately began to gather troops.

The brigadier general and others also recalled the taste, and gathered their own troops together, and the key fire defense direction was outside the crater.

Ganymede's surface is not as simple as the underground. As long as the aliens are willing to go out, sending a group of light worms out can make this human calamity utterly mortal.

However, the sentries in all directions did not find any abnormality. I don't know if they were afraid of being attacked by the fleet, or if the loss was too great to dare to release the light bugs. In short, there was no movement around the crater, and the aliens did not seem to intend to prevent the landing troops from leaving.

It was fine outside, but the fighting in the shaft became more and more fierce. Some units of the Second Regiment and the Division's Direct Forces had to withdraw several times but failed to withdraw. They almost used all the nuclear bombs to escape the enemy's evacuation shaft.

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