Armor Frenzy

Chapter 1083: 1 point not sorry

Duan Zhiyang exhausted his words, and finally said that Ye Han, who was stunned, finally sent Ye Han away. Duan Zhiyang let out a long sigh, thinking that it would be more troublesome than fighting.

He thought that Ye Han would leave, but he didn't expect Ye Han to start writing a report as soon as he returned to the dormitory. He not only explained the feasibility of the plan from a theoretical level, but also put forward feasible suggestions from a practical point of view to maximize the improvement of the plan.

The core part of the plan is no different from the selection of asteroids, but the most indispensable part of Jupiter is the small satellites, and some are targets for Ye Han to choose slowly.

So Ye Han called out all the data of Jupiter's satellites and compared the star data one by one.

The first target he set his sights on was Ganymede 15, which is closer to Jupiter than Xiaosan, and only needs to change its orbit more than 800,000 kilometers to have a chance to hit Ganymede.

According to Ye Han's calculation, the power of the collision between the two is equivalent to 630,000 super nuclear bombs. Even if part of the mass is lost due to the nuclear explosion, the rest is enough to destroy Ganymede, right?

But he soon discovered that both Xiaoshiwu and Xiaosan are prograde satellites. Even if the orbit change is successful, the collision between the two is just a rear-end collision, and the result is really hard to say.

Ye Han immediately turned his attention to the retrograde satellites. They were in the opposite direction to Xiaosan, and as long as they collided, they would be hit head-on.

But the result made him even more depressed. The four retrograde satellites are up to 60 kilometers away, and the smallest is 28 kilometers. The size and quality are barely enough, but what if the semi-major axis is all 20 million kilometers away? It will take several months for the light to change track.

After thinking about it, Xiao Shishi is the most considerate!

That's it!

Ye Han took a heart and set the target to be Xiao-15, in case it doesn't work... Well, Xiao-16 and Xiao-wu are not far from each other. Although they are a bit larger, the Mars mission will not blow up the satellite. Use it?

This is a very good idea!

Ye Han wrote like a god, and quickly wrote a battle plan that felt very good, checked it twice, corrected a few typos, and sent it out without hesitation.

This report was sent to Nanzhou by laser, and then forwarded to Beiyuezhou by Nanzhou, and finally to Beidu by Beiyuezhou.

More than two hours later, Ye Han was called to the bridge by Duan Zhiyang again, and he saw Gao Kai on the main screen as soon as he floated in the door.

Ye Han asked suspiciously, "What's the situation?"

"The latest situation, the news I just received, Ye Han, your plan has passed."

"Ah?" Ye Han was dumbfounded, "This, so fast?"

Not long ago, it happened to be Jupiter opposing the sun, when the distance between the two was the closest, but even so, it took more than an hour for the radio waves to come and go.

In other words, it didn't take an hour from Beidu to receive the report and then to discuss it.

This efficiency is a bit too fast.

"Is it weird?" Gao Kai asked.

Ye Han nodded honestly.

Gao Kai said angrily: "It's not surprising, after using so many means, it finally ended up like this, Beidu completely gave up. The new order above cancels all political requirements, the only task is to destroy, your plan is considered a rush It's a good time."

Duan Zhiyang glanced at Ye Han blankly: "Commander, we don't have that condition now!"

"If you have difficulties, solve them. If you can't solve them, overcome them. All in all, just look at the results and not the process!" Gao Kai said firmly.

Duan Zhiyang collapsed: "That's an asteroid, no condition is no condition, how to overcome it?"

Gao Kai said: "Isn't there a strong second fleet? This time the plan is to cooperate with the two."

"Hehe..." Ye Han smiled strangely, "Okay, that's great!"

"Don't be too happy, this is the mission of the Beihai fleet, and it has nothing to do with your airborne division." Gao Kai said.

"It's okay, it's okay, do I care?" Ye Han gave Gao Kai a contemptuous look, "I only care about **** Ganymede!"

"That's good." Gao Kai said, "Duan Zhiyang, you are responsible for this plan. In addition to Beihai, I will give you a frigate to keep all nuclear weapons including individual nuclear bombs. Supplies, it is best to empty the supply ship. This plan will definitely not be completed in a short time, you must be mentally prepared. "

"Yes, Commander, don't worry." Duan Zhiyang said.

"Ye Han, your mission is to return with the assault ship and return to Beiyuezhou as quickly as possible. The remaining frigates will go back with you. If the supply ship is empty, it will also follow. If there is no time, it will move closer to the main force."


"Any question?"

"Yes!" Ye Han nodded immediately, "Why are you so happy this time?"

"Why else, of course it's revenge." Gao Kai said, "It's better to not return to Jupiter for a quarter of the news received with the order."

"All gone to Earth?" Duan Zhiyang widened his eyes in shock.

"Yeah." Gao Kai responded.

After a moment of silence, Ye Han asked in a low voice, "Can the earth survive?"

"I don't know, it should be." Gao Kai said embarrassedly, and then said again, "By the way, the details of the interception campaign have also been sent here."

Ye Han was refreshed: "How did the interceptor fleet fight?"

Gao Kai said solemnly: "Alien warships have been fully transformed into aircraft They have a large number of warships and more fighter aircraft, and their advantages are too great."

"Then why don't you withdraw? Do you have to fight to the death?"

"Where to withdraw? Does it make sense to withdraw to Earth?"

It seems like a good proposal to withdraw to the earth, but the reason why the interceptor fleet took the initiative to attack is to hope that the battlefield is far away from the earth, lest aliens take the opportunity to land on the earth.

Ye Han was silent for a moment: "But the interceptor fleet is gone, isn't it the same as the alien fleet?"

Gao Kai paused and said, "At least... This battle has exposed the true strength of the aliens. I believe that when the aliens hit the earth, there must be surprises waiting for them."

Ye Han pursed his lips: "How long until the alien fleet arrives on Earth?"

"About four months or so."

"It will take six months for the fleet, and by the time we go back, the aliens have already arrived." Ye Han said bitterly.

"Execute the order." Gao Kai said.

At the end of the communication, Ye Han glanced at Duan Zhiyang: "I didn't expect my plan to end up in your hands."

Duan Zhiyang smiled slightly: "I am very happy to have the opportunity to solve Ganymede personally."

Ye Han said: "I don't feel regret at all that fat water doesn't flow to outsiders' fields."

Duan Zhiyang laughed: "Then I have to thank you. After I go back, let's have a good drink!"

"The relationship is good, I can keep you in the account, you don't want to default." Ye Han also smiled heartily.

"Don't worry, no one can rely on you, just keep it in the books!" Duan Zhiyang waved his hand, "It's nothing!"

The two laughed for a while, and said everything they needed to say. Ye Han sighed and stretched out his right hand: "I'll go back to Liangshan now... You take care."

"You too." Duan Zhiyang squeezed Ye Han's hand, shaking heavily.

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